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Page 8 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9,199')
still ��..�R f i ......_,.
by Blake Patterson
Huron County may have
saved money abandoning
a planned landfill site in
Ashfield Twp., but costs
for waste managemet}t are
still mounting.
On March 27, Huron
County Council agreed to
pay engineering costs of
$20,000 and $15,000
respectively to Exeter and
Morris townships for the
work' and: certification.
• needed `to prepare their
Community Centre
$1000 Jackpot winger
Jean Conley Lucknow
Gail. Law-Goderich
Marie Wonch-Bervie
Ann Neabel-Ripley
Community: Centre
opens at 6:30. p.m.
Bingo starts at
7:15.. p.m..
landfill sites to become
'zone' landfill sites. .
As north .and south'
.`zone' landfill sites, all
waste in the county would..
be directed to either Exeter
or Morrisass smaller
municipal Landfills
reached capacity,
County Waste consultant
Steve Janes was on hand
at the meeting to answer.
questions about the need
and benefits of the 'two-
zone approach.'
NPR Wfilo, IP!"
1 Mon. Tues. - Thurs. 1
500.9:00.m. .
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Laces Figure Skating School.
1 '.April 17, 18, 19, 20 1
1 Lancers Puck & Ball Tourney l
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April 26th
the annual ,Teddy. Bear April .19th at .the Blyth Abuse Co-ordinating since it began morethann a
Auction is one of the best Memorial Hall. This.year's. Committee, a prograin that decade ago, will continue,
deals,going.. event will' feature a wine aims ,to provide i.nforma ' The Teddy Bear Auction''•
and cheese refreshments, a.. tion. and'education about gets .under .wa at 6:30
' silent .auction and dream' ''child abuse ;prevention.. °p m. • • Fora ticketnforma-
min met NM NM WO.._ -.J
Janes said it is "far
. wiser" for the county to
create zones than to deat
with waste management
alternatives such• as min-
ing or exporting. And he
added that once. the zones
are in place, the county,
should allow the munici-
palities to arrange their
own agreements regarding
compensation and user -
fees at the " sites. He
likened the county's role
in waste managexnent to:
an orchestra leader who
creates the music but back
away when the music
begins: 0'
Coun. Jack Coleman of
Stanley Twp. did not think
the county shoiild have, to.
pay the engineering costs
and asked Janes why
Stanley Twp. rate payers
should be expected to pay
for an Exeter site they May
not need for another 30 or
40 years.
It was a question which
seemed to be the centre of
concern for several munic-
ipalities who still have
decades of capacity in
their current landfills.
Janes responded by say-
ing the zone sites need to'
be developed .now and the -
cost. should be shared by
all municipalities because
waste management is a
' "collaborative responsibil-
No 'increase in taxes
Huron County taxes will also placed $533,000, in
not increase this year. reserve for contingencies
At the March 27 meet- and slotted $45,000 for the
ing- of . Huron County county library system, to
Council, it was agreed the compensate for the loss of
1997 budget be approved provincial grant dollars
at a zero per cent'; increase ` while 'a complete review
in the overall tax' rate. , .of the library's operations
The approved' budget is undertaken.
ity " He said. Stanley and
Hallett townships may
indeed have years of
capacity left in their .land-
fills, but Wingham, by.
comparison, has just three.
And as such, he said it
would be unfair to ask
Wingham to bear all the
"You have to band
together and play the game
together," .said Janes.
Coun. Norman, Fairies
ofHowick Twp. agreed
with Janes.
Fairies said it makes no
difference whether a land-
fill site has an estimated
capacity of three years or
. 30, a problem with- seep-
age, for example, could
close the site tomorrow.
"We have to stick
together in case you need
it earlier than expected."
The Morris Twp. coun-
cil has still not decided if
it will make its landfill
available for the north
zone, but'in addition: to the
$15,000 engineering costs,
it has also asked for
$10,000 in township
administration fees and.
another $15,000: to pay for
economist,consulting fees.
The additional costs•will;
be considered at the next
meeting of the County's
planning and development
committee April 14,
for Huron residents
The council
approved a motion that
' during the coming year,
the, committees . and
department' heads "pursue
vigorously" further say-
. Ings to be made.
