HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 12Page 12 Lucknow Sentinel, WerinCl lfar; f areb 19, 1997 lin. Farm General DAIRY FARMERS w mak- Wog money from daily quota .decisions * April1 Ripley, this. one day OATI, Workshop infill .lheip you. understand the new daily quota system, coat'$45/per� son. Call for further details or to preregister. 1-800-265- 3023. --i2cc lit Produce • ROUND BALES of hay, stored inside, no rain. -Call • late evening 528-2084. -' 11.,12. • • HAY FOR sale. $2 per bale. Alfalfa - hay stored ten years but in good candition .West - of Dungannon, Will help 1. Call 529.7893, - 11- wC 1'1. Apt.. GROUND FLOOR 2' bed- room heated apartment, newly renovated;' two bed- room upper apartment, :both close to downtown. Phone 5282031, 49tfar 2 BEDROOM .apartment for rent. near Lucknow, $600/month heat included. • Phone 528-2426,--46tfar • ONE BEDROOM, Outram Street,' $24S/rnonth.'One bedroom $260/month, 2 bedroom 00/montli Ross Street. ground levet. AM .include appliances. Cali Peel: 528.2411.-1ltfar LUCKNOW 2 bedraper ground floor apartment, prig vate entrance $370 pius.util Mies: Phone 35.7-184,7. • . 41tfar • NEWLY DECORATED apartment; Your choice upper or lower. Large iivin'- groom, country kitchen, 2. bedroom. Auburn, $350 TARPS AND. INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS' made to sizer for trucks, trailers, gravityboxes, etc. Vinyl,' canvas poly. NewtRepairs:. Party tent rentals'Tiesma i, dtistrial, . ' Coverings, • Bayfield...482-3540.• : 26tfg,' • peow. plus utilities, Cali 526-7355; 07tfcc i l h. Services 4,'TTENTIUI FARMERS Custom Seed Cleaning and Treating <:for. ., For more,infotmation pO.N RITCHIE ;95-2806: 4111: Wanted tO . Relit WANTED .CROP land for. 1997 season. Phone -after:9. p.m. 528-2624 ask for Gary.. r --06-14>c �' WANTEp TO• RENT = cash crop, land Dior 1997 • or : ionger: • Ca11.233-7467 -11- 16cc^ .WANTED:TO. 'RENT pas ture for 20.. head: Phone,. 395-5591. -11,12x °. i2. Rea1 Estate' 12." Real Estate R E S A',L E : TIMESHAREICampgrotind. memberships. America's largest resale .clearing- house: Reser," . Sales , international 1-800-423 5967,--12bc Saturday,. March 22 2-4 pm 149 acres close to Lucknow with newly renovated beef barn & irrlpeccable:brick :bungaloW. $330,000. • (.RPEAALRTYKLTSD . Call Cathy Hendriiks for details 529-1167 (Office) 519-35i-2532 170AWL. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment with private ;ground evel entre. Park' like atmosphere and close to downtown, Cresthaven •Apartments call after 5 ,p.m, 519.848-2215.--22tfar TWO e 2 BEDROOM apart- ments and one -1 bedroom apartment for rent on main street,, Lucknow. Phone 528-3932.--35tfar • • CLEAN, FRESHLY decorat- ed two• bedroom apartment, eat -in kitchen. Storage, parking included, Downtown Lucknow. $300 per month plus utilities. Phone 528- 2795. --12-15x UNFURNISHED :HOME in. the Village of Ripley for rent, available April 1. Kitchen, hvingroorn, 3 bedrooms, 3' piece bath' and 'full, base- ment, sun porch and deck. For further particulars phone 395.4353. --12ar 180 . blouses THROE. BEDR'0OM farm house near' •Lucknow. Available. May 1, 1997. :Phone 528-221:6. --12,13 D,URHAM,-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine: Under new inanageryent. Freshly painted and repo- valed, Two . and three bed- room, 1 .month free rent, Available. immediately.. " " ' Phone 396-9332.-403tfar. FOR RENT AT Pettit Clark -: • three bedroom bungalow, with attached garage, $600. .per .month•,pius>utilities.- • ' Phone 357=1939 -12,13 COUNTRY LIVINGI Neidriy constructed townhouses, 10 minutes north of Walkerto, n; Available . immediately.; High efficiency gas heating, tiro bedrooms,'twe , bathrooms, targe toonge/dining area. Approximately 1,1.0.0 sq. A« With'garage. Renis -front $595 per month. Per more information call.51:9-881 : ••3335. A.'MUST. SEE! ,1'2tfar . IMP Wanted • THE L1CKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when sending money. for business opportunities. or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable: company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise Ment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.--32tfnx 'REMOTE BC BEST WEST- ERN mountain: resort now hiring, for summer. Various positions .available. For application 'send: self- addressed; stamped enve- lope to John Galt, Glacier • Park Lodge, Rogers. Rass, BC VOE,2$0,--12bc $ATTENTION. STUDENTS$ Make: a lotsof money. selling chocolate bars..New prod- ucts available., Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-3833589. -12bc 26., 'Help Wanted MODELS AND ACTORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for fashion shows, cater iogues,,flyers, brochures and extras in television and: film. Registration and train- ing covered rain-ing..covered by agency. 905-803-9040, 1-800-, MODEL -US, 416-944- 9343: -12bc TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. Now is the time to train for your class AZ license.. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck Driver Training London'- 1-800-263-4777 (job placement assistance available) -12bc WANTED PART-TIME truck driver. May work' into full .time. D -Z license and clean abstract required. Apply to Drawer #41, c/o ' The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow. NOG 2H0. -- '12,13ar• •• . . : . 