HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-19, Page 4t'age 4 Luek.Inow Sentinels Wednes . ay, March 1'
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A awes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St„ L uckrnow; Ontario
P.O. 13Qx 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2F10
phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: X7(519) 528-3529
rf�stc*blMs. eci 1873 a
Torn Thompson Advertising Manager
Pat Livingston - General Manager / Editor
Phyllis Matthews Heim -'Of ice Administrator •
Courtney - Typesetter
SubscriPtion Rates adv . Laval Regular $25,65 {ncl: postage
aga and G.S T,)within
'40 mi. radius.,local Senior $23.52 (incl. postage and G.S T.) within 40 mi. radius;
Out -of-area (40 ;miles) $25.66 (incl. postage and•G.S,T,).
Foreign & USA — .$98:00. 'Publications mall registration nu. 0847
held at Lucknow, Ontario.
Hanna famil
be seized .by terror?
Police believe that .
someone knows.
25 year Old after, she,
returned to . her
Kincardine. home? Police . believe
that someone knows.
Investigation_intothisease has
been ongoing. For the police it's
like fitting tiny pieces of the puz-
zle together. •
Do you have a tiny:piece of'the.
puzzle? You might.
• Get ::out those old • photo
albums, those boxeS Of old, pho-
tos; go through them to'find
It's over eight 'years since.
Olive Hanna .and her sons saw
Lois, their beloved daughter: and
sister. Eight years of .pure agony
some would call it hell.
These years of existing cannot
be understood by anyone but
this family, or unfortunately other
families: who have had to endure
not knowing .what has happened
to a loved one.
What happened that night after those from the 1988 reunion. - in
Lois left the dance at the local particular .Sunday • afternoon's
arena, following the .shirt tail and night's events. Don't ignore
parade. This was the windup, to . 'what you might think is trivial.
the 1988 reunion. It was a cele- .' Let the police': bethe judge.'
bration.' . Do what you can to assist in ,
Who oouid know that the next giving Mrs.
day the whole community would g g.' Hanna and her sons
some peace of mind. (PL)
of iceculture inc. vis-
ited with another
exhibitor, Susan
Doig of. incredible
Edibles, to do some
taste testing last
Sunday. The, ladies
were two of the many
exhibitors at - the
local Bridal '. and
Fashion Show.
(Livingston photo)
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75 years ago .
March '17,1927
' ocal ,dramatic 'clubs Readers .of The
Sentinel during thewinter months .must have•
Jnoticed the many references. to `.`plays being
Presented throughout the surrounding „townshi s by
local organizations. "
."These local organizations have supp'lie.d an
immense amount of entertainment as we get nothing
but good reports of the various :presentations: , '
This ::development of: home•,talent entertainment
Clubs is a' resultof improved means of communica-
tion and travel. The• telephone makes it pos`sibte, for
the members of a• club tocommunicate' with each.
other and make arrangements, and the automobile
makes, it possible for companies and crowds togather
anddisperse with little effort of loss of time:
' 50 years ago
March 19,1947
F r T
ook five days to open Holyrood-Lucknoii
road Late last `Thursday night, a snowplow .
and shoveling'crew broke: into, Lucknow from
the north, to terminate a five day battle to • open the
five mile stretch from Holywood to Lucknow.
On Saturday afternoon, the struggle began.. AR that
week the road had been ;blocked' so.• badly that. even
horses could not navigate it:.
By Sunday, night a motor trail was broken.; i 114
• miles to the -6th Concession To break the next 1 1/4
miles' to the Grey Ox; through.the "Basin'Hilis", took.
all. day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday :and Thursday
until "about 5 o'clock that; afternoon: After reaching
the Grey Ox, the remaining 2 1/2 miles into•Lucknow
was broken through in about five hours.
The heavy road; maintainer was aided by a crew of
22 shovelersiOne day the progress totalled• less' that
100 yards.
25 years ago
March 15,1972
good•: reputations -:Lucknow, is recognized for
many things, amo'ng the the well :kept
.L .. .streets during the winter months
Travel to a few neighboring towns and try to park
on their.' main street or risk your life: by cro'sing some
of their intersections and you will appreciate the
' Sepoy Town. . ,
A , regular program of snow removal on ,the main
street and the main street intersections along with an
• effircienr 'plowing system for back streets, has. made
Lucknow the talk of Western. Ontario. '.
Many, many times over the course of the winter,.
visitors to our community- have commented on the
well kept streets, the ease of parking and ease of
Lucknow recreation committee '-. has called a
meeting. at the; Town ,Hall to discuss the possibility of
establishing a swimming pool in the community.