HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-30, Page 12Page 12 _a Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday., April 30, 1097 UST IN 20 16" Gates New ea. 1.00 WIFO 3 HP. Fork Lift 1500 IH:O 450014' 'Cult 2000 Kraus 141'220' Disc 5000 IHC 7.10 4X19 $-.A,R.• 2200 NH 520 TB Spreader 4500 M.F: 68 Plate Disc 2000 2-Tumco 250 V Box on HD Wagons Pick 1250 J t 825018 Drill 3500 NH 355 Auger Feeder Mix Mill 3000 MF 33 i'g.Drili 1000• Tumco 12 Packer as new 1750' WFE 252 36 Disc 1750 NH 480 Heybine 3000 :Harrow Cart & 8 section 2000 Gtenco 30" HYD Cult -Sharp 6000 Above equipment .is field ready and we need trades. We have • bale wagons,. feeders, haying•equipment on sale. RON STANLEY FARM SUPPLIES Serie 395-2434 1.if. Produce - 200 5 ft X 5 ft. bales of hay stored under, cover, no rain, also some square bales. Phone 395-4238. --160. WHEAT STRAW for sale, srnall bales. Call 395-2475.. :.18;19. SMALL :QUANTITY of small square bales of hay, $2/bale. :at •the ,farm. Phone 529=. • 7912, 11.5.' Equip. WILRlCH DISC cultivator with 'rolling harrows; 24`.; John Deere 915 (lex head with aerial both -in excellent condition.` 9.0 529-79$2.'• 18,19cc • • 1,1 x.'Services TAS s ANO•-INDUSTRIAI COVERINGS made to size, for trucks; ttaiiers, gravity boxes, etc Vinyl, ' canvas poly!. New/Repairs: Party tent. rentals Tiesrna . • 12. Real IEOtatMe Bayfield: 482.3540.. --26tfg peow ; 111i. Wanted to' Rent 'WANTED TO RENT: Crop land for the '97 season. Please contact 'M. `& T Farms 2#3-661 8 or 263 6068,--13-18ce 1.1'm For. Rent PASTURE LAND, .85 acres; new fence, newly Seeded, • gpod,water,:' near Glamis. Phone 5.19-665-7818 or 519-336-6581; --1418x Help your special araduale Oe7ebraTe their day with a Happy Ad in the , Lucknow Sentinel. OT 5244473 5242520 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 3r4 1:00 p.m, 3;00 p.m. 702 WHEELER: ST. LUCKNOW WATCH FOR SIGNS?' MAKE YOUR PAYMENTS COUNT! Own this spacious i 2 storey home in Lucknow. 2 + 1 bedrooms. Oil fur- nace. Basement walk=out. Recent renovations. Survey available. Lot 66 x 115. It. YOU CAN'T AFFORD:NOT TO CONSIDER? $58,000. #15 , E3 A MCDONAGH REAL E - TAT, 4 INSURANCE 1 Tr.) 35 . ACRES -Edge of •Lucknow, .44 bedroom bungalativ, 4 & 3 piece bath, hot water heat, carport, large deck, paved road,' bark, 36 .x 56. STONE. HOUSE - 3 bedroom large .family room, fireplace, hot tub, patio, paved drive, 3 car garage. $1.14,90.0. ` .. JUST•. LISTED - 3 bedroom home, 4,pc. bath,kitchen•;. built •in cupboards, oil furnace, full base•rnent. Asking $54,900: Call . Fraser Mackinnon'528-30t3. Barry McDonagh 528=2031 17� Ajpts. ONE BEDROOM main ; Street apartment available immediately, 'heat included':' Call 528-3948. -- 13tfar '• GRQUND FLOOR 2 'bed- room :heated apartment; .;.newly renovated; -two bed room' upper, ap''artment both close to down tgwh.:Phone 528-2031 19tfar ' •"TWO. BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow. $350/month; heat included..Available June 1; Phone 528-2242 or 528-2436. 16tfar ONE BEDROOM,. Outram Street;,, $245/month One be'drobnt'1260/month, 21 bedroom $300/month.' Ross, Street .'ground level:' All 'include :appliances; .Call Paul 528-2411. =-11tfar LUCKNOW 2 . bedroom .. •grqund floor apartment, pri- vate•entrance. $370 plus util= itiee. Phone 357-1847, 4ltfar NEWLY. DECORATED apartment. You'r'.choice upper or lower. Large hvtn-, groorn., country kitchen, 2 bedroom. :Auburn. $350. plus' utilities. Call 526-7355, • - 07tfcc TWO 2 BEDROOM apart- ments a,,d one 1 bedroom apartment forrent on main street, Luckrrr5.w `Ptloi 528-3932:--35tfar TWO BEDROOM ground level apartment. 