23.COmMOitCial: LARGE .STORE front for] rent on. Lucknow's rihain street. Well • maintained and:• excellent 'Iocation. Available. inithediateiy. Call 528-2110' or 528-3910 after 6.p;m.. r. . 37tfar ' FOR LEASE. approximately 1400 square feet•commer..; tial' store front in:Lucknow (formerly. GardenGrove Florist), rear access, heat included, full basement. :Available now. For further. information 528.2411. -- 0694 • U WANTED -'..SCRAP. cars and all sizes of, trucks; al types of • metal, farm machinery, etc; cash paid, Walkerton Auto Wreckers'1- 881-1679.'+-10tfar LU.CICNOW °POOL INSTRUCTOR/LIFEGUARDS . Flequires Instructor/Lifeguards for the summer of 1997. Under thesupervision of the Recreation Co-ordinator and Head Instructor, the successful candidates will help teach .swimming lessons, will do.lifeguarding" duties,partake in ongoing staff training, and do dailystaff duties for the swimming. pool. Applications should state past work experience :all qualifications attained or ;presently being. taken, and any other information pertinent to this lob. As well, photocopies. of all certificates and qualifications and/or awards are to be included in your application ;Job descriptions and requirements for ,this position may be obtained at the Municipal; Office, Lucknow. Employment from approximately mid June up to and/or including Labour Day Weekend- ' Closing date of "applications for INSTRUCTOR /LIFEGUARDS, is,: March 25, 1997 at 8:90 p.m:; Applications will be feceived by; Lucknow and District Joint RecreationDepartment •'' iBox. 40.: ". LUCKNOW, Ontario', NOG'2HQ; ' .1 WANTED • TO TRADk deluxe :high efficiency fur-. neat) suitable for natural. gas, :inexcellent condition,' will trade for a' high' efficien-; �cywood/oil combination fur- nace and, tank in good ycon- ditiork or a . high efficiency oil furnace and tank in good. condition..Phone'Teny' 392-. 8246 after 7:p.m. --11,12 FOSS" COMMUNITY.. print- ing unit; with: gunning side register, running ciroumfer-, ential register, key style swing down ink fountain, • and all, necessary connect- ing parts ' to install in line. Call George at 306-721)- 2941 or fax 306-728-2945. 12bc . TAKE THE PATH TO THE 'NEXT.. M LLENNIUMI Residual income! Leading. edge business offers' great.. earnings: `package.. Now : is the time to investigate. We .have the solutions,. Canada;.. is ready and`'the market Is immense. Audio Messase tells ail.. Call now 1.800- 689-6713 Ext. 4985.--12bc; 28.-'Susiness 1 tlpp. .. GiOVERNM.ENT •FUNDS;. Government, assistance •programs information'evail able. For your new or exist-' ing, business.'Take advan- tage of the government, grants and' loans. Call '1- 800915-3615.--12bc WANT TO GET PAID FOR WHAT .YOU' ARE 'WORTH; the time. you put in, your • recommendation, . your-:: experience? Phenomenal.' products. Excelient pay , plan. Phone 1-800-272 .447.8.--1?bc `. TRAVEL PROFESSION, ALS INTERNATIONAL.: Become part of Canada's fastest growing •Travel Agency FranchisQ. Operate your business Full-time, Part-time, from your home, office or storefront. investment $15,000. Call: ' 1 800-757; 8580.-12bc • LEADING US, Snack -Food Manufacturing Company expanding into Canada. '. Looking for Wholesale Distributors and Jobbers across Canada. Excellent .` Revenue, Potential: Minimal Investment. Call .1-250.338 , 4064.--12b0: If . 28. Business Opp. • ARE YOU SEEKING more free time plus financial inde- pendence? Become a sales, manager for a very prof- itable air purification busi- ness today. Phone nowt 1- 800-820-0699.--12bc IT'S ABOUT TIME $$.$ Freedom and Money! Entreppreneurs. needed! The hottest opportunity In North: America today. Poised .to explode in '97 and '98. Call: for free information 1,8$8. 225-7463.--12bc STOP. SMOKING BYLAW. Making ' entrepreneurs wealthy ;Canadian company setting records daily with incredible stop smoking pro-, gram, Amazing. home busi- ness opportunity, Financing available, Call 1-.800770, 4704; -12bc • PROCESS SERVERS: Franchise 'opportunity , ; 4. ground floor entry to Canada's fastest growing Process Service Network, No initial franchise fees; exclusive territories; contin- uous 'operational and national advertising', support, complete training, Contact: Lormit Managemont Systems Inc. at 1-800-459 7468.--12bc 29. 'Tenders. TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS MachiAery., Rentals Quotations wiil.be received by the undersigned until 12:00;' pm, April .7,.1997, for 'rental` rates for construction ,equipment and; dump trucks. Please 'list 'on your' own letterhead, • the make, model, •:horsepower, and expected;. rate per hour. i Henry L Clark Road Supedntenclent • Towndhlp of .Kinlos0 . HOLYRO.OD, Ontario. -10,10G2e0 . 1 31. Service' Directory �. AGNEW__, JEWELLERY.,_ REPAIR ,watch, clock, jew- ellery. .Free,.;estimates;,. Pickup and delivery :can be arranged,' 698 Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre. Call, 528-3532 'or. 528-3940.--18tfar: Plait. HAVENS ELECTRIC :• *Residential *Farm *Commercial'" Electrical Contractors, • FREE ESTIMATE'S Rod Havens LUCKNOW . ' 528-2301 Dave Seabrook . Excavating *Gravel *Top Soil Fine Grading ..FlgatService. I. Large excavator trucks, Loader, dozers' Reasonable rates ',52802047 . • 5284144 RR 5,,Lucknow