HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 14r'.e,X4 - L1tcnoItSe 142.. Obiltuaries: +, W. RUSSELL CHAPMAN W. Russell Chapman of • . Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow, and for- merly , of Whitechurch passed away Saturday; March 8, 1997 in his 86th year. Born on Sept. 13, 1912 in Markham, Ont. He was the -,son of the late Maurice Chapman; and 'Mary ' (Harrington), Mr, m ,Chapman. was .a business- man running the General Store in Whitechurch for many years and owner of a bus line's. He was a mem- ber of the Whitechurch United Church. Surviving. 'are his wife Mary (Smith). of • Lucknow and formerly of Whitechurch, one daughter Shirley Smith of Tucson, Arizona U.S. and: one son • Garry Chapman of R.R:#3 'Wingham. Also five grand-. . children and 4 great grand- children. He 'was prede- ceased by one • brother. Visitation was held at the . MacKenzie .and -McCreath •:;Funeral Home, Lucknow on • March 10, with funeral ser- vice from the chapel on. March 11. Debbie 'Clarance was the Clergy with eulogy • by Lisa Chapman and Marlon Smith. as soloist. Active pallbearers Gerry Cover, Jack Wright, Lorne • Smith, Bradley Smith, 1Phil Blackler . and. Aaron Chapman, Spring Interment , in Greenhill . Cemetery,. Lucknow, --i2ar , 'DONALD FISHER Donald Fisher, •of `Walkerton, passed away ' in Walkerton, 'on .March' '15,; ',1$97, He was 49. Mr. Fisher • started' his .3t years. of Joyel service :with • Ontario Hydro,, • in Barrie, ..and,then trans- ferredto Walkerton in 1.979. He pis survived; by Iiis „beloved' friend: 'Marlene , Bennington` of• Walkerton, • one• son Tom'and- his wife Debbie Swartz -Fisher of Kingston,'.'onedaughter Kara and het fiance Carson `Swartz: of. the Cayman ihlands'and two grandchil- dren, Jasper and Cedar Swartz -Fisher; Mr. Fisher is also.survived by his par a eats, John, and Mary .Fisher of Lucknow; Elaine •Fisher of • Walkerton and. his'aunt Maudie; Fisher of Lucknow. ;Visitation was at. the Tanner and Pearson Funeral Home, Walkerton. The••funeral ser- vice was held on March. 19, at 11 a.m. at •. Knox Presbyterian Church.' Walkerton, with. Rev, Peggy .-Kinsman officiating. Casket bearers were aim McCarter, Ken . Houston,. <en Mereer,. Ray Ford, Doug' Johnson, Doug McKinnon and Larry Harris. Flowerbearers- were Jasper and Cedar SWartr-. • Ffsher,..Amy and Angie Houston. Memorial dopa • tions to ..the '•Canadian Cancer Society' '(Brain: Cancer Research) would be appreciated as expressions.' Of sympathy.12er tineljf/ednesday,. March 42. Obituaries MICHAEL L. PENTLAND Suddenly in. Parry Sound on Saturday, March 15, 1997, Michael L. Pentland of R.R. #1 Dungannonin his 28th year. Beloved husband of • Susanne (Pollock) Pentland, Dear father of Jenna and Jesse, Loving son of Nellie and her hus- • band Gary Clayton • of , Belgrave and the late Larry. Pentland. Brother of Victoria" and Harold Lech of Tillsonburg, Julie and Dave' :Plunkett ,of: London,: Grandson of Wilfredand Marjorie Pentland of RR. #1 Dungannon. The family will receive ' friends at McCallum & Palle Funeral Horne, Cambria.Rd' at East St. Goderich on Wednesday,, 3 5 and 7 - 9. p.m. Funeral ' Service Will be held at; the funeral home on Thursday morning at 1.1 a.m.; interment Dungannon Cemetery, Donations to. "Pentland Children Trust ' Fund" for post ..secondary- education or Ontario Farmers With . Disabilities gratefullyacknowledged. --. 