HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-30, Page 7a
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 30, 1997 - Page 7
Madifl dance band at family dame
by Pat Livingston
The P.R. Madill dance
band "Interface" will be
performing at a family
dance in Lucknow in May.
This group of 13 instru-
mentalists and five vocal-
ists has accomplished a
great deal since its incep-
tion last fall with the
school's production of
Guys and. Dolls.
John Matthews, the
group's instructor,, said the
band put in over 300 hours
practicing for the play. rary..
"When the show was over, "They have worked
the kidswanted to know, hard and .aspire: to do a pro -
`Well, what do we do fessional job," said
now'.. With all the cut- Matthews. "We don't want
backs," Matthews said, "it people leaving • saying,.
just seemed like a logical. 'Oh, that'sa nice high
next step. It helps to raise school, band.' We want
money without selling trin- them "' leaving saying,
kets and such." Proceeds • `We've had *good time.'"
from the dance will help The group played for a
maintain instruments. Valentines Dance, spon-.
Interface plays mainly sored in part by the
450s and '60s, some swing Wingham Lions, and it was
tunes; and some contemiio- sold out. The musicians are
already booked for a
Christmas party and
Valentines next year.
Janet Cox, Andrea
Hiller, Taylor Mali and
Charlene Burgess, all local
students, are members of
The Optimists are spon-
soring the family dance on
May.9, starting at 8 p.m. at
the Community Centre It is
a non-alcoholic evening;
Tickets are $6, or $4 for
'Calico Band' features locai taler.t
by Pat Livingston •
A new band `Calico Road", comprised of three local
talented musicians, will play in concert in Teeswater next
. Juanita Arkell of Wingham, Jeff Murray, aLucknow..
area native and Tom McLean of Goderich form the band
and the concert is "about getting people to know Us,"
says Arkell, who after releasing.a solo album, .consisting
of 11 originals, last November "decided it was time to get
a band together."
• All three have been performing in various venues for
quite a while.
Arkell is a vocalist and plays guitar. Murray has a
classical keyboard background and plays guitar, while
the classically trained McLean plays mostly violin and
some guitar.
"We do an acoustic trio, trade off instruments and lead •
vocals. 'and.. we're .really heavy on intricate' vocal har-
monies," explains
ar-monies,"."explains Arkell. "We do an interesting mixture
of all kinds of musical styles. - 70s to, 90s cover -tunes,. soft
rock, blues,folk, country - just songs that we happen to
like, and that are crowd favorites:'
All three are song writers and they perform a lot of
their own material. . a .
Arkell and. McLean recorded one of her pieces on the
"Songs to Shelter" album that was a project to raise
money, for 'the women's shelters in Owen Sound area.
The 'group is tentatively scheduled to ' perform ''at
Summerfolk in Owen Sound this year,and will be part of
a CD recorded:live in May at the Harbour Inn to .promote
that event, ..
The opening acts for Calico Road will be Teeswater's.
Lisa Armstrong, a concert pianist, and 15 -year-old Craig.
Fair, of Bluevale, who has "a stunning amount of talent,"
says Arkell. .
• r Calico Road completed an engagement *at the Albion'
Hotel, hayfield, last weekend, "So far we are not doing a
• lot of bar engagements, said Arkell; "We are more of a
concert band, but.we are open, to doing concertsand bars,
too if we're booked."
Calico Road will perform at the Teeswater Town Hall
Auditorium, Friday, May 9 at 8•p.m. Advance tickets are
available (see coming event in this issue); or they can be
.purchased at the door:
Pay. tribute. to departing. member
who donated ':plant,' •to senprg' centre
.., by Teresa Courtney and
.Margaret Errington
Tribute was .paid to
departing charter member
Hazel Webster,. who upon
leaving . her' • Targe
Dungannon home for
. apartment living: in
Goderich i'n-19.85 donated
her Heintzman piano to; the
Dungannon Senior m
Centre.. , . .
• Congratulations ' to
David ,and Margaret •
-(Austin) . Roosemalen of
Goderich on the birth of
Theresa Anne, April 24, at
• St Joseph's Health Centre,
London, -weighing in' at 2
lbs., 6 112 oz,; a wee sister
for. Robby and :Thomas:
Dan and -Helen Koob, -
Spragge, Ontario, - near
Elliott Lake visited his sis-
ter Leona Boyle, and, 'fami-
1y "during the past week.
Leo and. Cecilia
Miltenburg and family
Paul, .David and Joni spent
-the 'weekend in , Elgin,
Ontario and joinedin. the
45th wedding anniversary
celebrations for Cecilia's
parents Tony, and - Annie'.
Gunnevveik on Saturday,
Thus, Joni missed out , in
appearing at the. Optimists
.district spell .off held in.
London that day,
There were seven tabies
of cards in . euchre play at
the Dunganntinw Senior p,
Centre . last Wednesday.
Prizes winners were Jane
Glousher and Clarence
Hoy, Grace Finnigan and
Glen Gardiner.
President of Dtungannoii�,�
Senior Citizen : Centre,
Jean Phillips and her: sister
Irene Markham attended k �,
Zone- 8, United `Senior •
'Citizens of Ontario spring Goderich. and Lois -
rally at Zurieh on April 17: Thomas, Bolton „in the
As past president Jean .passing ` of their mother
had . the distinction- of: Hazel . (Alton) Webster on.
installing newly elected April 22, just- five days
Louise Ilayter� pied •shotrt.,oF:hex.94th birthday.
dent. Hazel.. was• 1 life -40g
Eldon and Mary Austin resident ' of Dungannon
spent the' weekend in.. area and an ardent support
Dornoch,: near er•• of Dungannon United,
Collingwood. Church. .. . •
Bob , -arid Doreen- Margaret , MacDonald:,:
McCormick attended the Richard's Landing St
stag' and., doe in Harriston Joseph's Island, near Sault.
on 'Friday, •.for Doreen's'.' Ste,Saint- Marie; has spent
;'great nephew, Murray the past: month visiting her
Kaye and bride-to-be, 'daughter •Susan. Alton and.
.Alyssa. • : Lorne. . , . .
Sympathy is extended Ernest Durnin, celebrat
to Ettabelle Bradley, ed 'his 79th birthday at the
home of son Ronald ..
Durnin, wife Dianne, and
-' 'son . Chris on April 20.
Roxie and .Charlie Adams
were also invited ;guests.:;
• Jim and • Margaret
Errington spent the week-
end in• Cambridge visiting
brothers 'Earl Dahmer and,
Ruby, Ken Dahmer . and •'
. Carol,' . son :Gordon_
Pannabecker, and Barbara.
• On Friday, the family
:celebrated the 55th vcred-
ding anniversary :of sister
Mary Ann and 'Sheldon
Martin of New Hamburg.
Hot off the press Lois'
Alton received the • good
news, that she is. a. second
time grandmother a baby .'
girl wasborn to. Anne and
Kevin :Snyder, $reslau, on ,
April 23; Michaella Anne •.
is 'a Wee Sister for Addison.
Happy Birthday Father
• Cliff' Hack, ptt
w In honour of Cliff's 90th
u s Birthday,, the family
".` extends an :invitation to
family '& friends to a
Come and: Go Tea at
North Street United
Church, Goderich
Saturday, May 3,
r,: g
site for r
S onso,'fd by Luckn i es
. Call .3953$96 rt 529.3333. for Qr information.
Proceeds for Community ett rment
MAY 2&;3.AT&&9:15
MAY 4 AT 8 P.M.
1'M.M luaio U ;M M
so aa•Roass ■
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