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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 64
A 012A -Farm programa' 1 Features include' 521. V13 engine •Tlio ronePaint Automatic Transmission •t3bckHeater ArrconditioOing Qhrtxne Wheels 50* Side Motic('ngs;:'FuSze.A'eox AAVI4•Cassette*40- FiohlSeat& . Behind Seat 5torege+Lots Lots More' Available at this; offer! 1997 J4� Cva`Transit ssgn 'Air Oxidi ankig"PowrPoorLocks •4th.x„'” Doors ptk, 'Factory nrir'Glass •�pa,sgen er g "RRads' .. "VIM Stereo Radio 'DualAir Bags • `FullIMeeelCovers•Lac& re 7.Available : is gffer! .30- Month Lease Package**. $Q Down:.::.....,: $339... per. month' $1000 Down....$299. per month $2000 Down,. $265. pay month $3000 Downj X225. per month $4000 Down..:... $189..per month MQith lease Package** $1500 'Down.,..; 1 per month $2500 Down.... „per rrloh3h'. 43000 Down,...25., per month Fealues'lncitudeAir Conditioning Waiter Wncbt4e •Fowl r'pbbrLocks 'Tit Steerit►g.'Cast Al wnlntin W1ieels'4 IMlee►Anlll gdcBrakes'Crlrse:Ccv fid . . •17t,SYeering •.AMfM Stereo WO Cas,Selte •KE Remote Condb1tccks +hots, Lots, Lots Mora! 30' Month LeaSe Package** '$1500 Down.... *4 51 per month "'.$3500 Doul%` 'Rrer't►f`r�h' $3500 Down....*349 per ri gnth_ Featuresiriclude• 5:21, V8 engine "Air Conditioning •Autpinatrc Transmission •SkickHeater 'Rear Sliding Window. •Chrome Wheels *Fold Qewrptlp Rear _Seat 'Upgraded .Tires •AMFM Cassette. •40.2040- FynntSeat •P9mteC,onbolledPbwerMinors, "More Great Features • 3.:Avaii/able at this offer! $a Month.,Lease Package! $0 Down wawa per month $1.000 Dawn."*; $2000 pown..41 $3000 Down..'0289. per month '• $4000`:Down, s petMonth, AfodeILine UpFor '9Z Reg Cab 4x2Shart Box "Reg Cab 4x2: Lang Box 'Reg Cab 4x4 5hort Box +E*rCab 4x2.'Club Cab 4x4; See Them ALL. T DAIF! Wise Shoppers.AlWays Read the Fine Print: 'Purchase.price is plus freight,. license. DOC, &taxes, My/All factory incentives are assigned to dealer, PuncCase price can be lowered by:$300, it Purchaser Currently owns a Chrysler Vehicle. ""All lease prices are plus freight; licenser 000, & fafies. Any/All. factory incentives are assigned to deafer. Capital cost of tease can be lowered by $300. if lessee currently owns a Chrysler Vehicle; Lease is •a Chrysler Gold Key, low kms. lease for 30 Months with option lb purchase at arid 'Of lease OAC. Any questions/ JUST ASK USI 414 Lio,. 5247383.• Ou