The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-05-21, Page 9'dV Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 1997 -- Page 9 Power should be returned 1.0: fi'ir.aiI3.,c.h:urd: by Trish Wilkinson Dave Joslin may' be new to the political scene, but his campaign plat- forms are based on philosophies thousands of years old. The Christian Heritage Party (CHP) candidate believes that many of Canada's current problems stem from an over active. government and .wants much of this power to be returned to the family and the church, while down- sizing governments. "In tie Bible thestate exists to punish wrong doing and uphold right- eousness," he said. "We . believe that health, educa- • tion and welfare ultimately would be handled by the • private sector, either by families, churches or pri- vate charity organizations. They have always demon- strated that they are°far more accountable than the government," Joslin noted that the CHP wants to . return the state to its "biblical man- date". "We have 'to ask our- selves,is, there anything that. the government does well? The Canadian pen- sion plan is bankrupt...education is a mess...unemployment is still stubbornly high," Joslin said. "Whenever the state exceeds its mandate, it-doesn'tdo what it's sup- posed to do well...it .actu- ally becomesa curse to the 4 nation instead ing," Joslin, who. mer Reform Party support- er but switched his loyalty after questioning, both the eco- nomic . and of a bless- was a for - provinces should be equal and given. the same recog- nition, . moral philoso- EY ers. I mean, phies of the `, just imagine group, said ' if you had a that the CHP family and has a five h , one child was point platform given special on which they _ privileges are basing Dave Joslin and attentions their' cam- Christian Heritage the other chil- paign. dren were not Dealing. with the first, " given. You wouldn't have national identity, Joslin . a happy household," Joslin. said they believe that all said. "There's gotto be an "Using a family analo- gy, youcan't treat .one. member of the family differently front the oth- understanding that no region in. Canada can be treated as if it has a. lock on privilege and favor; we all stand equal as members of confederation," Economic security, which is the second point, includes changes like reducing business•and per- sonal.taxes by downsizing the government. . "If we get ,the govern- ment out of health, educa- tion and welfare, ,there's no longer any need for the tax burden that Canadians and Canadian businesses are now carrying, which means with the downsiz- ing of thegovernment, we can. give _Canadians _huge tax cuts, he said. "If we're to get our economy back into shape, we've got to get thegovernment out of the areas it doesn't belong." . Also, Joslin said that since the CHP understands the financial need for both parents, to work, if elected his party. would give one parent, either mother or. father, a tax credit of $1,.000 .a month to stay • home and look after their school age or younger • children... • "The. plan Would be purely .volunteering, and it actually provides a greater financial benefit to partici- ' pating families than the average net income," he noted, .adding they would fund this by downsizing •turn to page 10 Advance, polls If you can't vote on election day, Monday,.June 2, you, may vote at the advance polls'. . The advance polls will: be open on Friday, May 23, Saturday, May24, and Monday, May 26, • from noon to 8.00 p.m. See your Confirmatlon`of, Registration notice for the address:• where you can vote:;if your name is•`not yet on the voter$. Ilse, you Can still register and vote afthe advance polls or on polling• day..' Remember to bring identification that: shows your nettle, address and signature. For more information, call Flections Canada at 1.800-1NEO-VOTE (1-800-463-6868) TfY/TDD:1.800.361-8935 , . lnterrtet: htte://.www.eleutions.ce Elections Canada isthe non-partisan agoncy responsible for the conduct of federal elections and referendums. inifi `kd"oWi' eone'who has difficulty reading, please -explairrthe contents of this advertisement. • Elections Canada Elections . Canada