HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-30, Page 1331, Service Directory PERSONAL PROBLEMS? Dial A Counsellor . Advice from qualifiedprofessionals.. 1.800.807-3434, ext. 120, 24 hrs.--18bc ,HELP WITH AGING PAR- ENTS. Get answers now with best selling • book, cas- settes and step-by-step workbooks. Risk free. Call 1-800-836-4977 for details. Request operator #12.-- 18bc '. A°GNEW JEWELLERY` REPAIR - watch, dock, jew- ellery.. Free . estimates. !Pickup and delivery`can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street: across from Medical Centre. Call 528-3532 or • 528-3940.--18far - DON'T THROW IT out...Check it our, have it fixed,. Microwaves, small appliances; refurbishingfur- :nitu.re, antiques included: For sale - used microwaves, typewriters, kettles,'. toast- : ers, radios, T:V's, fans, odd antique. furniture.' 60.days' written warranty Phone. Bill Dankwardt 528-2317. --16- 18x i;NCOME TAX Preparation Reasonable rates, free pick up .and delivery in . Luckno* area. Pat 'Porter; 528.3238. --07=18 SEWING . MACHINE REPAIRS -40 years expert- - ence on allhousehold mod- ' els:' Broken gears our see-. ciality: Weekly pick up and, delivey: 'Cap Irene at From Our Heart-528*2649 Wilma at Wilma's 'Corner Store,„,lRipley '395-29151 -= 15.22ar COMPLETE 'ELECTRICAL fencing: supplies and instal- • lations - energizers. includ- ed Kgltec, Speed right, Stafix, Hallrrran.. Competitive pricing on T 12.5g: high tenfiie' wire. Fence line, clean-up a:nd. • ,post installation. Poly. stock • troughs. from 50. '1';QOO gal Ions: Call Duane. HoIm 881- 141.8, .days,. .881-4919. evenings.--15-18cc CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation. Renovations •.Replacement Windows;& Doors n • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities. ••Carpet and Linoleum • Roofing' Free Estimates' • RR7, LUCKNOW • ..529-3164. B.ERGMAN AlITOBODY' (519) '528-7338 ---- insurance & Cbi(isinn Repairs WL 444 i'I 4c4, J �uexf Res Ipais aw art Rai zee R»A. HAVENS ELecirNLC_ 'Residential *Perm, . "Commercial Electrical Contractors. , • FREE^ESTtMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 528-2301. 31'• Service Director' DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliance • Repairs. • Refrigeration 24 hour ser ' viee. Phoria 395-3417.6r' 395-3393. 13-22cc 34. Personal *A cost will be Incurred. • EVANLY-RAYS PHYSIC ANSWERS - Police use us, 'Rated #1 in Canada. Instant' answers . about -Leve, Money, Career, Lucky #s, .Relationships; Achieve suc- cess! $2.99/min., -1:& + 24 Hrs: Call; 1-900.451-4055. Visa/MC/AMEX--07-26cc GAY & LESBIAN RESORT. 3:uXury cotta s°for sale, rent, camping, . day • , a s; . -1/2 hour• north of Toronto. Pool dances and much more. Gall for more info: 1 800-477-5858. Victoria Weekend Camping Special.--18bc 37. Mortgagee & 24 Mortgage Money: Absolutely Nb upfront Foes • Available as low as 6x-.50 interest Personal Loan's. •If yOu qualify,. payments Aent. Approxi Mo. Payment ° 6,000 x.41.66 610,000 • s 83.33 "15,000: • •125.00 Consolidate your debts Call 0191300211 1400#3137-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. ADOPTEES ANDBIRTH PARENTS,- Family Finders and. The Canada -Wide ' National' Adoption Registry 1-800-871-8477. "Reuniting Canadian' Families from Coast to Coast" 11800-871- ,. 8477.--18bc WEDDINGS Performed. -• your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational). For brochure call: Rev. Moman AN Faiths. Pastoral Centre, Benmilei 524.5724 35:. Legal Notices {NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND .OTHERS' All claims against the ,. i • estate ' of, FREDERICK. Jf HN ' GUEST :.late of"the Township 'of -East ' Wawanesh, in. the Countjof ,Huron, deceased, Who died'. onor about February 27, -- 1.997, t3nust-:be :filed=with�4h'e=�-� --= undersigned on er before *. May 31,.1997; thereafterthe * • Executor .of the estate will distribute the assets of the • estate having,g regard only to * «.r. 38, Auctions AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE, DAVIDSON CENTRE'` • FRIDAY, MAY 16/97 If you have something to sell, give us a call.., Grant ,McDonald 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392.61.70 Auctioneers' AUCTION REGISTER Friday, May 16 "-' Consignment Auction Sala Davidson Centre,: Kincardine Monday, May` 26 Consignment Auction Sale ` 'Teeswater Agri Curl Bldg. Saturday, May 31 Real Estate, Travel Trailer,..'