HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 6Page 4iiev tt'eeIl!vediyx. M4':+ y: l' Best GIC Fate Mfrs. as. of Mar 10/97 1INVE$TMENTe 5242711. Godaich, 1416 2854503 ifi5INTEE • LISTINGS .WANTED PAULLZINN - • 52842411 $74,$00 * 4 bedroom, wood/oil .heat,rbutram Street • :001400 ST... • Spacious 4 bedroom with carport; 24 x 24 shied, double lot, open concept kitchen, woodstove, new oil 'fumacee$89,90Q. ASHFIELD - 2 acres; 'co'mpietelg restored 3 bedroom -house, workshop/Shed. •WHEELER ST; 2 bedroom bungalow - new kitchen 4 bath. $42,500. HISTORIC LUCKNOW 4-5 bedrom,onew kitchen and baths, formal • living/dining rooms, garage, 8/10 acre lot. •98 ACRES - W,-Wawanosh.' Fieldstone house. 2' ponds, creek. $165,oga,. HAVeLbCK -. Completely "renovated, 3 -bedroom house, 1W bath; move in. condition. 381,000. • REDUCED TO $55,00ni ., 2' w Ores, 3 bedroom.house; garage. eb m.- :$74,94!0,,.- Thre 8dreto , paved drive, 110' frontage, oil heat. . , 'PLACE ST, 3 bedroom bungalow,: `'walk-in basement; shows Weil • $76;900: LUCKNOVY 4 bedroom 'house;, With garage,'close to school. $89,900. AMBER. LEY ,- Newer bungalow; 3-4 bedrooms,large lot, $99900'. ' :122 ACRES = Kinl6se,-80, 00. acres pasture, creek, 3 ponds, 98 ACRES • - : 70 workable•,. updated. 3..bdrrn house, 40 it 58 bam, 20 =OS POW $165,00,, 100460- - T. 11 = modeled 3. bedroomh, 100 85 workab[e, $:197,500. NEW,ER ROYAL NOME +-on 02 x 132, lot,' 3 bedroom partially finished basement. 'Havelock at. :$109 soot, • ' KiNLOSS: 100 acres 8.5 systematic :drained, 3 bedroom' house;. small barn. $139,900. • • Headquarters a: ala small & 14ifid-sjzsd cars. in 111 4 Passenger & Cargo •. K1' Vans, Pickup Trucks a:, Q a Daily Weekly, at Monthly • 13 G Insurance Rentals & 11 PI More D sa' at 17 Pree Deliver► 0 E'. D 13 • 13 01 CAR& TRUCK REIMS 1: al Division of SuncoastFord 1, 500 Huron Rd.', Galerich 1 Ell CALL t:OLLEC't.Ask for Helen le ID 61 524-8347 524-8347.1 LUCKNOW &. DISTRICT LIONS CLUB•. Dabber Bingo Lucttnow Community Centre ' Suncla , March. 23 ., $ i000 winner' Gloria Stagg- Kincardine Community Centre Opera, . at 6:30' p.m , Bingo starts at: 715 p.m. 10, It Jo, LUcknoW Lancers �. vs, Dundalk Flyers Saturday, March ch 22 -ea Bus leaves tucknow Sports Complex. 7,00. PM 85;0a per person Please contact Ken. Irwin 528-2270 :to reserve your :seat by Friday March 21st Look Who's Open :Later Last Weekend for KAFAOKE Friday .&. Saturday . March 21st .22nd OPrN UNTIL 1:00'.A.M. a fair' totaurard Licensed tinder L., L. B.O. Your Hast The Greigs 1.1.1eKNOW 528.3G32 byJean R UCw • , The Wh techurch IJCW ,.ladies. inlet 01) March:5, at Hazel Laidlaw's,A_ inl Wingham. The theme was chitrch in. society with Hazel and Mildred.. McClenaghan as. leaders. Hazel took the scrip - tires from Psalters and Genesis : followedd . -with comments from the -upper room. on the scrlpture.$.. Hazel read - a story "Christianity- ` hi a Hindu nation," and followed with two other readings. Mildred 'gave a reading from the Kitchener paper an the - World Day of :Prayer. , • • •Eight answered the roll- call. - ,. The offering' and Least Coil:t, . were received, Mildred read .a ,poem ca11 "Easter Time." The Whitechurch Village, card party, was . held on Monday. evening' at the home of Dori and ' Jean Ross, with four•tables in play. Winners' were Kathy Dale,: Trudy, Foran, Orland Irwin, and Vera Falconer playing on -white' card, Dave. • and Hope Springer returned home recently from. a ,holiday' in Arizona as: did Don and .Jean Ross. • The sympathy from the community is extended to , .society. Mary Chapman of Lueknow and Gary Chapman of the village in the passing of'*usseli . Chapman, • . The • . Whitechurch Women's. Institute meet on March 12 at the home of Helen. Currie in Wingham. .. Evelyn Gibb was 'the.. convener of the meeting on Education• and Cultural Affairs; President lean Ross' welcomed everyone and read a poem `"Lkfe is like a garden." . . Whitechurch is to send two workers- to the :Roots of Bruce in Walkerton on April °".8., Jean Ross ' and: Helen Currie; -with Marjorie. Wall as alternate. Mrs.. Ross gave the 'report: of the district dire€- - tors meeting in Holyrood. -The rgllcall was to gave a tip you `would. pass on to S beginner traveller, • Evelyn Ginn ;gave the . motto "Education is not only something to prepare you for life, but .it contin- ues all your life,"" nark Fraser of the Wingham police gave a - very . interesting talk on security for homes, also to Watch* out for telephone and letter seams, and to' let-, them., know if we are,. approached• in these scamB. • Mildred McClenaghan and Helen Currie served refreshments. Lucky cups were won by, Mary Behn and.