HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 72CRAW HARDWOODS LUTED
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piitationofCanadian dairy cattle
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ithin two • years,
Canadian dairy pro-
ducers should be able
to assure domestic and world
customers that every Canadian -
born dairy animal will be trace-
able in the event of a health
The Canadian dairy industry
is implementing a National
Livestock Identification (NLID)
Strategy to trace .and identify
• infections and other diseases,
and to maintain the international
reputation of Canadian dairy
cattle and products.
The basic objectives' of the
NLID -- to identify every dairy
animal with an approved tag
and a lifetime number, at birth
or prior to leaving the farm gate,
and to build a supporting data-
base for tracking animal move-
ment -- will benefit producers
by' helping maintain the image
and excellent health status of
'Canadian dairy vattle'and prod-
ucts around the world.
"The :NLID Strategy, is an
important, timely .initiative. By
helping to control disease in cat-
tle it will benefit.Canadian dairy
producers ;= protecting existing
markets for live, animals, genet
is materials and dairy products,
and .helping to; Open new one's,"
says .Ralph Goodale, Minister of
" Agriculture :and: Agri- ood.
Canada,. "I'm convinced this'
initiative will also: strengthen •
4$ -
782 Havelock Street Lucknerni.
(5 19) 528-3118 Fax (51 9) 528-2814
Canadians' confidence in the
safety of our dairy food prod-
NLID is an industry -led ini-
tiative of the Canadian. Dairy
Breeds supported by major
industry partners such as
Canadian ' Association of
Animal Breeders, Canadian
Dairy Network, Canadian Milk
Recording Board, Canadian
Veterinary MedicalAssociation,
Dairy Farmers of Canada and
Canadian Livestock Records
Corporation. NLID is endorsed
by Agriculture and Agri -Food
Clarence. Diefenbacher,'
NLID's producer chair says,"
"The time is right for, an Indus-
try -led identification and track-
ing -system driven not by only
regulation but
by practicality,
economics' and
direct benefits
to producers."
S e v e'r..a1
industry work
ing' groups are
currently detail-
ing the proce-
dures associat
ed with ; NLID;':
The •require-',
ment to identify.
will apply, to
both, purebred
and commercial
' , dairy cattle. For.
purebred cattle, the identifica-
tion number will also serve as
the registration number in the
breed herdbook. The number on
the tags will be based on one
common, national dairy animal
identification: numbering
sequence developed by
Canadian Dairy Breeds.
A key feature of NLID is a
database network, containing
animal identification, which can
be searched lb" trace animal
movement. A convenient and
automated reporting and record-
ing mechanism for persons sell-
ing, moving, or disposing of
dairy cattle will be developed.
Implementation of NLID is
to start later. this year once the
details have been, worked out
fora strategy of this scope.
a prayed
Dear rather, - As I assume the leadership of this group,
Make me sensitive to the needs and capabilities of 'others.
Help me. to draw out the shy, ..
Finding in each a special, ability..
Help melt) hid useful channels for those who
Hunger for recognition.
Help°me to guide with delicate -suggestion
Those who are experienced in taking responsibility
Help me to accept criticism,
Thoughtfully searching it for.truth.
Help me 'to welcome suggestions, and to give
Credit to others with sincerity and warmth.
May our objectives be clear and; recognized'
As more important than personalities.
May we work together in harmony and with
EnthusiaStn that will attract others to our quest.
I thank Thee for this opportunity and' pray
.. That' the results will find favor .in Thine eyes..
Amen. (author. unknown)..