HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 6Page 4iiev
tt'eeIl!vediyx. M4':+ y: l'
Best GIC Fate
as. of Mar 10/97
5242711. Godaich, 1416 2854503
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$74,$00 * 4 bedroom, wood/oil
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:001400 ST... • Spacious 4
bedroom with carport; 24 x 24
shied, double lot, open concept
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ASHFIELD - 2 acres; 'co'mpietelg
restored 3 bedroom -house,
•WHEELER ST; 2 bedroom
bungalow - new kitchen 4 bath.
bedrom,onew kitchen and baths,
formal • living/dining rooms,
garage, 8/10 acre lot.
•98 ACRES - W,-Wawanosh.'
Fieldstone house. 2' ponds, creek.
HAVeLbCK -. Completely
"renovated, 3 -bedroom house, 1W
bath; move in. condition. 381,000.
• REDUCED TO $55,00ni ., 2' w
Ores, 3 bedroom.house; garage.
eb m.-
:$74,94!0,,.- Thre 8dreto , paved
drive, 110' frontage, oil heat. . ,
'PLACE ST, 3 bedroom bungalow,:
`'walk-in basement; shows Weil
• $76;900:
LUCKNOVY 4 bedroom 'house;,
With garage,'close to school.
AMBER. LEY ,- Newer bungalow;
3-4 bedrooms,large lot, $99900'. '
:122 ACRES = Kinl6se,-80, 00.
acres pasture, creek, 3 ponds,
98 ACRES • - : 70 workable•,.
updated. 3..bdrrn house, 40 it 58
bam, 20 =OS POW $165,00,,
100460- - T. 11 = modeled 3.
bedroomh, 100
85 workab[e, $:197,500.
132, lot,' 3 bedroom partially
finished basement. 'Havelock at.
:$109 soot, • '
KiNLOSS: 100 acres 8.5
systematic :drained, 3 bedroom'
house;. small barn. $139,900.
Headquarters a:
ala small & 14ifid-sjzsd cars. in
111 4 Passenger & Cargo •. K1'
Vans, Pickup Trucks a:,
Q a Daily Weekly,
at Monthly • 13
G Insurance Rentals & 11
PI More D
sa' at 17 Pree Deliver►
• 13
al Division of SuncoastFord
1, 500 Huron Rd.', Galerich 1
Ell CALL t:OLLEC't.Ask for Helen le
61 524-8347
Community Centre '
Suncla , March. 23 .,
$ i000 winner'
Gloria Stagg-
Community Centre
Opera, . at 6:30' p.m
Bingo starts at:
715 p.m.
It Jo,
LUcknoW Lancers
Dundalk Flyers
March ch 22 -ea
Bus leaves tucknow Sports Complex.
7,00. PM 85;0a per person
Please contact Ken. Irwin 528-2270
:to reserve your :seat by Friday March 21st
Look Who's
Open :Later
Last Weekend
Friday .&. Saturday
March 21st .22nd
OPrN UNTIL 1:00'.A.M.
a fair' totaurard
Licensed tinder L., L. B.O.
Your Hast
The Greigs 1.1.1eKNOW 528.3G32
byJean R
UCw •
, The Wh techurch IJCW
,.ladies. inlet 01) March:5, at
Hazel Laidlaw's,A_ inl
Wingham. The theme was
chitrch in. society with
Hazel and Mildred..
McClenaghan as. leaders.
Hazel took the scrip -
tires from Psalters and
Genesis : followedd . -with
comments from the -upper
room. on the scrlpture.$..
Hazel read - a story
"Christianity- ` hi a Hindu
nation," and followed with
two other readings.
Mildred 'gave a reading
from the Kitchener paper
an the - World Day of
:Prayer. , •
• •Eight answered the roll-
call. - ,.
The offering' and Least
Coil:t, . were received,
Mildred read .a ,poem ca11
"Easter Time."
The Whitechurch
Village, card party, was .
held on Monday. evening'
at the home of Dori and
' Jean Ross, with four•tables
in play. Winners' were
Kathy Dale,: Trudy, Foran,
Orland Irwin, and Vera
Falconer playing on -white'
Dave. • and Hope
Springer returned home
recently from. a ,holiday' in
Arizona as: did Don and
.Jean Ross.
• The sympathy from the
community is extended to
, .society.
Mary Chapman of
Lueknow and Gary
Chapman of the village in
the passing of'*usseli .
Chapman, • .
The • . Whitechurch
Women's. Institute meet on
March 12 at the home of
Helen. Currie in Wingham.
.. Evelyn Gibb was 'the..
convener of the meeting
on Education• and Cultural
President lean Ross'
welcomed everyone and
read a poem `"Lkfe is like a
garden." . .
Whitechurch is to send
two workers- to the :Roots
of Bruce in Walkerton on
April °".8., Jean Ross ' and:
Helen Currie; -with
Marjorie. Wall as alternate.
Mrs.. Ross gave the
'report: of the district dire€- -
tors meeting in Holyrood.
