HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-09, Page 6Page 6 - Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9,199'
Workfare working Huron, says Johns
• by Calle Cowan
Huron County Tory MPP
Helen 'Johnsretrrains res-
olute in her belief, that•
workfareis a good thing,,
And she his a.growng
program "in..her own con-
stituency to back up her
-Dubbed Ontario Works,
the program was green -
lighted in Huron, late last
year as one'of several pilot
programs to test the scheme
and'.it has been an ear1y.suc-
cess. '
The Huron model has
already been studied•by vis-
itors from Oxford County
wanting to leant how to set
up their own system.
"I'm proud of the .pro
gram here," Johns said.
"There have been ,positive
comments from the partici-
The program is still a
fledgling in Huron with 44
of an estimated 300 eligible
people taking "part. Alit that
hasn't slowedJohns' enthu-
siasm. -
"I'm very committed to
Ontario Works," she added.
"It allows people toget a.
Final card party held in Whitechurch Tires
hand up .., to get some pr -ac -
tical experience."
•And while her govern-
ment has come under some
fire for forcing welfare
recipients into "slave
labor", Johns argued the
training aspect of Ontario
Works will emerge.
"A number of factors are
the focus of Ontario
Works," she said."There is.
a certain training compo—
nent they put' them into it:
.While training is: not
always a particular focus df
the program, opting instead
for work experience with
non-profit community
groups, Johns said the pos-
sibility is there and will
grow. •
"We're looking, for an.
expansion of the program.".
She said the governing
Conservatives want the pro-
gram to go province wide as
soon as possible land
remainsconfident the early
success of the Huron pilot
'will help foster confidence
in the program.
"We're certainly looking
tohave all of Ontario, tied,
in," she said.
The final village card .
-party of the season was
held on Monday .evening
at the home of Mildred
McClenaghen's with a pot
luck supper. •
Twenty-one attended
with some: visitors as
guests for the evening.
High lady, Agnes
Farrier, second Margaret
McVittie of Wi:ngham; a
vi'si'tor. High men's, Rick
Williams, second Orville
Eliiott.of Lucknow.
Mrs. ' Agnes Farrier
returned home Monday
from a month in :Florida,
Bill and Kathy Qibson vis-
ited Saturday with, Mr and
Mrs. Bruce,Newman and
family of Ayton. Murray
and -Kim Simpson and
familyhave nioyed.. from
the village to 'their new
home north of the village
on •the family farm..
• Mildred Purdon,.
Kathleen Elliott and Jean -
Ross attended the . Easter
thank offering at -the South
Kinloss • •Church on
Wednesday evening, •. •
Mr and Mrs. Elmer
Sleightholm were Easter
visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs,','
Palton'Notes and :family
near Credttibn.
The Whitechurch UCW
ladies..held their April:
meeting on Wednesday, =
April 2•at.the homeof
Janet Cook ih Lucknow..
The topic was Christian`
stewardship• and finance.
The .call to worship was
given by Pauline Adams,
Evelyn Gibb..
The scripture: was taken
from John and given by
Pauline Adams, A litany;
for clean • earth and food.
was given by the two
women. ---
The topic, breaking the
• cycle of :hunger, was also
discussed, and a poern ,was
read titled `,Like a. seed
which grows into a tree.'
The roll' call was name..
your •favorite spring
• . The offering was
received and Agnes
.thanked Janet •for opening
her home and: Evelyn and
Mildred for the meeting;
The .meeting was closed
with praye- .
at .arena
A St,.Thomas man had
three tires on , his' vehicle
flattened and an eight -inch
scratch_put iii the tailgate.
The man was parked at, •
tl Lucknow arena where
he was watching a hockey
game March 23..:
Opp. report the damage.
to be estimated at $250,.
'Wind damage
Kincardine: OPP
responded to.a numberr of
:calls Off April 5, .'of 'wind-
blown trees:and .washed;
out`ditches: `' r i I'•.
Hydro lines 'were also, ;due e to. weather
Nine members of the Lucknow Skating
Club received top honors at a recent In.
Skate competition held at the t onununity
center. Senior Can Figure Skate winners
were, back .from left, Lee Morrison, gold,
Charlotte Drennan, silver and Ashton
eha. mney, . bronze. • Cizamney was also
named most improved senior. skater..
Middle,: are junior Can Skate winners; ,
Cindy *Hilts, gold,'' Melanie Willits, silver
and Amber Hackett,. bronze. Front, Can.
Skaters Hamish :Black, gold, : Susan Gui.,p y,
Silver . and missing Jesse Cox, bronze: Front
You are `the:kinq►;...
of Mother every girl
.dreams of having.:
We live you dearly,'
Happy Mother's Day!
Shelves and Eula
alute To
1 1,
To the most.
loving Mother in
the world.
We love. you.
David, Pat & Bill.
others In Thi
'ckliow:Aiteai. On Theft-
$pecia1, Y
We wilt •pubh;.y
lisour M.other's picture, a: •descripti.on.,•of how
wl-uronderfuyo. Mother ais :(2;2 -words or le s} all for
included. This: Happy Mother's Day Theme Will be pgblrshed
Wednesday, May 7th. Deadline for picture and copy is Monday, •
• •May.2nd, 199 1 Noon.•