'Park like atmosphere $385/ plus utiii7. ties. Cali 1-519-848-2215 after 6 p.m, -- 7tfar • • 7, Apt*, RENT GEARED to income . apartments, in . Clinton, Exeter and Goderich, for women and children,who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524- 1620, .482,5288, 235.3183. --18,19cc , DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine: Under new management. Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, f month free. rent. Available- Immediately. Phone: 396-9332.--03tfar HOUSE' FOR RENT 4 bed- rooms; north of Teeswater. Barn, workshed and 3 acres optional, no dogs in house. Phone ,519-665-781.8 • or 519-336-6581. 14-22 HOUSE FOR rent north of Tee&water, 5 bedrooms, `wheelchair accessible, workshed and 2 . acres, optional; whirlpool bath. No dogs in house. Phone 519- 665-7818 or 519-336.6581•. --14-22 4 BEDROOM FARM house, approximately 14 kms from Goderich; paved road, just 'South ,.'of . Dungannon. Available June 1. Phone 529-7413. --17.19. 26r , Help Wanted 25. Wonted to Buy WANTED - SCRAP' cars and all sizes of trucks; all types of metal, • farm machinery, etc;. cash paid. Walkerton Auto Wreckers 1- 881-1679. --10tfar WANTED INDIAN motorcy- cies . and parts also old. advertising. co'llectables, coke machines, signs, push ' bark.. gas purnps, trays, etc. • Call Frank 905-432-8929.' -- 16.19x TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS COUNT DOGS The Township' of Kinloss requires a responsible person to count the dogs in the Township., issue dog licences and tags, and to collect the required. fees.. Applications, -in writing, stating. age, residence, and price expected per dog, are •to be in :'the .Clerk's Office,: Holyrood; by 4:30'p. m, May 5;1997,- Any ;'1997, Any application .n}t • necessarily' accepted Mark L. Decker, A.M.0 T;. Clerk4reasurer• Holyrood, Ontario . , .NOG"280 . I ,r• `519.395-3576 Tho Miran Counti Board of Education will accept: applications to supplement its Preferred List: of candidates:, The Preferred List will.beused•to;fiit futUre ;'• perrnanentopenings.as occurring Within the Huron County Board of Education for the 1.997/98.school year. Positions include:" • 1: Secretary positions'for elementary,and secondary schools: 2:. Educational Assistant positions in the areas of (a) Special Education • (i) sign Ianguag 'interpreting:,for 04 deaf. and. hear . ing-unpaired, 01) braille transcribing, or (iii)' working with exceptional students.who may be. developmentally, physically; and/or •behaViotrrally challenged . (b) School Resource" l . (i) providing library clerical assistance., computer, :. support and reinedial/en'1chment assistance for l `small groups of students: Applicatibn Instructions •'interested•appllcants are regtdired to provide a -leiter of `application, summari2ing educational: and related woriting experience together with resume which clearly supports their application; in the following format': 1, the•posltion for which they: are,appiyirig; 2. formal education and/or training,, • 3. related work experience; 4. other related skllls/experlence; and. 5. three references; Resumes and cover tetters''will be matched for the above . criteria: Please.en5ure that th'e information -?ii provided as .requested, so that' resumes :are not misdirected, Interested applicants are asked to respond by 4 00 p,m,:'on Friday,. May 9, 1997. Weatanit those who submit, a resume and advise • that only