. Van & Household Elie* Estate of Wilfred Shantz .. , '• Part of.. Lot 28, Con: -8 • .Huron Twp. , :Grant McDonald ' '395.5353. .::. Wallace Bailagh 392 6.17q .., Auctioneers. ' • Lilteknow Sentinel, Wednesday, 3S Edllucational 39.Educational BEA SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home -study course. Cali today for your FREE BOOK. 1-80.0-267-1829,. ' • The •. • WritingSchool, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2797, Ottawa, ON K1L 18bc COMPUTERS.. No previews. computer experience nec- essary. Exciting opportuni- .. ties now: 'available. in com- outer programming:` We will '. train suitable applicants, CMS: 1-.800-477-9578.-- 1813c. • • Auctions BRIAN RINTOUL Auction Calendar Sat. May 1O John• & Ann SenijariQvS • Amaranth Township • (Orangeville) • 'Farm. Machinery • Sat., -May 17,. Amish"Benefit Auction • 'Sale Hospital Fund. St. Helens • • :.Mon.,. May 19. Estates of Eva McGill & Lewis Cook Belgrave Arena, Sat., May:24 Ken ‘& Audrey r tcKague Tumberry Twp. Sat.. May 31 Don & Ruth Bell : Kinfoss Township. Sa.;:June'7 Arnish;Benetit (School ''Fund)' ' Milverton Kitchener Stock Yards.(Olex)' Every Tues .t Ttiurs. Brussels :Livestock every, Friday •• RR #3 Wirtgt atn 357-2349' O DAIRY *r *fir***'* t- *Ar * Festival School of Hairstyling Y 552 Huron St., Stratford Looking. for a new Career? 'Festival School of. ,Hairstyling of Stratford is accepting applications for. their next class. Make-up, Artistry and Nail Technology offered at, no. extra charge. Financial assistance available for those that qualify. , For further information.- call nformation - call 519-271-9551. 42. Obtluaries Apiriil 30, 1997 - Page 13 142. Obituaries MILDRED' IRWIN Mildred Irwin Of Lucknow passed away at Wingharn • and District 'Hospital, on Aprrl'22; 1997, in. her 89th '• Year. Mrs. Irwin .was a mem- ber of the Lucknow United Church. She was born - in Auburn, on. Nov. 2,. 1908, a daughter of the late Bill Roberton and. Bertha Whitney. Mrs. Irwin is sur- vived :by her `daughter, Laura MCConachie of Ferglls,`a son Ross and his wife 'Beattie .Irwin, of 'Lucknow; nine grandchiil- ' dren, several great °grand children and great; 'great grandchildren. Mrs. Irwin was predeceased!by her husband, Spence,. in 1991, - a sister Gladys `Mill, two. brothers .Frank and Roy -Roberton, and three grand • children. Visitation was at • the MacKenzie -and. HAZEL (AI -TON) McCreath Funeral Home, - WEBSTER :Lucknow," vh.ere Rev: Bi11 At Versa...Care. Centre, Bresnahan conducted the' `, Goderjch, on Tuesday, April . service ', on April 24. 22, 1997, Hazel (Alton);: Honorarypallbearers. were Websfer of Goderich in her Bill Hunter, . Harold' ' ' 94thyeat Beloved wife of .. Humphrey , and : Dave the late Tom .W'ebster:.:bear MasDonald. Active pallbear mother of Ettabell.e Bradley ars were Paul (resin, David of •Goderich, Lois and Ken Pritchard, tsysioHt,enRdtbsoenri•Thomas ofBolton.LovingGeorge •grandmother of r.enda: . Haldenby and Robert Miller; Faye Rodrigues, VanderWoude. interment Alice Mac'danafd,' Linda Greenhill. Cemetery, Kellar,' Wendy _Palmer; Lut;know -18ar Jennifer, Thomas and -nine • great-grandchildren. Sister. 46.;.11n, of Harvey Alton of Lucknow. M iIM�iDrlsl�f. predeceased ,by- son-in-law,. William Bradley. and sister JOHNSTON Vera Errington.: Funeral •ser .,In loving memory of a dear .:- vice was held at the husband, ;Lloyd, who McCallum` & Pella Funeral passed away three years ".." Holme, Godenbh, on Aprii`' .ago, May 6,1994. 