HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 2941, 4111Y
100440040 rot OWAVIWO **tog owtosarifstsv#11011
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OMAFRA's official launch onto the World Wide Web took place at the International
Farm Machinery Show in Toronto recently. Jack Westlake (left), ag rep for Grey
County, logs'onto the (WassInk photo)
Safety .facts
carbon intinoxide poisoning:
Symptoms and treatment.
• Symptoms
1. Low concentrations of carbon
Monoxide (C0)- can lead to a"
sliglir headache and shortness a
• breath upon moderate eXertion.
2. Higher .concentrations can
Produce a severe headache, con-
fusion and dizziness, impaired
vision and heariiii, and collapse -
or fainting with exertion
3. Extreme concentration Of CO
can lead to unconsciousness or
•Hist Aid treatment
Move to fresh air irninediate-
ly at the first;indication of any..
Of the above symptomS:
If it is necessary to moVe an
unconscious victim to the out,
doors, be extremely cautious
befdre entering an enclosed area
where carbon monoxide Con-
• centrations.may be high - you
could .be the next victim! Open
doors and windows formaxi-
, Keep the patient lying:down
and wrapped in 'blankets tO
maintain body warmth until
emergency help arrives. Rest is
• 'abolutely essential. Under no
circumstances should the patient
bellowed to Walk after regain-
ing consciousness. They should
rest for at least two hours, if
F$0111 PlrOgrefill 437-PRiga 13
Japan: land ofrising •
Opportunities await in Japan
• for Canadian producers and
processors of agri-fOods, bever-
ages and fish. The Asiancoun-
try is Canada's second largest
export market, but only six per
cent of Japan's agri-food
imports come from Canada. The
potential is great and growing
for the Canadian sector because
Japan's aging farm population
holds small individual farms
that are prohibitively expensive
for amalgamation or purchase
by new. farmers. Concurrently,
-.the Japanese diet, which is
Reasonable Rates - Quick Service
Mixed Pleasure Service
Centre •
biiiigannon 52%3104
Repairs to farm equipment, cars tiecoinmerciai
Licensmechanic specializingin dieSei engines
• Free Estimates
%R. 2 Grand Bend 238-1225
• possible. , ,
• in all -cases where breathing
has ceased, artificial respiration
must be applied immediately. A
knowledge •of some 'efficient
method of resuscitation is vital,
& Supplies •
* Windbreaks
,•.1Voit Blake ite.c:rtg.r"
• .
• becoming more westernized,
regularly consists of meat, dairy
products, fruit, processed foods
and beverages. To enconrage
Canadian firms to enter or
expand.sin this market of 125
million persons, Agriculture and
Agri-Pood Canada has spon
sored trade seminars across .
Foodiand Quick Fact
The 1995 rutabaga crop pro-
duced, 49,3 million pounds
with a farmgate value of $4.9
ore Till.
.ess Bill.
"Constant -width design for consistent ovedap.
•Patented wear point tears through any soil.
'Made from high -carbon steel like Earth Metal*
disk' blades. for unitatched; strength,
• •Low profile, low Orocvn'for today's
• conservation tillage, • -
•WkXXI-WIDT-1-1 offer -full* thickneSS,
MAXXI-VALUE offer 5.0 min thickness . •
For Case IH and Other Brands
. ismesprintissouvirr
Part No. . ussOriptiort •• Rol* Price
1547.098c2:......nikoit4iptH 9 xv.."
450099d2: .....11/iAkX144115TR'10 ' • .$446.
•. ... • • • • ,"••
1S47.100C2:, .MAXXI WIDTh 12" :V.11 . . . .
.11itAXXI7VAt.PE'rh" x5 nun . $4.09 . .$2:99 , , •
. . .
13,2190A1, , . .• '.."..4„h*X)(1•;VAIL1E9n x5 OM .'. $4.39.:. • • $3,.29
•• n ••.,
For John Deere
•.• ,
, „ , • ,
, 132181A1 71h" x5 nun . .$4.09 . • „ . „ .$2.99
132182A1 „..:„.11;4A)<X1-.VALUE 9" x 5 mm . . .54,59 . . . ,*329
"Inst rebate/sale -pricsoffered only on listed part nosand cannot be combined
with any ether offers. • "' . • •
• Tree tithing • Brush Chipping • Stump Grinding
12ii-0147;efe4'ap& Oeus cf,e4va
- Fully Insuierl
• . .
. .. •• • • •
, • :
• y•
see Us Todayfor the bestprices
of the Year on Case IH MAXXI-WIDTH
and MAXXI-VALUE cultivator sweeps
FiWst. #23, North Of Mitcheil•
ra r
P•H: 34887O2