The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-05-21, Page 1VOL. 124. • WIC. 21
Jud finds
S�e�e 1Vturray
"Not guilty"
by'Scott Hlgendorff
The search for Mistie Nicole Murray, continues.
Steven Murray of Goderich.was found not guilty of
the second-degree murder of his daughter, Mistie, on
Thursday afternoon. ,
Jurors deliberated for about 45 minutes before deliv-
.ering their verdict after the 12 -day' trial ::that, stretched
over three weeks.
"One thing that we were never concerned about:was
to have, the truth come out. Today, it's cortie oiat,and it's
over," said Steve, Murray who paused to make . a brief
• statement after the verdict.. A verdict defence lawyer
:Brian; Greenspan said was the fastest in his career: '
"Our search for Mistie continues," Murray: said
before walking away with his wife Anne, . and two sons
Craig and Dean.
There .had been cheers and applause when•the,:jurors '
gave their' 'verdict around 4.,p.m. from family: .and
friends, rnany 'who were with .Murray in court through -
„out the
trial:: •
Greenspan did„ not comment on whether or riot the
Mu'rray'family would. take any civil action,. •' •
Crbwn” Attorney .Robert Morris had alleged that
Steve had taken his 16 -year-old daughter onto Lake.`
Huron on :May' 31, 1995. and committed second-degree
'murder; returning to shore .alone: '
About 30 witnesses . testified in both the Crown and
defence cases.
*tarn to page 3
e to start
your propert,
Garden` conscious' resi-
dents of Lucknow cut
acres of lawn. Green.
lawns are beautiful but
• gardening is more than.
mowing.Lucicnow can
grow vegetables and an
abundance of .flowers,
trees and shrubs. •
• This summer the.
Horticultural. Society is
going to honor citizens
who work hardto beautify
their yards. .The Society.
encourages all Lucknow
residents to trim shrubbery
and trees, .to edge flower
beds,, and to tidy up those
cornersthat sometimes ire
almost forgotten.
On Saturday, July12,
each residential frontage -
that is the part of the home
visible from the street. -
Will be ,judged for its
appearance; Approval for
this judging has been
given by town council,
A. Trillium Award
plaque will be given to -the.
: resident who in the. opin-
ion of the judgesadds the
° most to. the appearance :of '.
the. community. In addi-
tion a number of honor-
able •mention certificates
will be awarded by the
Trillium Award committee
of the Horticultural.
This'is the year to plant
up, prune and trim; , edge
flower beds and side-
walks. The judges will be
especially impressed :by
plant ctilture and goad
maintenance practice.
Don't leave the appear-
appearance of Lucknw to civic
workers alone, it's every-'
one's responsibility for
everyone's pleasure and
The Leo and Imelda Murray family was just one of several, who despite miserable weather condi-
tions, participated in the annual long weekend wagon ride and campout. The group made a tour.
through the village Saturday. morning.. Those we talked to said they had their 'woolies' on. Gives
you a taste of what the pioneer families endured.. (Livingston photo)
.J .;+} is ;.•%•i: : J:•
former.. Lucknizm
minister, Rev. Gerald
McFarlane will be
installed .• as president. of
the Harnilton•Conference
of The United Church of
Canada on June 1:
McFarlane, .who was
ordained by the Montreal
and Ottawa 'Conference. in
May 1970, is currently the:
ministe'r at :the Mount
Forest -Woodland Pastoral. •
McFariane has chosen'
"Let Us -Go' Forward
Joyfully" as the theme for
his term as president.: He
says it is time to bring
some joy into the church.
'I'm tired of hearing all
the pessimism coming out
•of our church. We have a
lot to be joyful about.
Jesus• Christ is with us. As
he is quoted in the last line
Of Matthew 28: `And
remember, I am with you
always, to' the endof the
age.' That's something to,
be joyful about," said
miri�i,ster name
:am�:ton �onf��ence
McFarlane. . '
Born in Petitcodiac,
New Brunswick, in 1936,,;
McFarlane attended
school in Sussex; New
,Brunswick: -He moved to
Toronto in 1954. to join•the
Canadian Broadcasting
McFarlane' accepted a call
to "Cumberland Pastoral
Charge in Montreal and
Ottawa Conference where
he stayed until 1976: He
accepted a call to. Bond
Head -Newton Robinson'
Pastoral .Charge, in
where, • • he ��-+ Conference,
spent . the l Zm� and remained
next decade, to bring' there . until
• I n,, .. 1981 when
D e c e m'b.e r Some JOY . he was called
196'3, he was 't . o
p y.
accepted b __ 'Znto. the. Jerseyville-
the Board of. ' Zion Hill
H `•o m e CPastoral
Missions as a Charge in.
student miri- .H a m i 1 t o. n
ister'and moved to Metis. Presbytery: From 1986 to
Beach, Quebec. He began • 1993, McFarlane served
studies at Pine Hill Lucknow United Church'
.' Divinity' College in 1964, • in Bruce. Presbytery.
As a student he worked in He has been minister at
Inverness, Quebec, and at the Mount Forest -
the Riceville P sal-._ Woo.d:lartd-charge.-since
Charge in the Seaway 1993,
Valley Presbytery. McFarlane has been an
After . ordination, ' active member of several
Presbyteries, • serving
numerous committees and
, on the 'executive of three.•.
Presbyteries. He is :a` past
chairman of. the :Bruce
He was married. to
Marion for more than 30
years before her death in
.September 199.1, and has
four children, 12 grand-
children and three great
grandchildren. . •
The installation takes
place during the Hamilton
Conference's 73rd annual
meeting, June 1 at the Fort
Erie Leisureplex. The
meeting is expected to'
draw 400 delegates from
350 congregations. The
Conference includes
60;000 members in. six
Presbyteries. It; stretches
front Tobermory to .Lake
Erie and from Kitchener
Waterloo to Mississauga.