HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 49Avoiding finger band and
Whether you're a machine
operator, a lab technician, an
office worker -- any kind of
worker, for that matter -- your
hands are one .of your most
important "instruments." Yet,
over a quarter of a million peo-
ple suffer serious (and often dis-
abling) hand injuries each year.
By recognizing hand hazards,
following established safety
guidelines, and using protective
guards, shields, gloves and
other personal protective
devices as needed, you can save
your hands from injury and
yourself from unnecessary, dis-
is-abilit r,
Recognizing Mand Hazards'
,One of the most serious yet
coinmon• causesof handinjury
is the use of unprotected, or
faulty machinery or equipment.
Failure to use push -sticks, -
guard's, kill -switches, or to fol-
low' ,appropriate lock -out proce-
dures are among the leading
industrial hand hazards,
Wearing jewelry, gloves, or
loose -fitting .clothing around
moving parts. { can also lead to - .'
Chemicals; corrosives, ,and.
other irritating substances can
cause bums and skin inflamma-
tion unless appropriate hand
protection is used, Temperature
extremes and electrical hayards
are other commoncauses of
hand injuries.. ..
In addition, constant . repeti
Live; motion (as in assembly -line
work or painting) can cause
undue stress on the wrists and
handsunless protective mea-
sures are taken.
The following list provides a
guideline for handsafety that
can help you protect your hands
from injury and disability.
-t was 1 Tented 'x1,1993
by Saskatoon man
•fro,m page 27 date.
farmers and other handicapped; 'While with this partner Mike
pebple'to, get into a'Gombine, a " Irwin; of Elmer ' (thetwo are
tractor or boats." You can even . founders of Ontario Farmers'
use it to get :onto, a friend's with Disabilities), they saw:a
porch, instead of being terrified demonstration of the lift
bf being dragged ;up the,steps " ''"But he (Derksen) gets dis-'
Have Tiller,' Will 'Travel is credited .everytune he gets on
the 'name of Jane's business the thing, and -gets, off and jumps
which requires h.ini to. visit into. his truck because he's not
potential employers to give job handicapped.''•
estimates:Jones didn't think ,much of
`"They watch, me getting out the lift at first because of the
• of my. truck and think, `What price tag but after thinking,
the heck am I going to hire Win 'about it for ,o'ver a year, he
for when a wa:lkie.can'just jump: decided to. drive .down ' to.
out of the truck?' But if they see Saskatoon and get one hooked..
me in this .thing,they'll see .that up.
T can do it: joust as: well as, a.. "If I 'could have had this:
walkie:"; thing 22' years, ago, it would
Howard.Derksen, an;eugi- have made my life a lot easier.
neer front Saskatoon . invented When you're handicapped, it's
Fist injuries
Mod Protection Checklist.
•1 a alert to potential hand haz-
ards before an accident can hap- ,
•tse alert to possible unguarded
pinch points..
•Always use push -sticks,
guards, shields, and other pro-
tective devices when appropri-
ate. Do not remove guards...
*Use brushes' to wipe away,
debris. •
*inspect equipment and ;machin=
ery before and- after 'tasks to
make sure that" it is in . good:
operating condition.
*Disconnect power and follow.'
established lock -out procedures
before repairing or .cleaning
;,Never wear gloves,:' jewelry*. or
loose cliothing when working
with moving machine parts.
•Use the appropriate personal.
protective equipment - gloves,
guards, forearm cuffs, barrier
creams -- for the specific task
you are performing.
*When wearing gloves, be -sure:
they fit: properly and are rated
for the specific task you are per.•
•Select tools designed' to,keep
wrists straight to -help avoid
repetitive motion/overuse prob-
Farm Progress 497=Pater 33
We've expanded!.
W&ra your' one stop. tack .shop: .
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the Freedom •Lift in 1993. 'They the independence ipart that both-
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