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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 15
LucknowSentinel, Wednesday. March 19, 1997' - Page 15 Steers r Steers d heife ell lower at ft:seJs The fedsteers and heifers sold $1 $2 lower; Cows sold on a strong trade. . Veal' sold on a steady trade. Lambs sold -on a very active high mar- ket. Stocker calves sold, $2 $3' lower with yearlings selling steady. There were 490 steers on offer selling from 88.00 to 94.00 to the high of 101.00: There were 284 heifers on offer selling from 88.00 to 94.00 to the high: sof 94.75. There were 190 caws on offer selling faint 45.00 to 62.00 to thehigh of 66.00.. There .were 15 bullson offer selling from 56.00 to 72.50 to the high of 85.00. There were 319 veal on offer selling: Beef: • 80.00 to 110.00; Holstein: 70.00 to 85.00; plain Holstein: 50.00 to 74,00. Lambs: under 50 lbs.; 232,50 to 310.00;. 50 to 79 lbs. 235.00 to 272.50; 80 to 94 lbs. 192.50 to 197.50; over 9.5_ lbs. .1.50,00 to, 190.00. Sheep; 31.00 to 77.50. Goats: 39;00 to 152.50. `Twas a `green meetin for the Lucknow WI by Mabel Whitby The theme for March meeting of the Lucknow WI was St. Patrick's day. Hostesses were Bernice Johnstone and '° Alice Taylor. After a tasty dessert, president Alice Taylor welcomed us all, and the meeting opened, in the usual way. Rollc,all was wear something green, or put money into pennies for friendship. April. will be our annual meeting; `with a pot luck dinner,. and renewing our membership. A get well gift will be sent to Edna Young, who is recuperating at home. Bernice Johnstone gave the district directors' meeting report. 'A display. of. large •quilts old and new, will: be held at •the ' Southampton Museum, on March 30 at 2:30. Roots' of .Bruce is to be held at, Walkerton; they're look- ing for pies,' help and donations The: District Anival will be held at Tiverton on.May 8. , A pot luck program ' wasreally enjoyed, A ,.poem "The 'old fashioned: • car" brought back.meni'o. ries. Contest guessing'. .game ' was won ;:. by Berhadine Ritchie, A St . • Patrick's' Day poem read by our new mems Jean Hicks. Also a story Luck of the Irish was read. Kay Maglntosh played several lively Irish, tunes. An amusing article by author Mary Cook, The bluebloomers,was hilari- `ous., Several ,jokes were told. "Successful Living Mothers," describing all the work they do,with lit- tle recognition menget, married too, told of all the groom wore to the .wed- ding, was .a change from hearing about the bride. The poem Friends finished.: up our program. If' anyone would be.. interested in 'joining the :Women's Institute, '.we would` be 'pleased to have you. We meet every sec= and Tuesday at the town hall at 1:15 p.m.. Alzheimer. Fact Canadians Spend191ii1� lion dollars a year on per sons ' with Alzheimer Disease and related dementias: Paisley goalie Mike Kidd was voted MVP in the. final game between his team . and Mildmay in the championship round of the Elaine Irwin Memorial Bantam 10C1111 league tourney on Friday. Ken (left) and Chris Irwin made the pre- sentation. (Livingston photo) Mildmay, defeated' Paisley 4 to 1 in: the Elaine Irwin Memorial Bantam localleague.. tourrwai Ment last. Friday. Ken I vein (left) and :Chris lirwin presented the winning trophy to. captain Jeff' Dosman, Kevin Fteinhart (right) was Voted` MVR (Livingston photo) CONSTRUCTION AND DUILDrNG CENTRE BUILDING SUPPUES CONTRACTING' FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL 526472© X720 COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL 440 Campbell Street (on Hwy 86) Lucknow NOG 2H0 tui,hieylirad CARPENTRY 5 3ssana R.R. #2 Lucknow, Orit. NOG 2H0 . Doors•. and. Windows *Textured Ceilings *Cabinets *Floorings*Drywall *Decks • RITCHIE ELECTRIC • 24 HOUR SERVICE • �,. 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