HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-12, Page 13NOTICE Td. CREDITORS
All cfairrts agtinllt the.
late of the Village of
Lucknow, in the County of.
'Bruce, deceased, •who died
on.. or about. January 6,
1997, Must be filed with the.
undersigned on or before
April 15, 1997; thereafter
.the Executors 'of the estate
Witt distribute the assets of
' the estate having regard,
Only to -the claims". of which •
the undersigned then has
notice Dated February 20,
Barrister & Solicitor,
Box 610,WCKNOW, Ont,
NIG 2H0. --09,10,11
38., Ancil
of household rurnishings,
antiques, eollecrabies,
primitives, used appl., glossas
china, bedding, linens 8c miss.
items forMrs. filatgaret toy
of Vincent Si. Winghan
(moved to kronor Nursing
home) pius. consignments from
:area homes: Thursdayevening,
Morale, 1p07
6 o'clock pmat rhe.
Winghatn Sates Arena (just
ow* of W inghafn oa Hwy`. AO
Auctioneer -
Jake Kikk.n 351-298
3E. Announcements
A $2500,: REWARD offered
for the return of items stolen
• from a Ross Street, apart-
ment between 4Ian. 26''and •
Feb: 16. Please reply to Box
770, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.
• 11.;12
7. Mortgages
1' & 2nd.Mortgage Monty
AbsolutelyNo Upfront Fees
Pluaiieble as.low as
. 640x' Interest
Personal. Loans •
if you qualify. payments •
Amt Approx, Mo.. Payment
,' 5000' • :$ 41.88 ,.
'1o,00l? $ 83,33;
Consoiidate.your debts'
Coil (519}363.02111''800.387-1932
38. Auctions
Auction Calendar.
Sat., March .15-
Grant: 8,Audrey Johnston`
West Wawanosli Twp.
Sats March 22
David &'Alice Marks:
Morris, Twp.
cMonda .
liMarch 31
Jim & I ene.Finleon
West Wawanosh
ed A P ril 2
Voted.. p
;=rank &Rea VanDon - en
' HiUett Twp.
Sat.. April 5•
Jirn.& Marj. MacTavish
Wed.r April9
Harald & Jean Elliott
Ashfield Tw
Sat....Aprii i2
Care Bet Fain Ltd
Cart' &.Betty. Hooey:
• Huron TWp.
Stit.k April 19
Stanley. Farm: Equipment
'Kitchener Stock Yards (Olex)
Every Tiles: &'fours. .
Brussels Livestock
every Friday ,
RR Wir ghl rn
• 357-2349
I1!, you; have something
to sell, giver us a call:
' Grant McDonald
Wallace Batlaghi.
380 Auction-
uct s
tt be held .at
SriM:flay Sales Yard
Friday March' 21
9:30 arm
Consisting: of:
Approx: 100 Tractors
Numerous piedes of
egui.prrlent - ,Backhoes -
Skid steers dozers -
• Trailers - Motorhome etc,,
etc.. •
Tractors consist of 2WD.
and 4W it some. .with:
loaders, some:with cab
and air, etc,, etc., etc.,
For more details call:.
Gordon H. ,Brindley
(519)5297970 Res..
(519)529-7625 Bus.
TERMS: Cash or cheque:
with proper t.0.. 8%
Sales Taxi and 7%b G.S.T.
where applicable. Owner
or auctioneer ,, not
responsible for accidents
or loss of purchase day of
sale. Any announcements
day of sale take
precedence over written
advertising, •
of Livestock:'.Machinery, Feed & Household Effects will be held for
Grant & Audrey Johnston RR 2r Auburn
Lot '19, Cone. 6, Nest.Wawanosh Township: 4 corners south of
Lucknow or. 1 corner north 'of Dungannon and: 2 comers,. east OR
3 corners north of Auburn and 3 corners west. WATCH FOR`
Sat ,March 15,1997' at 10 a.11'1 sharp
HORSES & EQUIPMENT.:. 7' year old BelgianClyde mare = bred •
Belgian and broke to'.harness; .1 year old,. Belgian Clyde filly::
Complete set of single harnesses - collar and: bridle; :wooden:
horse Wagon. ,
BEEF CA1'rkLE This' is, a:good trerd,of beef cowl; 25 Setnintal-
Herefor I cross cows: -bred to a 100,% Reckreillbutt (VanAnkum
breeding.): Cows to:start' calving. March :25 Three cross -bred.
