HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-30, Page 14Page 14 - Lucknow Sena* jell, Wednesday, Apriit' 30,1997 47. Cards of Thanks. PORT ALBERT 441 CLUB Thanks to the volunteers, parents and members. who helped with Adopt-A- Highw.ay. Port Albert 4-H Club, --18cc FQRAN Wish 'to express my deep- est appreciation to everyone who attended my communi- ty bridal shower,. Your gifts and kind words will always be remembered. Joy. —18x FORAN/LAMMERANT Wewould like to thank everyone who attended our. stag anddoe, the memories will last a lifetime. A special" thanks to our wedding party, for all their hard work. Joy and Randy. --18x • IRWIN The family of the, late Lloyd Irwin wishes to express. our •sindere gratitude to friends, relatives and neighbors for the cards and visits to Lloyd at, hospital and at the Country 'Road•Lodge;. Our thanks for all. the visits, • .phone `calls, ,floral.'arrange merits, donations, cards and food at the tripe .of the. funer- al. Thanks to Dorothy and Don. Farrish and the,,staff at Country •R.oad. Lodge for their loving care. of Lloyd; also to the doctors .•end nurses•.who 'cared' for him duriing'.his: stay at' University "Hospital in London and at Wingham Hospital. A spe- cial': thank 'you ° to Rev: Peggy : Kinsflia.n..for her comforting. words, Elizabeth Dadson: for her solo,:' the pallbearers and flower bear ars,. t5 .Joan Pollard at. the MacKenzie.and. McCreath • Funeral. Home for her' kind assistance, . ; and " to : the Lucknow :• Presbyterian. :Church ladies, for the deli - clout. .luncheon. ,1t was aN: Very : `m.uch,' app'reciated. Ruby and Charlie Reach Marne and Charlie Wilkins Lorene Irwin.:` --18x LUCKNOW ;& DISTRICT', SKATING CLUB •` Would like to thank ,every-' onefortheir support in rhak :ingtheir season so success ful. Special, thanks to the ; LucknoW Sentinelfor their: excellent coverage ;on our club and our,camival;'to all the parents who helped.. make the carnival so suc, • eessful; to the Bank of, Montreal •and the ,Lucknow Auxiliary for their financial support; to Dave, Stephen • and Kent for all the extra efforts .on our behalf;' to McPyatt' advertising 'and Barb Rintoul for their dona- tions to carnival; to. • Samantha. Mayer for bring- ing the spotlight to our 'club 'so often this year; to the Lucknow.& District Joint Recreation Board for their support during this growing year; to the parent execu tive; profeesiorial end junior Coaches _for _ all_theirwork;: and to all the kids who came out to skate and did sb well thisyear in tests and cg„ -.nn .petitions...congratufati_ons and see you next year! •-- 1 flar 47. Cards of Thanks. BAKKER We would like to thank everyone who, attended the surprise 25th anniversary party held for, us on Saturday. Thank you yfor your good wishes, cards and gifts. They are all very much appreciated and you have made this. a very mem- orable day for us. Special. thanks to our children Karen and Mike, Ruth Anne, Michael: andall our families, for all their hard work. Also thank you to Glen and Marie. Webster for the dinner and all their work in making this a very special day for us. Thank you; Marinus and Margaret. --18cc DICK Sincere thanks for your thoughtful expressions of sympathy in the recent loss of our: dear mother, grand- , mother arid' great grand - :mother Hazel J. Dick. We extend our deep apprecia- tions to all our relatives,, friends and neighbors for cards;, flowers and dona- tions. Also to Rev: 'John Vaudry and, the. McBurney Funeral Horne .and the Presbyterian Chord's women for the. lunch and tea: The.: Dick and Taylor family.