The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-05-14, Page 11
VOL. 124 WK. 20
Gh}d 'wearing bike helmet -
wedges head in monkey bars
by Pat Livingston
Last week a mother came into The
Sentinel office' asking for our help in
alerting other parents to a .potential tisk
their children may be facing.
This mom was out for a walk with her
child recently., As she passed thepark on
Havelock Street, she spotted" a young
child with his head wedged in the mon-
key bars, The youngster had a bike hel-
met on and couldn't free himself. The
child was turning purple. •
' Thankfully, this lady was passing by at
the time. She • said it took .a good deal of
strength for het to lift the child, up to. free,
him:It . was, a scary situation, one that.
could have been deadly.
Just a couple of days later, this same
lady heard a news report about a similar
incident in Hamilton where a child, wear-
ing a bike helmet, was somehow entan-
gled in a swing set. The child had no vital',
signs when a passing motorist came on
the scene.
The bicycle helmets must be worn to.
safeguard: children in case of a spill or
accident. These two incidents indicate
that the •helmets should be removed when
•. the kids are playingon pieces of equip-
I am not advocating anything: This
information is. shared with you so that
you :as a parent or child caregiver Will be,
alerted, to a potential: danger:..'
Weather slows pro
on ball diamond
by Pat Livingston allow for a' longer playing:
Work ',on.,the ..ball dia- , field :adding some new
Mond at Caledonia ,Park` fencing and ,'three teew
has, been hampered, by light standards; drainage
uncooperative weather, ,.'and landscaping, • and
thus delaying the project refurbishing the spectator
longer ':than: `the`: local.;. benches.
Kinsmen had planned: • Kinsmen . Wayne
The goal of the club • McDonagh said last week
now is to have it ready for that all the ditching and
the --first - of =draining is_ic_onapleted and
Summerfest play June. the fencrng was being put
16: in, using as much of the
The project involves old as possible. The club.
turning the .ball field 10: ; was ` hoping • to get the.
degrees to the west to foundations poured' for the
threenew towers as well,'
Qnee the infield work'
is completed,' 5,,000 pieces'
of sod'(2 3/4:tractor trailer
loads) will be laid. And
:that's a lot of sod no' mat-
ter which w,ay you count'
,McDn ao h said the B►X'l�Ce
. are hoping to have further : ;
vo'luntecr help from the__ •
conitnunity•to lay the sod:;
Tentative plans are for
MWlay 23, 24. Watch next
week's paper for confirma-
tion on this.
The Lucknow GEMS (Girls Everywhere
Meeting the' Savior) had a lot of fun at
the mother/daughter banquet on Friday
night. Dessert. was "make your own.
sundae." Jeanette deBoer (right)
offered to make her mom's (Jocelyn..
deBoer),who had a little difficulty in
chewing and swallowing a large'
spoonful of the sticky,' gooey dish her.
daughter fed her. (Livingston ' photo)
Grand opening ceremonies for the Tourism <Office.were held last
--Saturday. Helping out with the ribbon Cutting were Reeve Stuart Reavis;
'Barb Filer, MPP Bruce; Pat McKillop, Chamber ,of Commerce president;
Vicky Hackett, touriem coordinator; Reeve Bob. Hallam and Reeve Jim
Boyle: The tourism' office will have extended hours this year and is
loaded withlots of information on things to do both in our area and fur-
ther afield. (Livingston photo) '
• by Pat Halpin
There was no tax increase' in the • 1997 budgetadopted
by the Bruce county board of'education at its May meet: •
ing, but finance chair David Inglis said there is ."consid-
"consid-erable risk" in the measures takento hold the line on
The board dreuvfrom designated reserve
funds to help offset a $1,546,600 provincial grant'losS.
The total budget .for 1997 is $67,528,941:
. "The. ministry •said'school t oards:should be able to
manage without putting a burden on taxpayers or cutting
programs," Inglis said about directives • following the
'provincial grant cut: "This board has . worked hard to
achieve that goal, and 1 think we. have.: We're not cutting
any, programs.".•
Inglis went on to admit that "all kinds of issues" will,
be affected by the board's decision to hold the line on
taxes by spending reserve funds "This budget is full of
difficult choicest" Inglis said.'A news release, issued by
Inglis spelled out the finance chair's` concerns. •
"This budget is not without considerable risk for the •
board. An• emergency, situation to a school, facility or an
unforeseen" operational cost would jeopardize the finan-
cial position of the Bruce county •board of education,".
the memo said.
In an interview, Inglis' said his committee's first prior-
ity Was tel protect picograms. He predicted the 'board will'
'get through" this year, and, suggested unusual factors
influenced the decision to draw heavily on reserve.
"This year is different because of amalgamation and
•turn to page 2
Ashfield • cou'ncil's
passed' the new manure
rnartagementtylaw at its
May tit meeting
In a telephone can-
vers ati ort on' Mand ay
Clerk treasurer Linda
Andrew 'said therewere.
only some . minor
changes in technical.
wording. The main parts
of the bylaw were left
;the same as presented at
the April 29 public
meeting. •
• The bylaw is eff!ec-
•tunit to page 2
Early. deadlines
With next Monday
being a holiday, all dead-
lines for advertising of
any kind, as well:: as edit-
dorial'copy will be noon
this Friday, May :16.
Have, a safe Victoria
Day, hopefully one of
warmer temperatures and.
sunny skies! •