:heifers, approx. 1,000 lbs:: Bred: Pinzgauer. Tw.o,Pinzgauer
heifers �'aRen'(l & 114. yrs. old). :
• CAR .`88 Pontiac 4 door, standard transmission,. approxi 100000
km. Good: condition. Selling. "as'is°. • ; . •
MACHINERY: John `Deere 2355 tractor ,with. 4 Model 46:John
Deere loader,. approxi 3000 hrs.:Tires 'are 1,6-9-30. Chains, 4'
bur+kets ('quick. hitch) .3: PO: Weight. Set of tractor duals 18::.4-34
:with hardware. John, Deere 430 round baler with controls (good:; •
.condition)., John ;Deere 1219 haybine (good condition). John
Deere:'3960 forage harvester - corn & hay head with .hydraulib
controls and recut* screens;' 243 snapper head' sells separates
John;D.eere 1240 com :planter with insecticide boxes & plates: 3
Dion:forage:boxeswith heavy undercarriages. 18 ft.,interrratibriat
Model 43;uibrashank cultivator with levelling harrow. 32 ft,,
!George: White bate elevator with motor, lntemationat. Mode1.51.00
single disc openers'18 run seed drill. 12 ft;. IR. packer. Massey,
Ferguson forage blower. Silo pipes. 273 New Holland square
baler 1' steel round:: bate wagon, 24 ft tong, 2 yrs:,' old. New idea
.3626 manure spreader,:•approx. 265 bu.1 bale wagon.with 22.ft.
rack. 2 wagons with flat' racks. 16 ft chain. ,barrow. 10 ft. -wheel •
disc, 3 gravity bins with.
.250 bu. cine 150 bu):..Danhauser post
hole. digger 7 ft. John Deere3: PH Mower.
MISCELLANEOUS: Bale. stooker & loader; 2 swath turners, i"
front mount; 1° rear mount„ stone bucket, fertilizer auger, ;hydraulic.
drive;: 2 round bate feeders, silo' bunk feeder, calf puller, calf
creep feeder, heat Iamps,.George:. Smyth snow blower, stoop.
steigh with tongue and shafts, trailer (manure spreader),. snow
fence wheel barrow & feed cart; cedar posts; steel posts, clay
field tile,. Iaddera,. railwaybet, .pump .& pressure. tank, electric.,
wire, insulators & posts, 20 sheets.of,flr plywood 4' a".x 7' 2"' x 1'/z
ft.; Ritchie heated Water bowl, Massey Ferguson 8,32 riding lawn;
mower, push lawn ;tower, :shop tools, extension cords, bolebiir
and vise, wagon load of faun items,; quantity of lumber;' quantity
• ofilteWood
FEED: •(approximate: quantities). 100'round batesof hay .4, x
200 square.bates ot hay (small). 20 ft of --corn silage in -4 14 ft.
silo'(to be Sold by the foot). 50 round bales of'hay 4 x 54t: 200,
square bales of. straw (small);.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Metal clothes rack, 3 rockers, coffee'
table:: wooden table (old); 'chrome. table &: •;±hairs,. chtld!s roil -top
desk, 2 metal storage racks,, washer, freezer; guncabinet,: chairs;
!beds & dressers,. writing desk, wooden chest, 2 steamer trunks;
old wash stand, books, stide;pro1ector screen; ',Wicker fern stand,':
newspaper rack, old equipment ma uals; ',Oiling frames, cross:.,
country skis, snowshoes;:Coleman camp strove::.
Plan to ,attend as thlS is agriod; offering of livestock 'and
'machinery; Farre.is sold; . Owners, moving to Western Canada.
• Lunch. Booth,
TERMS: tt Cash or acceptable cheque witproper 1D day of Sele.