• =y 18cc WRAIGHT Sincere thanks to my many • neighbors, friends, and fam- ily forthe, cards, and ,beauti- ful 'flowers sent to me. and for the many kindnesses,' shown me duringmy hospi- tal stay and since my return home. Helen..; -18X • . PORTEOUS A sincere thank you to my. friends who remembered me on my 96th birthday The phone calls visits, cards: and gifts made "it a very special;day•for me. All theseldndnessee are great 1yrappretrated. Jennie. --18x- LUCKN 9 W FARMERS' MARKET Wednesdays 9 to 4, Agriculture Building (beside sales barn); crafts, meat, produce, .breads. For ven- dors or information call Ruby MacLennan R.R. 1 Tiverton., NOG 2T0, 353- 5014. 18-51 IN CONCERT. Calico Road. Juanita'Arkell, Jeff Murray, Tom McLean. with special guests Lisa • Armstrong and Craig Fair, Friday, May 9, 8 p.m. •Teeswater Town Hall . Auditorium.Admissien.$5 advance tickets available at ,Ernie, King Music and Pandoras Pantry or call 357-4152, 357-3069, 18,19 RECEPTION For Randy Larnmerant and •Joy. Foran will be ..held Saturday, May 3rd, Blyth Community.. Centre from 9 1.:Music - Sunrise. --18x . . 48 Coming Events WESTERN DAYS FARMERS MARKET Saturday, ,June 7, venders:'- wanted. _Call Teresa 528 3932. Sponsored` by Chamber. of Commerce - 18ar BOOK SALE Lucknow Library Saturday, May 17 - 24 during library hours.--18-21xc BARN DANCE Saturday, June 7, Lucknow District Sports Complex; .concert 8 to •9:30 p.m., dance 10 to 1. Featuring former Barn Dance artists, new artists, special local guests. $1.0 adults; 12 and under $5. poor opening 7:30, no reserved seats. Phone .529.2627. Proceeds to .‘Make It ..Great in '98 Reunion' fundraising. --17 • 23ar =„ SOUND OF..GODERICH Tuesday, :May. 13, 7.30 p.rn at Knox •Presbyterian Church, Goderich. Music by MacKay Choristers, Harbou`raires," Laketown Band and Huron String School. Tickets $5„ children under -12 free ,--17.19cc Recreational: Softball Meeting for all ;groups T: Ball 14 & 15: yrs. All volunteers are asked to meet a; at the Sports Complex Thursday, May'i st 8:00 p.m. In honour of Palliative Care, Month and in Recognition of Volunteer Week, VVingham. and Area Palliative ;Care. Services Inc. and the Wingham and District Hospital Chaplaincy Department present: "The Heart of Palliative Cafe" Spiritual:Care of the Patient and Family' Guest Speaker - Father Patrick Byrne • Winghatin and Area Adult Day Centre 350 Josephine Street, Wingham • - May 9, 1997 7;p.m.- W.RC. Annual Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Guerst Speaker Everyone welcome to attend 4E. Coming Events STAG AND DOE for Rick Taylor and Tammy DeJong. Saturday, May 3 at Lucknow Sports 'Complex, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. $5 lunch included. Age of majority. -- 17,18 HAM & SALAD SUPPER Sunday, May 4, Nile United Church, 4:30 - 6:30 p;m. Adults $7.50 advance $8 door; 0 children. $3.50 advance - $4 door; pre- schoolers free. Advance 'tickets: 524-2943, 529- 7093. --17,18cc ' SINGLES DANCE Sunday, May 4th at the 'Brussels Legion Hall. Dancing from 7 p.m..to 11 p.m. Music by 'Tumbleweed North. Oress'code. —lace COME TO A CABARET Blyth Festival Singers, pre - Sent Anything Goes an evening of dinner, dancing and, music on Saturday, May 10th. Blyth Memorial Hall; lower hall. Boors open at 7 p.m: entertainment begins at.7:30 p.m. Italian ,'dinner at 10 p.rn. Dancing to the jazz trio. The Salesman, Tickets $20. available from choir: ' members. ' Blyth' Festival Box Office; Snyder Studios, Wingham; Campbell's Photography, Goderich; Dutch Store, Clinton; Nifty .Corners, Seaforth:»18,19cc FAMILY DANCE Come to the Lucknow Community Centre 'on Friday,. May 9, 8 p.m. Enjoy the F.E. Madill Dance Band, Interface. Advance,: tickets $6 adults, $4• children. • Family rates. 'Call 528-5754. or 357-3261; Proceeds to F.E. Madill Music Program. Sponsored by Lucknow Optimists.