24, 1.997. ' Rev. : Alex You,were..my life .c;orhpan- McGilvery and. Rev. Karl °'cin, , Sievert officiated. Flower.. •A life linked with myown • bearer`was Wayne Durnin.' ' And _day by day: I'think,ot Lorne Alton;' Jim Errington, As I carni alene., Harold Errington;` -floss `The home you.left,is lonely; Errington and Bob Miller.. And *heart is lonelytoo:- * 'interment Dungannon Those left behind are good: '• �,�,,� •* Cemetery: Donations to the and. kind, , i � ...and ret.take the ...of • H RDS, SELL..: ”'-- Canadian Cancer'Society or But ca • IE STALL: MILKING PARLOUR COMPLETE REGISTERED * charity Of your choice' grate- your the claims ,of which :the. * & GRADE HOLSTEIN IBRD DISPERSAL, FORSYLVALAWN fir 'undersigned ersi g ned ° then has •*. FARMS LTD., THE ESTATE OF MIKE >'ENTLAND OF *, fully acknowledged.--18cc Lovingly .remembered and notice. Dated A ril• 9, 1997. * • Dt( OWE B p FOLLOWED BY " "COMPLETE' REGISTERED &RECORDED HOLSTEIN HERD. c%GEORGE J.:BROPHY; . * • DISPERSAL"•FOR!MARK w1DEMAN OF rf TOWEL Barrister & Shc adi',. * At: Carson's Salea.Arena 1 mil. easCof Listowel. on Hwy. 86 * • Ili DNESDAY AY 7 4997. at 12 NOON .* SELLING FOR SYILYALAWN FARMS.1'..TD.. THE ESTAeTE* . Ont.. NOG 2H0. --16-18• . * OF:MIKE PENTLAND are. 59'Head including.6 Wary;cows of:* ..Box 610 LUCKNOW * g • • I * which 2 are due to freshen by Sale Day. 32'milking•feiinales, 5 bred .* 36, Announcelntelnts 1 • *; heifers, 5 open" heifers and. .11 heifer calves born Sept. '96 to. Mar. * '97 This; Herd offers dairy cows with good udders and a lot of * •* potential. Gencor Sires have iieen used' arid many are '-bred to * * 'Comestar .Leader.', and 'Startmore Leadmaster'. 2 cows are'due •.* *. Sale Day, $ cows are due Juiy on and 8 caws are fresh since: * * .January:. An 'outstanding group of heifers born since last October * * . will be of great interest: This herd averages a 3.4%n Protein. • • * , * SELLING FOR MARK WIDEMAN are.60. Head including 40 * c ws of which 10"are fresh, 15 are due now to Se tember and the * 8 a.m. -'5 p.m. • Located 3 miles . . "South af- brand Bend on Highway 21 43. Births SNYDER Anne and .Kevinaro happy to ,announce the arrival of, ' Michaella 'Anne. born April 23; 1997 at K -W Hospital weighing 8 • Ibs.., 12: oz. A :wee sister for.. Addison,. 'Grandparents Carl and" Kathleen Snyder, and'Lois' Alton: --18x * o p • * balance is in variiius stages of lactation, 5 bred heifers, 10 open * ' yearlings and' 5 heifer calves. Among the "SALE FEATURES' are * * 'Alin', a (GP) "Jubilant!', milking 1.10 lbs, and projected to 21 i- ''* * 195-201. 'Tina' is afresh two year oid projecrat 269-274-253. The 'lir: * herd is tlnit'Sired by popular bulls suctt:as 'Park', `Jackpot', • 'Mason' and 'Lieutenant' Service Sires rncl.dde Rudolph% •* * 'S'torm'''Leader''' and 'Aeroline',. etc, This is a ..Owner Sampler *, * Herdwith a R.H.Aof 196-18$-19$. 11 cows had 'over 90'lbs. of n* * Milk and. 21 cow,s are projected over 200 $CA.on the March Test. * * This, jtoun herd was established four years ago from some of the . * •* "TOP" Local Herds with half betng.two and three year ()Ids. The * herd"has been on a Vaccination Program for 1 1/2 years. •- * * DAIRY FARMERS, MARK YOUR CALENDARS! • . * * ' catalogues avai able',- fdr inure inforination, eontaet * * • , DAVID CARSON FARMS & AucnoN. SERVICE LTD: *• AUCTIONEER & SALES MANAGER- DAVID -CARSON-<, - * R1,R. #3, Listowel, onN4W 3G8 P11: (519) 291,2049 1'A14 (519) 291-5065 , ******************4 r******** LOGAN Mike and Heather (nee. Priestap) are very happy to ,announce the^birth of'their first, child; •a son Jared Michael, 7 lbs., 13 •oz. :Bom • April 2, 1997. Proud grand- parents are Myry:Loi.i and Bob Irwin, and Isabelle and ' Barry Logan and the late Gerry Priestap. Great. grandparents Erma Waller and -'Edith P'riestap. -and- great-great nd"greatgreat grandma Esther Harloff: =18x' sadly missed ;by, wife, Betty. -a'8x JOHNSTON In loving memory. of a see-, cial°Dad, Lloyd`.Johnston,. who.';passed away three,; ..years ago, May 6; 1994. ,' • A dad'is a special gift • One you think wdl stay; You. never dream the day will come, When he will go away. And when the moment• • comes, ' , • And you . cannot. say •good. '. bye;_ .• The pain just overwhelms you •• , And all you•de is cry. NOW deep in 'our hearts, bad Your memories are' kept, Thou others may forget . _ But we will never forget you, Dad.. You will always be in our hearts Missed and'.Ioved forover by Donna, Dennis • and. Douglas. --1$x