The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-05-21, Page 4• Page 4 - Lneknriif. Sentinel; VITe4uesday, May 21 ,1997
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A Bowes PublishersCommunity Newspaper 619 Campbell St., Luelmovr, Ontario
• P O 'x 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 21i0
. phone: i519i 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-352
-�Established .1873
Tom Thot ipson - Advertising Manager
Pat Livingston - General Manager / Editor
Phyllis Matthew Helm - Office Administrator
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Intfrnet address: http://www.bowesnet.cona/lucknoWi
Some faxes ma:
Election fever is mounting and so too is my, recy-
cling box as I remove mounds of paper from our fax
machine and carry it to the recycling box" And with,
each trip, I mutter under niy breath (well, ok, sortie
times I mutter pretty loudly) As with most small
businesses, we try to watch our costs. Each. piece of
piolitical gobbledy gook coming in is costing us!
Nbw, don't get me wrong. We receive some stuff
• we can use. Like two weeks ago, the 25, page fax
from the NDP - English and French, versions. I
garbaged the English and read the French: Guess
again.. When I was in high school I opted not to take
French - I'm still kicking myself • The old butt's get.
ting pretty°black and blue,
eat fodder
The PR people for NDP. leader Alexa. McDonough
are doing a thorough job of keeping, the press
informed of her whereabouts. •
Last week I `received her full itinerary for.. this
week f really appreciated knowing she would be
crossing the • country and would be available for
The story
behind the wore
sawbuck - ,:sawbuckis an shape. In the days before- denomination with. a
American` English word the Federal Reserve Bank 'Roman X, ' hence, they,
for a sawhorse, used for 'in' the United States was • were ,,lenown: as ."saw -
cutting .up
sawcutting.up firewood; The :given a monopoly of issu- bucks.''.A twenty dollar
supporting legs at .each ing banknotes, 'some' ten, bill was a ."double saw
end are 1crossed in an X dollar notes indicated the buck;".
media interviews on Monday at •9 a»m. in
Vancouver! I thought briefly of flying out there to,
interview her in person., But darn it -all,' it was a
Monday and that's my production' day and there's no
one left in th ' editorial department if I leave.
I was realty happy to see that Alexa had some
"downtime" in Vancouver on Saturday past, .prior to
appearing at the Falklands Stampede in Kamloops on
Sunday. •
All political leaders deserve to giive. their mouths' a
rest and the restof their bodies too!
. No doubt these itineraries are great for the 'dailies.
who are hobnobbing with the politicians. Conte• to
think of it .... it gave me some fodder for this column . -
geed c4
alae a
70 years ago
May 19•,'1927 ': ,
ast driving should' stop •: It's-
time for our constable to take a
hand in regulating the speed of -
automobile; drivers on. :our streets:;;
Cars are being driven along the main
street at 30 -or even 40 Miles per hour.
In• no village .. or town is the Lawful
speed above 20 miles per : hour and
where buildings -are dose up to the
street'. intersections: the. speed limit Is
:only 10 miles per hour:
There have been a number of close
'calls on the streets lately. Let the
speed nuisance be attended to before,
there is a serious. accident.
Pigastreay Canoe to.the premises
of the ' undersigned, ' Lot 7, . Con. 2,
• Kinloss, one pig. Owner may have
'same on proving property and paying
expenses, • •
.50 years ago ,
May .22,11947
ver 2000 expected to attend;
X -Ray. Clinic ' The
Tuberculosis X -Ray: Clinic to
beheld. in Lucknow promises to be.
attetidedby well over 2,000 persons.
This is indicated by the reports of
members of the Clansmen Club who.
have made a house to house canvas of
the village and district during the past
In. short, the' response has been
most gratifying to The. Clansinen,
who have spent a good deal, of =time,
onundertaking the success of which
will he ultimate if the attendance
' .bears:out: the present indications.
- ']Program "and pie; socialthe'
. Presbyterian Church, ' Whitecliurcl ,
• May 26. Good ;program; refresh-
ments `Adults 59 cents. -
2S years`ago
May 24;1972„
oma catity Choir. One of.the
area recreation. programs:
being set-up this sunnier will
be a Community, choir: Several
teenagers and adults, with; the aid of
• the Lucknow Recreation Planning
and Development Committee, are .in,
the process of planning a': large.. scale
. Choral group:,.
This choir. 'is being planned to
include all ages,. male. ' and female.
• One notable difference isthat no past
musical' training or experience is nec-
essary for .participation. The criteria
for membership are very simple;
willingness to .participate and .enthu-
stasm. The ability .to read music
not necessary because ((lost of .'the
'music . will be .learned through active
participation. his hoped that in the
near future Luck:now will have a.
:strong community choir it can be
proud of:
If: your .didn't know what .month this was, take a look at ; this picture and
give_ityouutbest. shot! Looks more like November. than May 15, 'right?
(Livingston photo): .
Brookside's.Grade AS are :back and
.raving. about 'the things they did at Brock
- from science: classes to swimming!
• Last week• Mrs: Clarkewas in charge
ofthe Grade 7s while Mr..Hazlitt and Ms.
Jewitt were theescorts to Brock. •
,Mr. Hazlitt's Grade 7s' researched a
topic'of their choice and- learned: how to
put their information into webpages..
The' ki'ndergarten's had, a visitfrom a
special guest by the °name of Mrs.
Howard who showed ,Mrs::Hodsman's
and Miss Barmett's classes what it is ' like
'to be in a wheelchairand how .she gets
around on her farm. -' -
`Miss Barrnett's class has just finished
their unit on time, and is starting ,a unit
on spring and our community. They have
also become authors. with their new cre-
ativewaiting skills: Last but definitely
not least for Miss Barrnett's class they:are
- welcoming anew bythe name of
Shawn:. •
Mrs. Baker's class is starting a; new
unit about amphibian's and reptiles, They
just finished a unit about eggs with. a spe , �.
cial egg drop testing eggs down the slides
on the Brookside playground to see who .
could design an egg carrier that could
protect the^egg omits. joumey:
Ms Wyatt's classroom is watching
flowers grow for their unit on "thingsthat
grow" and in Mr. Culp's classroom they
finished a unit on hockey. Everybady
loves the tabletop. game. Also they, are
studying the heart and diet
In Mr. Grail's class they are studying
Huron County and reading a; novel called
"Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing."
Over in . Mrs. Worsell's class they are
doing independent study where students
get, to choose a, topic they want to . learn'
In keeping with the Brookside Schad
Plan to: strengthen coinniuntty partner-
ships, a series of 'computer courses has:
been offered on Wednesday evenings:; A
small fee has been charged to assist With:
the :purchase' of Resource Centre materi-
als to extend the benefit both ways.
Congratulations to the many folks of all
ages and connections to Brookside who
took Computer Overview, 'WordPerfect
6.0, or Microsoft Publisher this year. '
In. September the. first Cornmunity
Computer_ course will be Introction to
the Interet. (by 'Becky-Snowdendu. Thtrianne'
Young, and Sheila • Clarke, (Library Resource