those who are chosen for an interview will receive a reply A. Carter Chair Preferred List Competition . t-lurnan:Resources Department • • , Huron County Board o1 Education . •_____J63P'rincess.Sfreet,East: - +' • •Clinton~, Ontario NOM 1 LO P. Carroll Directo 26.. Kelp Wanted THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges -readers to use cau- tion when sending money for business opportunities. or etnptoyment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending. any . money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too goodto be true, it probably is. 32tfnx OWNERS/OPERATORS withtandem, sleeper trac- tors wanted to run Ontario and USA. No paint code, company trailer., Iicense•and insurance paid. Good . rates, home weekends, Maitland Transportation ($19) 523- 9705: - 17,18cc .A FULL TIME and part time driver required immediately with a Class AZ license, for' tong haul. Applicants must have at least 6 months' US • experience, ICC medical. and clean drivers. abstract: Contact Ryan Enterprises 519-887.6901. --18cc $ATTENTION STUDENTS$' Make a lot of money selling. chocolate bars. New prod- ucts avaiIable. Nothing to pay in advance,;Faat,deliv- ery1-800=383.3589: --18bC • l• C. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. Now" is the time to train for your class AZ license. For interview. or application Contact .Ontario;; Truck Driver Training London - 1-800-263-4777 {job placement assistance : available): -41.813c , Business :BUSINESS ,',FQR.-.sale • -. Established .10 years, `serv- ,ng western Ontario. Minimum competition, wilt. train. Calt;'(519):396-4431 of 1'-888-437-6679. GOVE'RNIVIE',N - FU -NDS --;--'Government esdistanoe.. 'programs information 'avail„, able. For your new or exist-: Ing business , Take advan- tage o:f-the.governrnent grants. and loans, Call 11,-' 800-915.-3615:-18bc ', _TRAVEL •PROFESSION-'. 'ALS INT,ERNATi'ONAL. Become part .of -Canada's fastest' growing: ,,Travel : Agency, Franchise. Operate 'your, business Full-time, iaart-time, from your Horne office,. or storefront: Investment $15;000. Call' 1`, 800-7'57-8580.--18bc 31 ;Service Directory. 284 Business Opp. Join the fast -growing secu- rity alarm industry with CANADA'S. LARGEST NETWORK of' independent dealers. ALLIANCE SIrCU.- RITY. Earn exceptional profits. Exclusive territory. We'll train you. •Call 1-800- 265-7856, Ext. 103.--18be. 3' M Service Directory STUDENTS WiLLING to cut .lawns, have•, own riding. and. push mowers. Call 528- 3406. --17-19 • 'LAWN ROLLING - equip- ment suited to large lawns. Reasonable. rates: Call 520- 4118?. 16-.18 HACKETT W lding &.Small E gine Repair lVo picking: up mowers. for. spring tune up (free pickup)-'. .Many used riders 41 push mowers'for sale, 529-3232 Business 529-7136 Residence ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESSES.: Complete Payroll Services. *Payroll preparation • *T: 4's,*EHT .*WCC *ROE *RCT Remittan0e: Re'asopaf le rates froth one ernployee and up., 10 years ;experiende, Confidential 'KATHY HACKETT 528-2302 Reg. Brindley. Co.ntrafctor, , *Plastering *Stucco. *Drywall *Textured CeilingsfrPi:. *Forging a _specialty Bar & t-IouseWalls. *Quick brick 'repair •RR#'6 Goderich 519429-7473 41 Years of Service rDave Seabrook • Excavating �Gravet• Top Soil Eine Grading `•Float'Servide Large. •excavafor 'trucks,• loader,` dozers!' ReaSonable°.rates:' 52a-2047 528-3144 PR 5,' Lucknow MACLYN.MFGr LTD- IrIA+CY'1 CAR OILING flow Open for The Season PHONE 395-3352 FOR -APPOINTMENT Phoine 395-3352;