HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 39+t from page: 21? • latest, statistics show that more. than 10 minion. kilograms of Cheese ,made from sheep milk are imported into. North, Arnericav so the consumption would appear tri be substantial. • Sheep milk has a high solid • content. Because of this, the yield is very high w1 n.com- pared with the milk front cows andgoats; . As a ,rule • of thuYib, Enropeans,calculate'that they need about faun litres of milk to produce aboutone kilogram of cheese; while for cows and goats, about seven 'to 10 kilo grams will be required. . In addition; sheep •• !Wilk is an alternative for persons vyith allergies.. This milk is naturally homogenized and contains near- ly double the riboflavin till- ai in, vitamins B6 and .012 of ' cow or goat milk The advantages that sheep have. over. cows are many. the animals are easier to handle.and require fess expensive fencing.. "Sheep can produce. three or more meat ntopsevery two years, and make more efficient ' use : f available, pasture: high so While the Canadian lamb. market is growing, there is still very little profit to be Made from the fleece.. The Rohners thinkthis is due to the disor'ga- nizationof the, market and in the. future there will be improve- .ment in this crop. Presentiy a Hamilton dairy picks -up milk from the Rohner? Christi= Rohner and one of their. baby Iambs. (Arscott photo) on ent and three other farms,. in Hamilton the milk is made into various specialty cheeses. • Because of increased interest of Canadi.ans•in ethnic foods, tlie'future market for sfiieep milk .and products would appear prorttising for.. innovative people tike Kurt and Christi Rohner. 1997 - Canada's year.. of Asia Nettie The doverpment of Canada has designated. 1997 • as Canada's .Year of Asia Pacific, and throughout. the . year, •Agriculture and Agri -Food ;Canada will actively assist Canadian ' agri-businesses showcase their products and 'build their clientbase in one of the world's fastest growing regions. In 1996, Asia Pacific markets imported $4.03 'bil lion in Canadian agri-food. products. Exports to Japan. Canada's second largest trade' ;partner, reached $1.874 billion in 1996.. New markets . in: South East Asia grew 68 per. cent between 193 and,1995 to a .value of` $2.15,6 billion.; Exports to Indonesia'increased from $133 million to $295 ,million; an increase of t 21per. cent. Paim r riogress'91-Pali 2a c x unit taased Business With is east". 1 Years Qf Quality C'ustotner.Serv.ice uhin eed 8 Su offers tpop quaFlity service and: value t oniparable to none FULL SERVICE M1LijNG Custom .Grinding & Flailing- Dalian Balancing to: Meat Your Needs .GRAIN BANKING ANNOUNCING Top Quality Shur -Gain Products for your animals' Nutrition & 4 ealth. CiiicfcDdys. Chick"s. - Sexed or Mixed, ALS0.available - Turkeys, Geese, .(ticks, Layers FEED PROGRAM$ DESIGNED FOR SPECIFIC FAR* FEEDING NEEDS t Swine -Beet • Oairy . Equine #sk our qualified pro- fessionals flow they can best sowyou. ORDER DATES 'April 11/97 for pickup Friday, May 2/97 May 9/97 for pickup Friday, May 30/97 A complete line of Feeders; .Waterers, Heat Lamps; Baled Shavings, etc. Walton 887-6023 DAUPHIN FEED & SUPPLY 1-800.665-5675 Dungannon Monday to Friday San.- 5, p.m. 529495 i Saturday 5 a.m. -12 Noon •-Persofali ed Service , .. Yau Deal With The Quoted "LEASE FOR LESS" GENESIST�.1 3.1 DisCbir+ 1 aft, .asp F aw As r 488 F�ayf�ne:. *Payments do not, include app. taxes. AU above- leases are; based on 3 yr terms ;with semi annual payments,OAC with New Hnitartd Gredit Some restrictions. may apply 774Q 4'VVD..Cak) Air,.. Lease for Power • Shift, 86H.R $4304. s with Annual.paymerits or take the CASH Discount_: FWD SUPER: STEER. Per year.plue appropriate taxes or.take the "C>ASH • .;DISCOUNT *used an a year term annual. pays; only This: is'one ,tractor you'll be proud to:call your. own. New Holland 70 Series tractors combine, power, comfort' and' perfformance. You get 145 to ' 2101 TO hp GENE$fS' engines;; a cab designed; like a lixury automobile, and revolutionary turning; performance. These: tractors .are de;;igned: for the way you wantto work! Stop in: for test drive. RE LF FARM EQUIPMENT NEN HOLLAND LET,K''vOW (519)5 29-7995 mm1a,-1"riria\ 8:410 \l1- .7:30 P41 !atur+fa) 8:4)4) \l1 - 12:510 1i►on kV!' FR 1U'1 W., 1: \Li. 528-2 793 or 395-128 LTD. 4141404* NEW HOLLAND