--18,19ar STAG & DOE: for Stan Kikkert and Jane Bateson': Friday;, May 9, Lucknow Arena .from 9 - 1.•. Lunch. provided; Music by Calvin Kerr, : Tickets at the; :door. Bus leaving Brian's Valu'Mart 09 p.m.' --18,19 DINNEIR/THEATRE Gail. and' Brad's Marvellous, Wedding Adventure mystery. . dinner/theatre, May 2 and'$, Blyth Festival. ;Tickets $15 and $25. Cap Box Office; (519) 523-9300..--1371.8cc TOWN WIDE GARAGE SALE COC'sponsors 2nd annual town wide 'garage sale Saturday; .May 17.. Bright and early rain 'or shine. Be part:of the map for your. 'utmost success! Plegister ' your' garage sale for a $5 fee before May 11, Fee includes: your garage' sale location on map, map avail- ability 1 week prior to event, map distributions adyertisin in local papers . and flyers;' out .o_towners,_space..at_ . arena parking lot. Forregis- tration or for information - contact COC event co -.ordi- nator lickle�at From__ Our Heart 528-264.9 -1 6- 19ar were informed! (Livingston photo).. 48 Conning Events BINGO Goderich Knights of Coiurnbus, Thursday, 7 p,m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court; $4,700 in prizes; progressive :jackpot of $1000.00; regular jack- pot of $1,250'must go,Lic. #157920.---l3tfar CHAMBER.OF COMMERCE General • meeting, • Wednesday, May 7, 7p.m. at theTourisrn Office. --18ar 142 ANNiVERSARY at Dungannon United Church, .Sunday, May 4, 11 a.m. Guest speaker Rev. James 'Murray, 'Walton/Bluevale charges. Special' music - Sister Act 111. Luncheon to follow. =- 17,18x Two charged ,With cultivation Two Kincardine resi- dents have been charged with cultivation of magi- juana contrary to the Narcotic Control Act, after OPP officers seized 60,,, plants growing at 1094 James Street, Kincardine. A search warrant was executed :by the ,Kincardine/Walkerton OPP detachment withnthe Western.Region Crime Unit and the canine .unit On April 23. The investigation con- tinues. • a rt writer s ccolumn 1500 supgo response to •from page 5 The members- of the Bruce • Education Employees Council which 'includes the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF Bruce County), Ontario Public School Teachers Federation (OPSTF 'Bruce County), Bruce Women's Teacher Association' (BWTA), OSSTF • Occasional Teachers (Bruce County); OPSTF .Occasional Teachers (Bruce County), OSSTF-ESS . Secretaries, andEducatipnal Assistants (Bruce County) and CUPE Local a 3'30 .'Custodial/Maintenance` "and Computer: Technicians (Bruce County), joined by CUPE Local :1176 Custodial/Maintenance, Educational Assistants,. VVhitechurc, •firomtpage 6 their trip to the Canary Islands and Tenerife Islands. Mildred read "Spring is Here." Preparations weremade (Grey County), .CUPE Local • 2047 Custodial/Maintenance (Bruce -Grey . Roman. 'Catholic Separate School Board), CUPE. Local 3447 Educational:. Assistants, Clerical, Cafeteria Staff (Bruce -Grey ; County Roman Catholic Separate. School 'Board), ,;'CUPE Local: 119;7 Custodial/Maintenance, Dufferin. County Board of • Education; and the Ontario Elementary Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA, Bruee-Grey.. ..County Roman Catholic Board of Education) repre- senting. approximately 1500 individuals, supports. . this response. •• Don McAngus • .. P.O. Box 484.. .Paisley, NOG .2NO. for the Pre's`liyterTat 'Seth Kinloss' •and for anniversary services 'for Chalmers on May 18 Eileen Moffat gave the offertory prayer and dos- ing prayer, ; was by Mildred. Steve SinnOson- f(right),. -a Lucknow-Lancer; was the first recipient .of the Life Member award, sponsored by Grazier Transport, and presented by Andy Grazier, at the team's banquet on the weekend. Simpson has wracked Up_750.points between 1984 and 1997. He's not retiring, so we