12cc . P.P.-199-7 DONALD JAMES • • MACADAM " • ,. Donald' Jaines (Jim) MacAdam of Vancouver, B.C. 'and formerly of Cutrose • Township; passed •away • from acancerous brain tumor. •on.;March 12, 1997 In :his 46th year. Jim was: cur- rently working for B.C..• Hydro. He iesurvived by his sae Derrick of Vancouver, his mother Doreen of, Belmore, brother Ken of Cob'urg,' sisters • Ruth Richards of Milton, Donna Fischer :of Lucknow,' Jean Baxter:of:London and Marie; •McGlynn of: R.ft. 2' Wingham. Jiro was prede- ceased by his father Don • MacAdam., Cremation and service ' was 'held tn. Vancouver: --12x I46Ifl . e oria ` �IIi x'111 1'M1 ` 47., Cards of Thanks WHYTOCK Wewould like to thank the following merchants for the beautiful keepsake plate in honor of our 40th anniver- sary: Mayfair Restaurant; Willits Tire; Lucknow Village Market; Everla;ting,s; Snobelen. Farms, Puddleducks Day care; Lucknow District Co-op Finlay Decorators;. McDonagh Insurance and Heal Estate. This, will always be cherished. Lloyd and Roberta. -=12:x • :LUCKNOW AUXILIARY TO WINTER SPORTS • Would like to thank every- one who helped in anyway . to make. the, Elaine Irwin Memorial Bantam and Atom Local League Tournaments a great success. Thanks to the Mayfair Restaurant and. 'Tom Pegg `Construction for donating the Lucknow Minor. Sport Medallions as 'MVP awards: to all parents who donated food or who worked in the. booth, upstairsand downstairs; to aH the referees' the time-'. keepers, 'Lee, Curt, and Clint, and our arena man-' agers for a great job: to our gophers 'Jonathon -and Matthew for cleaning dress- ing rooms after each . game and other chores that.need- eddone; to a11' the,;fans :who 'came out'•to support the local teams as welt as the tournament. A special thank you-to,the' coaches and. kids On the Novice A team 'who filled in for us when, the: team' from -.Erin couldn't. .make i,t for the Ahern Tdurnament.Thanks to the: team: captains and tourna- 'ment :eXeci!tiVe It is'. only `': because'of your hours. :of • dedication . that. these,two tournaments are. possible.,• We:need and appreciate' each and everyone of you. Thanks again and see you' next.year. ;=-12ar, ''UM.BACH fn memory of Elmer .Umbach"who passed ,away 3 ,years ago, .,March 22, 1994.•, Everydayin sone sinali way, • Memories of you: come our way, ; We miss yout ,smile and gentle way : ' ' ' In our hearts you'll always Stay.. From',yourfriends.; at. Lacknow Pharmacy: --12x • 7. Cards.. of Thanks WEBER' 1 would like to thank. all :,those who sent dards arid. flowers and who inquired about me since, 1 was in the hospital and sincereturning home. Sharon. MACMILLAN The family. ofthelate Mertis .. 'MacM I Ilan wish' to :express their sincere, appreciation to all' their 'r-elatives, friends and neighbors.•for their expressions of 'sympathy during •our recent bereave- ment.. ,Special thanks `for beautiful flowers, mass 7cards,'donations, ;food, Sym p.athy car -ds andother expressions of• sympathy.