HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-09, Page 7Eueknow Sentinel, Weda:esday, .April 9, 1997 — rage 7 50tb anniversary celebrated by couple Albert and Jean (Whittington) Colwell of Kinloss werernarried 50 years ago•`on April 5, 1947 .,„in Zion .United Church inHarwich Township, Kent County. • In 1947, severe flood- ing of the Thames °River in the Chatham and London area delayed their wedding,. Their flowers were brought . across the Thames River by, boat and muddy unpaged roads caused the' minister to arrive by trac- tor in rubber boots. That evening on their way to London, the' a Colwell car was one of the last vehicles to cross the bridge at Delaware on Highway 2. At that time, the water. was up to the running boards. .The family of Albert and Jean will host an anniversary' celebration in May. Right- Albert and Jean Colwell 50 years ago• on their wedding day. The anniversary . will be celebrated in • May with their.family, New Vice-pjrincigal enjoys position at F:E.1VIadi11 In the two months that I have worked at RE: Madill S.S. I have found it to bb an excellent school. The staff .are caring and. conscientious individuals who work; very, hard to ensure a positive learning environment for the..stli- dents.. The overwhelming majority of,the students. are excellent.. I am really enjoying my titre. at Madill.. .Since I deal with most of the attendance and dis- cipline,'associated with the school:Ifelt that I should clarify how. I .will. address . these, issues.. The rules.; associated with this school •:have:not. changed` from what they have been -in the xpast. I have been applying • the student code of .con "duet `.-and 'Board of, Education' policies in deal- ing with discipline issues. .:. 'that have arisen .1 general- -ly, diseuss behavioral and,. attendance problems with students, (explaining why their' actions ,are; a prob- lem; and warn the student of the consequences Of. future actionsof a : similar. nature. The -school rules: have always been enforced in this fashion -the students are •warned and the conse- quences are given, Where thcaetionof the student -is Severe, the warning: may. be skipped• in favor of immediate consequences. This usually. occurs: in cases involvingphysical violence, blatant opposi- tion "Wand ' 'disrespect towards the authority of school staff, smoking on school „grounds and destruction of property (this list is not all inclu- sive): Discipline in these types of cases is geared .towards the severity: of ihe incident and it is based on the student's behavioral history at school. In cases involving physical vio-, lerice the, police 'nay :be notified and the student is advised of their options under the law. ..Trtiancy • and lateness are perennial Problems; which usually result in noon hour deters- tions. If truancy or late - mess.. are persistent prob- lems for a student then the • number of :.dete.ntions increases and, ultimately, the student will be sus-- - pended. For anyone under the age of 18, parental ver- ification- is required for an absence not to be consid- ered a truancy,. .Every. effort is made to • treat all students in the same manner. Ifa student violates the student Code • of conduct, the Education . Act orany other laws they can . expect that I will dis- cu•ss the situation. with ,them initially and that I will follow up with conse- quences in the .future: Students .who repeatedly • "break the rules" will suf- . - fer more consequences and more severe conse- •quences'as a result of their inappropriate actions: =The. code of conduct is Clearly..., laid out. in the student handbook that everystu- dent receives at .the.begin-. ning of the year. "1 plan to • enforce the code of con-. .duct to ensure that the environment in, this school ts, safe and'- productive for the 1,200. individuals that: 'work here. I will continue to work with'staff, students atnd .parents to ensure that .the education -opportunities at 'RE. Madill S,S; are sec- ond. to none. If you have questionsor concerns: about anything dealiirg with the school please feel free to give me a call'' at 357.1800. Madill Mirror Article This is the time ofYear when students choose courses for the next acade- mic year Students.' from Grades 10 to OAC. have a large: number of Bourses from which .to select. In the past, when poor. selec- ' tions:' were made, students. were .i}sually. able : to change their selection