• Catherine Wilson._ Mildred- McClenaagham won the prize for the birth- . day .nearest the meeting da Y Dome from Costa Rica by ;Ruth Rothmeier • Nancy • Maclntyre returned' from a great holi: day . a Rica. in Cost ca. Visiting with Olive .Needham were .her:daugh- ter, Helen and Vic Fenton from Brockville.. Marilynne. Gilchrist and girls and. Marilyn MacIntyre'visited': over the March Break with Sandy in Toronto: . Mary , nA'nn •• .Higgins from Toronto visited. with her MacIntyre cousins and stayed with, ' Mary Macintosh. Dale °Gilchrist' is: art a tour in France with RE. Madill students for eight days. . Ruth Bell and ' - Bev Beyersburgen y gen and family holidayed in Alliston• at .the Notawassaga Inn: Wayne' and Laurie. Bell • and girls spent March . Break at ,Wheels :Inn' at Chatham. • All the Dickie family.. Denver and ; Brenda : and family, of Sutton,: Doug and Donna. and family. of, Markdale and Walter and Janet :and :boys- and. William .:• and Irene and family helped their father and 'grandfatlier to ;'cele- brate his cele-brate.his birthday, WMS .reading. The special. entertain- - meet for'the meeting: was Margaret and' .daughter, Heather •DeBoer playing a planet. duet.' .Tiie Bible reading was. read by :Muriel MacKenzie Ruth Langei was in charge of the, Bible study on "Suffering. She had a tape of John Coxa talking . on suffering and then. she had 'a. discussion period on 'the tape. The WMS . met at Maple Breezes on March, 5 with. Freda McInnes as hostess and, directors being Doris MacKinnon and. Ruth Langen.' Reith Buchmeier acted 'as chairperson anti opened ., " the 'meeting reading, a poem, followed'by WMS • purpose and the Lord's Prayer. Anne,MacDougall gave the offering prayer and Margaret Hamilton gave a • Margiret DeBoer gave a reading to end this study. Doris MacKinnon:gave the ;courteous' retnarks and a : hymn: was: sung, :Doris gave the Closing prayer. „ by ElaiineErrington : St..Heletls . WI members: met at ' River. Valley Apartments recently: The rollcall 'short, and tell ' something handed. • down from your ancestors' ,was answered by 13'. members. Many . beautif til: items were shown, some. well aver 200 years. Secretary ' • Blerence McConnell readaletter-. pertaining to the planning • meeting for the district annual. to : be . . .he_Id at, Londesbaro Monday, April. 7 at 1:15 They are consid- ering having two` board.. members instead of 'three - and . having Huron' West. and Huron ou't h become ' one • district: ;The, Fall Fair display was "discussed and ` some .voiunteered to make van: oua Elaine Errington sug gested having'a'display at the Fall Fair to: iet the: pub. lic know various things' the' VVI. is responsible• for. She Will contact Kairshea and Lucknow'to see.if they will also help with the display.. !Ibis is in .conjunction of the 100tfr; anniversary., ° Edith: Cooper, I ,anesville i 874 ` 1918, curator, read about • ,post" offices .' in Huron County. She.: said the ,.names ,of places• also tell 4 story. Sortie places where PO. were. opened` ands,closed: Ainberley in 1854 - 1916, Auburn 1854 ' present, Belfast 1855 • =. 1915; Beniniller .1855 1, 1.918; Bluevale ;1859 present, Blyth. (Blythe had 'e' for.6 years), Brussels 1856 -present, Carlow 1886 '- 1915, Crew. •1886 1915, Fordyce' 1.865 ;.1914, Lochalsh. 1875 - 1916, Prosperity 1900. 1914, St.:. Helens . '1855:7 1916, • Stimmerhill: 1887 1913,i. Whitechurch .18:65. - 1908, Zettland 1856 1875,; Jean Phillips' gave two humorous- readings: Signs of Spring :and :Voltt'nteers' Irene Markham had' a St,' Patnek}r contest: With all .answers pertaining with ' green; Grace ' was' sung Aand • Jean and:. Irene:. served a lovely • lunch: ' Members, brought crafts- they • shad done. during the year and Were on display:' , Listowers Rob Carson was voted MVP in the conaolatiOngame against Wingham' at they Elaine Irwin .Memorial Bantam` local league. tourney last Friday. . The Irwin. brothers Ken and Chris made:'the. presentation. (Livingstone photo) Tottenham lost 3 to: 2: to Lrtckoow, Atom l' also known as. the "Black Berries" In consolation "Playy. at the Atom 'focal league, tourney. last Saturday. GoaHe t.arice 'Mackaywaa. presented his MVP medal by'Bill MacPherson. (Livingston photo).