• Thanks. to: •Father, Harry Reitzef for firieral mass and words of comfort. TO the ladies of St.' Mary's Church for the lovely lunch served following the service. As well, thanks to the pallbear erswhose presence 'Was greatly appreciated. Thank you to' MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Hofne for organizing all of the neces- sary arrangements in aur grieving. time, Eugene,. William, • Robert; Barb, Margaret, Stewart and fami- lies. --12x 47. Card* of `hanks CHAPMAN The family of the late Russell; Chapman wish to extend their thanks to Pinecrest Manor,Nursing.. Home in Lucknow for spe- cial. care given to Russell during his stay. AIse to Debbie, Clarence for her many visits, ' and so; ably offi- ciating at the funeral ser .vice. We also extend deep appreciation to the friends and neighbors both In Lucknow. and Whitechurch for their words of support, .floral tributes and .donations. A specialthanks go to the Whitechurch UCW forr, the fine lunc h prepared at the. church' for our family and friends. AIi of the above was greatly appreciated. Mary, Shirley and Garry. --12x 48. Coming , Events . BINGO Goderich Knights. of Columbus; Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, • 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in. prizes. $1000.00: Jackpot must go.--iatfar ' 'FAREWELL For Grant and Audrey Johnston March 22nd at t Dungannon Agriculture Hall -from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m.' Everyone welcome. Lunch provided. --11,12x ` • 90TH 'BIRTHDAY Come and go tea to honor Bessie Maulden on her 90th birthday, Sunday; Mar. '23, 1:30 to -4 an . Kinlough.- Presbyterian Church'. Let 'your presence;be.your gift -11,12x SINGLES DANCE . Sunday, Mat, :23rd at the Brussels. Legion •::Hall. 'Dancing from 7 p.m. to 11 pari • Music:. by; Ken Scott. Dress ':Code: ,(For r 'Wingham Dance). =-11 12cc: -SWO 14th ANNUAL D ; OLE AND'STEPDANCE • Championship, Stratford Fairgr,.ounds .Coliseum, July 4th' 7:00p.rn., July, 5th 10:30a.m. Finais and show 47;OOp.M. Tickets: at door': • Advance tiekets/camping information 519-271-6115.--. 2bc ' TEDDY BEAR DREAM ; AUCTION and Second City Comedy: Show, Saturday, April 19, Blyth Theatre: Silent auction viewing and wine .and cheese, 6:3Q' p.m, Tickets $25 person.'Phone 524- 2862, 9 a.m. 5 P.m. ~Support ;Huron County • Community., Child `Abuse Cp-ordinating Committee..:. 12-16cc ' BIG: BROTHERS BOWLING The Lucknow, B'owiing lanes will' be active on Mar. 22 .and Mar. 23 where bowlers will be bowling td 'raiSe money 'for Big Brothers. • I will be 'bowlingand anyone: Who would like to pledge me can call 528-2771 •'•Frank Alton. --12x 400 Corning Events MUCH .MUSIC ViDEO DANCE With classics of .the 50's to '90's, April 5, Lucknow Community Centre: p.m. to 1. ' Sponsored. by Lucknow .Kinettes. Age of majority„ Food available. $10lperson. door,. $8: in advance. Call 528-2783 or 528-3406..Proceeds to Community Service. --08- 14ar • LUCKNOW GUIDING PRESENTS An evening of Music Past to • •'Present, Friday, April 4, 7:30 p.m, at LCPS. Adults' $3, children 12 and under $2,preschool tree. Tickets. at Kids Shop, Finlay's, any third year Guide • or•• Pathfiinder. Proceeds for Niagara Falls trip. --09-14 VARIETY CONCERT The Homec,raft division of the L'ucknow Agriculture Society are sponsoring a variety concert on Mar. 21 at 8 p.m. -Lucknow :Public School ' --12x • RURALRESOURCES is: a new FREE, mobile Ser- vice that visits various rural communities • in: 'Bruce .County. Rural Resources provides; pamphlets, ' infor- mation, :addresses and' phone numbers :about where to find help in your area.' Our counselor can assess your situation, if ` needed and; make referrals if' you desire. Drop in for a • coffee and see . what we're all ;about. Lucknew Town Hall (basenentside 'door), .Wednesday, Mar. 26, from 10: a.m. to 12:30 .p.m. Sponsored: by The .women's House of, Bruce County. For more. informa= tion cal! 1-800-265-3026 or 39.6-9655.