with little difficulty. Today; with cutbacks and larger class, the'ability to change courses once 'timetables have been; made is often very difficult and some- times not possible. Itis extremely important that students think carefully about.the course choices _that they are, making A discussion'' between,. par- ' erns: and theirchildren about course selection. can be' very useful. Where more information is required a visit to'the guidance office can be helpful: Broomball ,Thursday, March 6, the students and teachers "blttted head to head for,the :annual broomball game at the •Wingham Arena. • Yet again the teachers defeated the students by a' score, of 4 to 0 11 enjoy doing fun`things with the students tither than. just school. work," co imented Mr. Walker,- just one of the., annual winning teachers.. Mr. Walker began the, scoring on the. first shift. The other. 'goal' -scorers throughout the game were Mrs., N. Stafford; Mrs.,S. McDonald, Mrs. M. Lisle::. When, asked who had Won : in the last few years, Mr.•. Walker's only; reply was, `Brains over Brawn." In the y "ars before,.' other sports, 'such as bas- ketball and volleyball. were used as fundraisers as the: students and teach- ers'play to see who the teal winner is! Rugby. Thanks: to last year's ":success, Dave Wright and Andy Jones. have. started Rugby practice for the sec-. and year in a row. Over 100: students showed up for the first practice March 25. This is a few more than last year, despite the cold' rainy:,: •weather. . • • Anyone .can join this sport, so long AS you enjoy contact sports, and don't mind the mud. A $50 dol- lar user fee is to be paidup front. However, for those in financial 'difficulty, a :compromise can be made. Size doesn't Matter,: for either the girls or the boys ; teams: The teams have their first game held here at F.E. Madill . against ' „ St. Michael's of Stratford on 'Thursday, April,' 10 and' continue to have approxi:' irately :ane game a week until OFFSA in the first 'week of June. • - Mr.. Wright's goals. includegetting the girls to" OFF SA and the boys to WOSSA, .besides "having., fun; 'earning a b.it'of Suc- cess. and staying safe. Mr:Wright•belreves that this year will.be as successful as last year or.- Maybe rmaybe even ,more. reason is last 'year' the' teams .didn't have the ' . experience that they db now, even i f . they played • :like,"Brave Soldiers." Generation Week Madill takes on; the last 50 years in "Generation Week; This :Week at F:E Madill, students will expe- rience a new decade every day.. tasting with . the • :50's • through to t'he 90-'s. Special activities.,include on Monday, an assembly,' Tuesday, pop floats ,in .the cafeteria, and 'Thursday, a.. "hp -syncs'' during" the day in the gym and. a dance from 8' p.m 1.1. p.m. All : week students: will experi- ence the Book of Records during lunch in the hall ,' Where studentstry to break old school records,: like; how many people can fit' in/he: phone booth in the main hall. All students are encouraged to takepart in the fun and enjoy the dance: ,Spring F.E. Madill has sprung out the 'annual sports that ' have been waiting for a whole semester to "come out and play." • • ' This semester, the sports that are -available are badminton; track and field rugby and soccer. All of these sportshave a large number of students'. Participating in them. The ;effects of partici- pating and being active in sports can make you feel,. healthy, help you to man- age your time schedule,.. meet/make new friends, and, most importantly have fun. Nil ■AD4111.D•111rsRRr11aNNv����rit�M APRLL.11 & 12 7pm&9pm APRIL 13.4- 17 at 8 pm PARENTAL. GUIDANCE THEATRE KINCARDINE 396.3250" J' #M' CARAEY LIARLIAR. 1W 111 c,ry D10e$rWC. UN1vti www univg►salpictu►es•cOfl' ALL SEATS $4.25 TUESDAY GD0ERICH 524.7811 -I C A'R"R E FRI. - THURS. FRI & SAT. 7 & 9 PM APR:11-17" 'm SUN THURS.. 8 PM LONG DISTANCE? CAII 1.800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO Ko .al Canadian Legion ,on.: Br #309: Saturda. S :A�I to .. . ??? All donations accepted To arrange for itemsto :`be picked upcall... Ed Pyette 529-7633.@ orrBran' h 3 09. c @, 528-2745 'April` 16 & 17, 1997 Wed.. & T urs 5. pm to 10 pm • sit ���'� ROYALA D ., A� GA LEGIQ A chance to show our stuff • A Business, home and gardenshow W Admission by donation for more information or to book a booth please: call the Chamber office at 357-499a Space is limited!