The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-05-14, Page 3South Bruce Lakeshore Restructuring ,committee disbands Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 1991 Page 3 by Bev Fry First there • were eight, then seven, six and now none, • 'Wednesday night. "the South- , Bruce Lakeshore Communities Restructuring committee disbanded. ° The meeting, . which began at* 7-,30 adjourned at 7:35 p.m. after Saugeen ` Township . was a no-show, and there was no quorum. The seven Lakeshore municipalities of Southampton,. Port Elgin, Saugeen Township, Bruce. Township; Tiverton, 'Kincardine Township, and the town of Kincardine have been, meeting over the past year to discuss amalgamation options. The seven municipali- ties expected •Huron Township to join, although Huron . Township . said . all 'along it was not interested and 'never .attended any of the meetings. .Saugeen Township chose not to attend Wednesday night's meet- ing after it asked .the province to appoint a corn- missioner to examine restructuring in the eight municipalities. The motion was passed at the town- ship's April 21 meeting. Saugeen recently. backed out of talks with .! Port Elgin a n. d Southampton because it felt theurban, mt�nicipa1i ties will Saugeen 'asking for a corn- Inissioner: disturbing, in light of what has happened in Kent County : and Chatham, A provincially appoint- ed commissioner recently redu.c'ed Kent County municipali- ties, and. Chatham into one municipali ty. The mayor " of Chatham` described' the shock .and outrage .of the people , at ;the Ontario Small Urban. 'Municipalities (OSUM) conference • last week. Represi,ntatives • from - Kincardine, Port Elgin,. Southampton . and Bruce Township • attended •the conference. "What ,happened in' Kent is disturbing.. It was a travesty of justice and it was 'wrong," VanBastelaar said.. . He said with that amal- gaination,all the reserves drown out the rural munic- ipalities. Kincardine, Huron Township and Kincardine.. Township are in the midst of amalgamation discus- sions, ., and Tiverton and Bruce. Township will be amalgamated Jan. 1. After Wednesday - 'night's. meeting adjourned,. representatives from the'.' six municipalities dig- ' cussed' amalgamation for about an' hour. John VanBastelaar, Port Elgin mayor, said he found Hosp�.�al signs agreement with regional �cance� centre by Margaret Stapleton - In what is being:termed' "a corner - Stone event,".Wingham and District Hospital last Week sighed an affiliation. agreement with the 'London Regional., Cancer Centre (LRCC) to provide cancer treatment locally. Dr. Les Levine, chief executive:offi- Ger of the .LRCC, described the affilia- tion as a' cornerstone :event is the: Wingharn-London signing is the -first' since the province announcedchanges to .the way cancer services are provided in Ontario., ":Thosechangesbegan in comniuni- ties like this," said Levine, who noted that Wingham and London have enjoyed linkages . over :.several 'decades.. Oncologists (cancer specialists) .visit : the ,monthly cancer clinics held at Winghain hospital, thus eliminating' the ,need for. patients: to 'make the trip to London for follow-up assessment.. • , "But we found it's not enough to have follow-up clinics,"`. Levine continued. ''Patients :wanted. more: They wanted acceis t� treatmentin: their own Commu- nities." Over the past several years; rep- resentatives of the. LRCC had visited hospitals .all over Southwestern Ontario with the result being .an overhaul : in the' way service is provided. , "This (agreement) is a tribute to the leadership and 'foresight of (WDH Executive Director) Lloyd Koch, 'the staff andboard arid .their ;willingness to meet the real needs 'and concerns' of can: cer patients.'` Four yearsago, a Cancer Services, Advisory Committee was set up at Wingham hospital to .review:the services provided; identify gaps in services, ,Cre- - ate a plan to, deliver more services on site to reduce the need to travel to London, and increase the quality of ser- vice provided locally. +. An his remarks, : Koch noted, ".This affiliation assures patiehts in our greater service.'area of Huron and :South Bruce that they will receive the. same treatment at Wingham. and District Hospital using. the same protocols as they would if they. went to the LRCC, . This keeps. treatment more.iocal with-` out loss in quality.". :.:Following the signing ceremony, a new room devoted,`to -':providing. :