--10,11 12cc,'.:. THRIVING,.NOT JUST • SURVIVING "Parenting in the 6.0s" - four sessions at LCPS;..Phisenl. ters .Sharon Creighton. and • • Kris :Roberts: Learn about 'the;'importance. of .Seif. '•esteem and how to comma -1 nicate with': children March '26, 7:30 to 9 p m: for Grade 3 parents; APO' 2, 1:30' to ;3 or 7;30 to 9."p.m.: fare JK and SK parents; April 7;7:30 to 9 p.m.' for. Qrade..e parents. Sponsored by ' LCPS Council • Advisory Cominittee. ' Babysitting available Phone: 528-3022 for: More, i'nforMetion. -- '12,13,14 BLYTH FESTIVAL Presents The Piano Man's. Daughter' and Others, Wednesday, April' 23 at 8 p.m:, Tickets $28. Call'the Box Office at (519) 523-. 9300.-12-17co • • JEAN CHAREST Town , ` Hall meeting Thursday,.: Mar. 27 at Goderich Colurhbus Centre, 390 Parson's • Court. Lunch $5 per person, Begins at 11:30 aim; (Tickets avail- able at the door), For :infor; mation call £19-52479546., -- 12,13cc. 48. Coming; Events BLOOD DONOR 'CLINIC Thursday, Mar. 27, 12:15 to 4 p.m., and 5:30 - 8:30 .p.m. at F.E. Madill Wingham. ' Please give again if you can. -712,13 OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY MEALS at' Kinloss Community Centre between 4 and 6 p.m. on Mar. 23, Apr. 6 and Apr: 20 Everyone welcome. --12cc CRAFT: SHOW & SALE. Second annual Craft. Show and Sale, Central Huron Secondary School, Princess St., Clinton on April 26th, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p,rn.; April 27th, 12 noon - 4:30 p.m. Door prizes; raffles; _food., booth... Phone 482-7502. -12, f 3cc APPRECIATION NIGHT for all volunteers to Phase 11 of •Lucknow and District Sports Complex on Friday, Mar. .21,. S .to-t�the Lucknow Le r. Fun food DJ. Anyone who volun- teered in any way is cordial- ly invited' to .attend. -; 11,12nx SKAfINC; CARNIVAL "Silver Skates - 25 years. of . Figure Skating in Lucknow$ Sunday, Mar. •23, 1:30 p,m, at. the Sports Complex.. Guest: . Skaters :_,,Jamie. Vollmer and Samantha,; Mayer. Adults $4, students •$2, children under 12 free. Alumni and family skate fol- lows carnival. --11:,12 HAVE CAMERA; WILL TRAVEL` to family „reunions or special events. Photos and enlarge: nments ready same: day. 30, Minute Photo '& Trophies, W ingham, .1-519-357-4386. --11-14 f 3 ACT COMEDY "Grandpa's ; Twin, Sister," at'' . Lucknow Public School, Friday, Apr. 11, Sat; Apr. 12, at 8 p.m,„. Adults $5; Public `.School, $2. Sponsored by Luoknow Agricultural Society Tickets available at Your • Favorite;: Things,'Holyrood Store; .Or 526,207 11714er` SOUP ;&•SANDWICH DAY . Lucknow Scouting .Soup, Sandwich` and Bake Sale on Saturday, Mar. 22, at the Lacknow. Town • Hall, from • 11• a.m."to 1;30 p.m.:$3.50'. perperSOn.--1.1,12ar National l holiclay sl oul be • for veterat:s Dear editor:: In :regard to Mr's:• Marshall's letter in the March. 5, issue, 'I agree that ; the National Boli.day ,should be on' November 11 th to honor our ' Veterans. Ve must never forget those:, who laid''-doWit their lives; so that we may always have dur 'freedom. Sara.Ritchie, Luckn0ws, •