The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-09, Page 3Municipalities antin . to
amalgamation have until
May 1 to meet deadline.
for next election
Bruce county munici. An unanswered ques-
palities that want to.amal- tion in the restructuring
gamate in time for this debate is whether the
fall's" municipal election province will.. impose
have until May I to get amalgamations if thee
their proposals to the, county doesn't reach
table. • reduction targets voiuntar-
That's the date set by. ily. Bruce County now has
Bruce County council, ' 30 municipalities. Fox pre-
which: must ,review ' the. dieted that having 'even
amalgah•ation proposals • two or. three formal- erne -
before sending .them to the gamations agreements on
province for comment, the table by spring will
Restructuring commit- keep , the provincial
tee member David Fox restructuringcommission
said talks are now under- er out of Bruce County.
way in several parts of the "I think if we can show
county. If: all them pro- ; that progress is being
ceed, i.t would mean a• made, it willsatisfy the
reduction of about nine or requirements they are
10 municipalities in Bruce. looking for right now," he
But Fox said it's a "pretty said in an interview.
slim" chance that more "A delay .in the munici-
than two or four proposals 'pal election date would -
will :meet the May •dead•- allow even more amalga-
line.. mation proposals to be
Committee chair Stuart finalized, Fox added.
Reavie said the May dead- "If we were given the
line~ does not apply to opportunity to extend the
,.restructuring proposals. • municipal councils as they
that will: take effect aftersit right now to" the year
this fall's election. He alio. '98, it would. give us `all a
offered advise to; iriunici better' chance to. have
"parities that have been restructuring talks, and
watching the restructuring that could meari"delays in
issue from the sidelines. " , reaching. agreements..:
"We strongly encourage. "1 think 'it's :going to. be
'those:municipalities.that very difficult on the new
have not initiated testruc- . councils. topick up the ball..."
wring reviews,to do so and run with anything.
now;' Reavie said in. his that's been started," Fox
report: said
$VCA levy for ' 1{4iiass �,
is $J,900 for 1997
Kinloss Township will
pay the Saugeen Valley
Conservation Authority
$1,990 for 1997 flood con.
trpland.other en iroilmen
tal services:
10 .1995; the township
paid $2,483 for the ser.-
. vice: The decrease
reflection of' !ower
assessmentbase in: the:
Township:. gets rebate
for fuel
`A, cheque for $243 was
received by the ,township ,
of Kinloss recently.: as part-;
of a rebate ``program
offered. . through the
Luckt:ow. and District Co-
The niunicipality.,was
reimbursed one and a half
• per cent 'for fuel they pur
chased in 1996.
Junior, and Senior; Kildergarter
Lucknow Central::
Public School
for children born in 1992 and 1993 .
The Bruce' County Board of Education will again
'make available;.a blended model of JK/SKAhis year
In which students woutd attend. s:chobi •al'i day
every other day..
It you wish your child to be included please contact
the school office at 528-:‘,.11022 as soon as possible.
Registration packages., are 'available at the school;
ABirth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate is
reTiuired:'aswell as a Prope:rty Assessment
Nurh1er. •
A. „ JK/SK . Information. .Night for parents/
guardians will be held the evening of.
.Thursday, 4061 -19/97.
• 7:00 pm
Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, April 9,1997- Page 3
The. Lucknow Girl Guides! and Pathfinders entertained the conrxnu
nity with an. Evening of Song Friday evening at the Lucknow
Public School, Showing off their voices are,, from Ie, Amy
Knechtel, Sarah Taylor, Jennifer Pollard and Angie Nicholson,
(Rohn photo)
1Vlichelle Carruthers: danced to.Five Foot Two, Eyes of Btu', during
An Evening of Song held Friday in LUcknow
to be held
The Maitland
Conservation Foundation
will be holding its '9th
Annual Dinner and Auction
° at the .Brussels, Comtniinity
Center April 18'
Cocktail hour begins at 6
p.m.,.diinrier at 7 p.m:, "fol-.
lowed by both; Give, and.
silent auctions
Tickets for the event are
$20 per .person A tax
receipt will be issued :for"aa;
portion of the ticket price.
For more information: cal
$74,500 - ..4 bedroom,
wood/oil 'heat,'Outram . Street,
KINLOSS - 1.4 acres, • 3
bedroom house., 45' X 96'
insulated shed. $116,500.
WINGHAM bed, rami
bungalow; ` finis.h.ed
basement with wood stove,
oil heat. $78j009.
WHEELER ST. - 2 bedroom
bungalow - new kitchen &
bath: $52,500.. '
bedropm, neW kitcten. and'
baths, formal living/dining
rooms, garage, 8/10 acre lot;
96 ACRES =:.W:. Wawanosh.
:Fieldstone. house.. 2.ponds,
creek. Reduced to $155,800.
HAVELOCK - Comptetety
renovated; 3 bedroom house,
11/2 bath; move . in . condition.
Li►KEFRONT' - Bruce :Beach.
5 bedrooms; fireplace, 80 x
33810. 4174,900:
$79;900.: Three bedroorn;•
paved drive, 110'..frortage,'oil,
PLACE ST 3 bedroom'
'bungalow, walk ih basement,
2.9 ACRES - near Kintoss,'3'
bedroom house. $55`,000.
bungalow, 3-4:bedrdoms,
'targe let. $99,900. •
122 ACRES Kinloss, 80 90
acres pasture; creek; 3
98" ACRES - 70 workable;
updated 3. bdrrn house, 40 i'x
56 barn, ; 20 acres bush.
33B. $99 990. 63 x 338
$94,900.. - .
50 ACRES- ,48 systernatic ,
drained; • treed building site.
6th Ashfield;
Cured :Prize
Plus 5 -: s 1,000°Q Prizes.
EarIy:Bird Draw July 1,8 50.0 and 20Fr-ee. Tickets:
l st Friday of each month - 1St 6500. - 2nd '150. - 3rd 75' = 4th .650.':
Regular Friday Draws -• 1:st $150,` - 2ri:d $75 - 3rd $50.
TICKETS - 2000 at :$50m each
Draws begin Noon August 1, 1997 tO 1V(ay'29,.. 199 $,:��flc>�ets good for
• every draw. Proceeds to Lucknow [Minor Sports.:
Lotf' ry Lip, .#M389926 Dave Block Complex 528-3002