Coun: Tom Cunningham
of Hullett Twp, presented
the budget recornmenda- .
tion to council and said the
pursue vigorously'
motion was intended to• •.
reinforce the county's
commitment to "improve
efficiencies" in "tough
Teddy Bear Auction to be held April 19;
by.Shelly McPhee Haist The. annual spring auc- The Teddy Bear Dream organizers are confident • ,•
When it :comes to great tion and evening of enter -Auction, is the main. fund that the 'exceptional fund
entertainment and raising tainment will take place raising event for the Huron' raising. support that 'has
money` for.,a good cause,. this:. year on Saturday, • County Community Child been shown for this event,
Ma��� be �•..ou..fi u:re, other retailers in
Y � 9 .
your': i ne of : business'•are oinr..� :to cut
back their advertising, so it's safe for •
you., too. Right?
You're in competition.' for the cons:umer's'
dollar. wi h •
every other retailer �n towns no
• .. matter what .he .Soils. People have.. onl.. so,.:
man dollars to s end and' if the ` don't
s erd them for whit , ou sell, .th'e 'lis end.
them for:sdrneth•rg else.
,� r : ■w� eo■a
."' ..,, j�{rs+r r/ r •�; .• A , •`.i{ fr ,/ M• ,.G j, .oy 7 !C? ::' fy '
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•'ir%.+.,+.:!1 rr ...; r r r.;. ,�,�
auction.. packages, and
entertainment. by Phil.
Main, ' The Jazzy Tappers
and Second Citycomedy
Last year the Teddy Bear" tion, call'. Gus and Diane
Auction raised proceeds of `Chisholm- at 524-8554;
$1,0,000 to be used for Betty Bedard -'Bidwell at
child abuse -prevention- 524-2852 or Clarence
programs in Liuron.;; and Denomme at 524-4287
cors p service
by Beverley Thoinpson
'The three 'units, of
Licknow United .Church
Women, 'the Young
Women Can .Achieve and •
guests held a joint' meeting .s.
on April' 1st at the Church!
Sunday Sunshine enter-.
tained' while refreshments
were ' . served ' UCW,
President, : .Marlene
Str`uthers,, was :chairperson
forthe. evening:
A'worship service`on _
Haiti was 'led 'by 'Marlene
Struthers Glenda
Morrison gave,the;call to
worship. Scripture from.
Jeremiah 1:4 ;10 was. read
by Elaine Steer. The 'medi-
tation and prayer: was
"given by Glenda Morrison',
Mary' Lou Irwin and toe
Thompson. The, hyrnn.
"The Love of Jesus Calls
Us" was sung accompa-
nied by`E'lsie Houston..
Laura Lee Cayley,.'read an
article from .The Mandate
telling how.desperate the
Haitian's are to leave their
country. They take great
risk' to ride in open boats
across the ocean with. no.
promise of anything if
they do survive and arrive
in "the United States.°
Offering was taken by
Carol' A
Barb Willits introduced'
the', speaker' Ian
Montgomery .who showed
slides andgave common -
tary on the •two' weeks` he
spent -in: Haiti in February:
He went with „a group,
Men for Missions, whose
main purpose there was to
digwelts and, install
pumps for the water. As
theytry to .teach, the
Haitian's a trade so that
they can be self sufftcient;
the. Haitian people worked
along with them .on many
other projects such as
tki nson and. Pat.
4lti .held
repairs to buildings and
The 'group took various
types of supplies for distri-;
butions to the -Haitian's
:among which -soin
layettes for- babies that . the;
UCW' ladies had -made.
Norma„ ' Weatherhead.
thanked Jan for sharing his -
experiences with the'
group: .
Marlene _Struthers
thanked all :who took part
in the meeting and gave
information on upcoming
'events,, Ham. Supper,
General Meeting in April
22nd, and two 35th
Anniversary ',events
Daughter's. Day Out on
May 3rd and The UCW
.Bus Trip to Five Oaks
May 27th.
Kinloss premises to be
inspected for insur.nce
The former insurance
policy carrier' for
Kinloss Township will
be inspecting municipal'
buildings in an attempt
to come up with a good
price to win back its
Frank . Cowan.
Insur.ance lost the
municipality's business
last year after carrying
the policy for a number
Of years. The policy,•
now held by . Rural
Ontario Municipality
Association Insurance,
expires in September.