HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-04-09, Page 2• • • •
rage - Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, April 9,1997
A New "out or
Soon, Cify
WO the National
Miring Company
. ' •
e .
eddy Bear Dream_Auction
Saturday, ApriI 19, 1997
at .the Blyth Festival Theatre.
Wine & Cheese & Silent Auction Viewing starting at 6:30 p,m.• .
Door Prizes, Entertaininent & SecOrid City Comedy Show
, . throughout ihe evening, ..
per person
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•..SponsOred by: CitINart, Sift() Canada Inc.,
Champion Road MachinetY & Wescast Industries
For ticket info calI 524-2852 (9 arn-,5 prn)
•or 1-800-4634388
eritergeney w111 be
from page 1
The physician was,
assured that outside scan-
ners cannot pick up calls.
to the hospital and thereby
be privy to confidential
However, Gear said,
• there will 'be times when
the night supervisor will
•be too busy to answer the
•phone, let alone direct
calls and summon staff in
the"case ‹tf an etnergency.
"That's the biggest'
worry I have abut the
scherne...99 per cent of the
time this will :work," but
predicted , that something
"will hit the fan" in a true
• ernergency.
Koch .admitted there are
a number of unknown fac-
'tors saying; "You really
• don't know until you go
along." During the trial
• period, switchboard staff
wilt be on standby, he
As well, the hospital
einergenc.y department
will not be staffed after ‘10
a.m. Hanlon asked who
• . •
• .
• Northern:CrOsg Pipelines Limited, Wo'uld
like to thank the, residents of East and West
Wawanosh Townships1r your .patience and
cooperation.during the natural gas _pipeline
construction along the 10th .c.ncession.
Northern Cross has cotnpleted the mam
construction phase. of the pipeline, 4nd*Will
be completing the cleanup portion of the
project, as soon as weather.permits.
Northern Cross would like to thank the
many area residents who providec! goods
and services'to- this project and our ongoing
• Northern Cross Pipeline Limited will be
continuing with its program of exploration
and ,development of natural. gas resources in
the community and we look forward to
worl(ing with. the rpsidents, toward the .„
continued economic grow th.of the area.
If you have any questions or comments
please contact myself at (403).237-0055 or
•Terry Worsell at (519) 524-7952.
Thank You
Dave, Thornpson
• President
will let people into emer-
gency at night. He was
told the night supervisor,
accompanied by another
employee, will be there to
admit people to the emer-
gency room.
In response to a ques-
tion from Gear, Woodley
replied there will be a
maximum of six nurses,
• plus a supervisor, on staff
at night at the hospital and
a minimum, of four nurses
plus a supervisor.
• VVe're cutting to the
• barest of bones here and:
hoping nothing happens,"
observed Steffler. "But
you only need one inci-.
dent and man, have you
got a problem."
She wryly noted that
she always felt the hospi-
tal had a "guardian angel"
standing overhead during
all the years she worked
there. "I hope we have a.
whole slew orthem now."
-Other board members
also had questions about
the changes. Murray
Hunter asked if it was
conimon practice in other
hospitals to haye,chronic
and acute care patients
grouped closely together,
Koch replied that. it is
Helen Rintoul asked if
similar cost-cutting
• moves, such, as the ones
being taken in Wingham,
• are normal practice in hos-
the test
pitais today.. Koch said
other hospitals have taken
similar measures.
• However, Hanlon was
unmoved by arguments
about what other hospitals
are or are not doing,
• "There's no excuse if
you're going to compro-
mise patient care. I do not
• want to be the physician
on call if an accident
• comes in and this.hospitar
is not adequately staffed,"
he continued. At his sug-
gestion, if was agreed that
the medical advisory and
.joint conference commit: -
tees should meet to take a
close look at the potential
impact of the proposed
Fire fighters of the Lucknow and District Fire Department honored the
staff of Pinecrest Manor with a plaque for 18 years of volunteer work. •
Pinecrest Manor's duties as dispatch station for the department ended
recently. From left, Paul Finlay, captain, Chief Peter Steer, and staff of
Pinecrest, Shirley Walden and Trudy Farad.
I ,
Long term health prornotion plan
released by Grey -Bruce DHC
". The Grey -Bruce District
Health • Councii has,
released a long and short
• term healthpromotion
plan for the two counties. -•
The plan,released two
weeksago, outlines where
the health council will
• focus its promotion efforts
for the next five-year peri-
od. ,
Five focus areas were
identified and include diet
, and nutrition, substance
• abuse and injury preven-
tion.; physical activity and,
• recreation, teen smoking
and self-esteem. ,
• These were identified
• after over a year of coth-
triunity consultation in
• areas "that 'Would help the
sorycornmjttee to. work'.
• toward its goals and objec-
tives, •
• The '.Coinmittee was
,made up of health care
• providers and:consumers
• in-bOth countieS.
• Many of the,cOmmittees
• strategies ate hase&on
. educatiOn,in schools and
the ccirtimunity: Within the
next three months, the
• committee hopes to estab7:.:
Itsh a health promotion
• implementation committee
• to, start putting the plan
into aCtion,
, • Along with the health
promotion 'plan, the dis-
• trict health council devel-
Oped a .coinniunity health
•repOrt. This' report is part
Of the .health promotion
• plan but because it is the
first comprehensive; . plan:
• in the twin comities, it was
completed separately and
will be used 'as a resource
• ,•
- •
The health report pro-
vides an assessment �f the
health of the community.
It also aids in understand-
ing what affects health and
is a basis for planning and
• priority setting for health
promotion, disease pre. •
vention and health mainte-
nance. •
Lucknow area man charged
• A Lucknow. area .man
faces' numerous charges
after he was involved in a
police . pursuit . ifl
Kincardine. OPP siSot-'
ted a vehicle, whivb
failed to,stop for a stop
sign at Campbell Street at
3:15 a.m. on April 5.
The driver failed to
stop for police, who had
lights and sirens activatr
• ed. When he eventually " charged with various
stopped, he attempted to offenses after ,they were
elude police onloot. He found in a vacant -house
was caught and charged in Kincardine.
with impaired driving, Police found the
failing to stop for police, youths in the .home at
-plus numerous other 3:35 a.m.., March 14
criminal and highway •drinking and Smoking
traffic offenses .. while candles burned. ,
• Teens charged •They were charged
• three Kincardine teens with trespassing "and con-.
and an ,18 -year-old suming alcohol under .the
Ripley teen have been legal age. "
: .