The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-05-07, Page 4Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,
ay 7, 1997
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Sentinel Nemoirs
phone operator retires
after 30 years service
70' years ago Ritchie Wok over Jack Campbells
May 5, 1927 barber business. The sale was com
ucknow to have a baseball pieted on Saturday. Harold had been
team - A couple of .meetings in assisting Jack since the end of March,
...Jthe interests of baseball called and had been in charge of the shop
earlier in the season, failedto mater- since Jack assumed his new duties as
alize. However, the . meeting last lighthouse keeper at Point Clark.
Thursday evening was well: attended
and the club is away to a good start
again. .
The officers chosen are a bunch of
real live wires in sport, andthe town
will be in the game again big as ever;
that is to say, if the village council
and the Agricultural Society get
together and put the Park in , good
condition for baseball:,•
The officers are now drafting a town
25 years ago
May .3,1972`
dollar a day Arabell Bushell
retired after 30 years with the'
Bell Telephone Company. In
1929 she worked for the princely RIM
of $1. a day. There were only two
operators at the time.They must have
,put the telephone,to bed at night.
After 30 years of dealing with all
league, . to promote, baseball And they types of ;emergencies,. •Mrs. Bushell ,
want the co-operation of everybody ; learned to take : most - thingsin her
so far as that caro be given: stride.
County highway work in Bruce - • She 'even helped settle a fatuity dis-
The ,work on the County highways pute. One man threatened to leave his
was commenced earlier this year duewife: if'she didn't learn how.: to make a
to, the early spring: A steam 'shovel lemon pie. Airabell called her mother
has beenoperating at -Simpson's Hill, who had a fail proof recipe and peace
west of Teeswater ' reducing the ° was restored.'
incline: In all, , seven stone crushing :. Mrs. Bushell recalls that in
plants will be operated this year. Liicknowthe operators had .:to keep
the fire oing In the stove which heath
50 years ago ed the office.:At times, when the clerk.
was ;out, :they also :had to look after
arold Ritchie buys Jack's the drug store, where' the Bell office-
barber business- := Effective was located
the first of the week, Harold
The stork be
ignoramus . this .word
was formerly written :' by •
a grand jury on the, back.
of a rejected indictment,
the ,Latin 'ignoramus
meaning "we 'ignore, or,,
"take '• not ,notice."
Perhaps because some-
one considere'd that this
verdict reflected badly' on
Last Thursday's weather was just so miserable even this goose was try-
ing to get inside. Try as he may, Tracy at Puddleducks simply couldn't
register., him in daycare even though he kept prancing around in front of
the building. (Livingston photo)
iael J Dalton
honored on two occasions
Reverend .Father,
Michael Joseph.Parton,
MB.E. df Courtland, was.
' honored May 4, 'on tw'oF
very •special'Soccasions, his..
'95th birthday -and 65: years'•
the priesthood. '
' Born at Kingsbridge,
May, 1902,.'he' is one of a
family of 11 children born
to, Morgan and Mary,
.(Sullivan) Dalton.
He was ordainedto :the
priesthood. in ,London,
Ontario, by the .Most.,.
Reverend Denis -O'Connor
in May, 1932.
the'Jury's intelligence, ' He served asparish
the . word ignoramus • priest in many .different
came to mean "an. i 0-, parishes as *ell as serving
rant erson:''. overseas as army chaplain"
p to ,the Essex ?Scottish
Regiment of Windsor
,from 1939 to' 1946. 'Father, '
Dalton is now a resident at
the Home for. the Aged,.
Sacred Heart Villa,
,Courtland where he -cop -
'Urines to' celebrate'
e-con-'ti.rines'to°celebrate' Mass,::
firom`"his wheel chair.
'His 'only ':' surviving
brother Raymond'; Dalton,
92, of Huronlea,. Brussels,
and.his: only surviving sis-.
ter Toni -Dalton, '.85, of
Detroit; Michigan, were
able to attend celebrations
in. Cotnrtland as well. as
Terry and Anne Dalton
and,. son David of
'Kingsb. ridge; Morgan
'Dalton from Huronview;
Dan and Marilyn :l Da ton,
Fergus; Cletus and 'Mary
' LouiseDalton, London;
Arnold, and` Frances.
(Dalton) Marsman,
London; ., along with many
relatives and .friends. The
reception and pot luck tun-
cheon were planned by his
'niece, Frances (Dalton)
Marsman 'and nephew,
Cletus Dalton
'Special congratulations
messages were received
from federal 'and"provin-.
cial dignitaries including
John' Chretein, Prime'
Minister •of. Canada,
Michael Hfarns, Premier of
Ontario;` • 'and John
'Sherlock, Bishop of
London -diocese, to name'
but a few: F
(submittedd.byT. Courtney)
by Marilyn Arstott
tut 44,44a:41
boat t ofititisfixi
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s t. '.trip: joints