-The rgllcall was to gave a
tip you `would. pass on to S
beginner traveller,
• Evelyn Ginn ;gave the .
motto "Education is not
only something to prepare
you for life, but .it contin-
ues all your life,""
nark Fraser of the
Wingham police gave a -
very . interesting talk on
security for homes, also to
Watch* out for telephone
and letter seams, and to' let-,
them., know if we are,.
approached• in these
• Mildred McClenaghan
and Helen Currie served
refreshments. Lucky cups
were won by, Mary Behn
and.• Catherine Wilson._
Mildred- McClenaagham
won the prize for the birth-
. day .nearest the meeting
Dome from Costa Rica
by ;Ruth Rothmeier
• Nancy • Maclntyre
returned' from a great holi:
day . a Rica.
in Cost ca.
Visiting with Olive
.Needham were .her:daugh-
ter, Helen and Vic Fenton
from Brockville..
Marilynne. Gilchrist
and girls and. Marilyn
MacIntyre'visited': over the
March Break with Sandy
in Toronto: .
Mary , nA'nn •• .Higgins
from Toronto visited. with
her MacIntyre cousins and
stayed with, ' Mary
Dale °Gilchrist' is: art a
tour in France with RE.
Madill students for eight
days. .
Ruth Bell and ' - Bev
Beyersburgen y gen and family
holidayed in Alliston• at
.the Notawassaga Inn:
Wayne' and Laurie. Bell
• and girls spent March
. Break at ,Wheels :Inn' at
Chatham. •
All the Dickie family..
Denver and ; Brenda : and
family, of Sutton,: Doug
and Donna. and family. of,
Markdale and Walter and
Janet :and :boys- and.
William .:• and Irene and
family helped their father
and 'grandfatlier to ;'cele-
brate his
cele-brate.his birthday,
WMS .reading.
The special. entertain-
- meet for'the meeting: was
Margaret and' .daughter,
Heather •DeBoer playing a
planet. duet.'
.Tiie Bible reading was.
read by :Muriel
MacKenzie Ruth Langei
was in charge of the, Bible
study on "Suffering. She
had a tape of John Coxa
talking . on suffering and
then. she had 'a. discussion
period on 'the tape.
The WMS . met at
Maple Breezes on March,
5 with. Freda McInnes as
hostess and, directors
being Doris MacKinnon
and. Ruth Langen.'
Reith Buchmeier acted
'as chairperson anti opened .,
" the 'meeting reading, a
poem, followed'by WMS
• purpose and the Lord's
Anne,MacDougall gave
the offering prayer and
Margaret Hamilton gave a
Margiret DeBoer gave a
reading to end this study.
Doris MacKinnon:gave
the ;courteous' retnarks and
a : hymn: was: sung, :Doris
gave the Closing prayer. „
by ElaiineErrington :
St..Heletls . WI members:
met at ' River. Valley
Apartments recently:
The rollcall 'short, and
tell ' something handed.
• down from your ancestors'
,was answered by 13'.
members. Many . beautif til:
items were shown, some.
well aver 200 years.
Secretary ' • Blerence
McConnell readaletter-.
pertaining to the planning
• meeting for the district
annual. to : be . . .he_Id at,
Londesbaro Monday, April.
7 at 1:15 They are consid-
ering having two` board..
members instead of 'three
- and . having
Huron' West.
and Huron
ou't h
become ' one
• district:
;The, Fall Fair display
was "discussed and ` some
.voiunteered to make van:
Elaine Errington sug
gested having'a'display at
the Fall Fair to: iet the: pub.
lic know various things' the'
VVI. is responsible• for. She
Will contact Kairshea and
Lucknow'to see.if they will
also help with the display..
!Ibis is in .conjunction of
the 100tfr; anniversary.,
° Edith: Cooper, I ,anesville i 874 ` 1918,
curator, read
about • ,post"
offices .' in
Huron County.
She.: said the
,.names ,of places• also tell 4
Sortie places where PO.
were. opened` ands,closed:
Ainberley in 1854 - 1916,
Auburn 1854 ' present,
Belfast 1855 • =. 1915;
Beniniller .1855 1, 1.918;
Bluevale ;1859 present,
Blyth. (Blythe had 'e' for.6
years), Brussels 1856 -present, Carlow 1886 '-
1915, Crew. •1886 1915,
Fordyce' 1.865 ;.1914,
Lochalsh. 1875 - 1916,
Prosperity 1900. 1914, St.:.
Helens . '1855:7 1916, •
Stimmerhill: 1887 1913,i.
Whitechurch .18:65. - 1908,
Zettland 1856 1875,;
Jean Phillips' gave two
humorous- readings: Signs
of Spring :and :Voltt'nteers'
Irene Markham had' a
St,' Patnek}r contest: With
all .answers pertaining with
' green;
Grace ' was' sung Aand •
Jean and:. Irene:. served a
lovely • lunch: ' Members,
brought crafts- they • shad
done. during the year and
Were on display:' ,
Listowers Rob Carson was voted MVP in the
conaolatiOngame against Wingham' at they
Elaine Irwin .Memorial Bantam` local league.
tourney last Friday. . The Irwin. brothers Ken
and Chris made:'the. presentation. (Livingstone
Tottenham lost 3 to: 2: to Lrtckoow, Atom l' also
known as. the "Black Berries" In consolation
"Playy. at the Atom 'focal league, tourney. last
Saturday. GoaHe t.arice 'Mackaywaa. presented
his MVP medal by'Bill MacPherson. (Livingston