Not responsible far accidents. Verbal announcements take;
precedence overadvertising, items:,listed at described by owner:.
For information callGrant Johnston (519) 529-7129. •
BRIAN R1NTGtL r ,0144.35'7-2•
WRITER., with our great
home -study eourse. Call
today for your FREE BOOK,
1-1300-267-1825. The
'Writing School, 38, McArthur
Avenue, Suite 2773,
Ottawa, ON. "Kit. 6R2, --
offering over 200 arts and
crafts courses dur(ngsum-
mer 1997. For information
or brochure contact
Box 839,..
Haliburton, Ontario ,KOM'
1S0. 705-4574680.-1 Mc
Classes. held' Apr. 12-18,
Aug. 15-22,Nou, 15-21/97.
For. information 'contact:
.Southwestern. Ontario
School of Auctioreering,
PLR. #5, Woodstock;
Ontario. N4S 7V9 (519)537-
2115.-11 be
38. Auctionsp
Ali'an, R. Miller
Household; Real: Estate, .
Machinery;. Plannning: a sale;.
please call us today :
Sentinel, We4nesday, March 1%i:1997 .� rage 1S
31 Births._; 9,dUcatk►rllatt 1
Don and Renee (Duiker) at
Tiverton are pleased to
announce the safe arrival of
their daughter, Delaney
Renee, born on Friday,
February 21, 1997 at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London
weighing 6 lbs., 16 oz. A lit-
ittle sister for Dylan Lee.
Proud grandparents are
Hank and. Jackie Ouiker of
Lucknow and Ruth Evans. of
Coilingwooc3. --11
Big sister Kelsey is happy: to
announce the birth of little
sister Chloe. Christine, 5
lbs., 8 oz: Born.on February
28, 1997, Proud parents' are
Kevin and Deanna, Swan of
'Lucknow.':erdggflig rights
belong t9 grandparents.
Saverio and. Christine
Basacco of London and.
Russel and the. late Nancy
Swan of Lucknow. Proud
greet grandparents are
Arthur and Giennai�$tenning
of London. --11'x
Gerry and Tina are very •
proud to announce the •safe,
arrival of their daughter
Houle Nicole bom February
22; 1997 at K -W Hospital%.
Kitchener, weighing 6 lbs.; 6
oz, Proud grandmas, are
Joan . Evans; • of
Newfoundland and Gladys
Moon' of Lucknow.. -11
38. Auctions
of Farm.Maphinery& Miscellaneous willbe held for-';'
David: & Alice Marks,.
Lot 21, Conc. 6; .Morris Township, 292. miles .west of.. Brussels on
'County Road•16 arid IA. mile south: WATCH FOR SIGNS..
Sat. March. 22,1997: at 1010 aami: Sharp
•TRACTORS: Ford' 7740' SLE - cab; heater, fully equipped:;:i rs
169.38, 2 wheel. drive; 5 yrs: old, (like neW),. 514 hrs.::Set: of duals;
16-9-38, wide spacers. ,Feld 4610: With Frey loader, .'quick=hitch
bucket, manure fork, 2 wheel drive, (neww,condition) :568 lirs:.
Tres 16-9-30. Round bale. prong..
ANTIQUE TRACTORS:; 1951; Oliver 7T, new tires, good:,
condition. 1'951. Case VAC 3 PH.' 1951 Case VAC row crop; :1940:
Fermin A, new,rubber. • ,
FEED; Approximate, quantities, - 300 bales hayAsquare),. 500
;bales straw (square);. •
MACHINERY, IH 5100' Soybean. Special -; doible disc, press
wheel, all; grain with. grass' seeder (good): John Deere 7000 4 row.
corn- planter with bean Cups,' 30 in. monitor. White '548 plow,
adjustable. width (16 or 18 ft.);'.semi-mount;.13 todth'chisel ploow.'
iH 3: furrow plow°2.. 2 furrow trail ,plow; New Holland 469 9 ft
haybine.; Forage King;: basket Wagon. (new) MF side rake (roll
bar): New Holland 510 manure spreader (S beater), Gehl'95:mix•
milt with screens (good), 9 ft. IH wheel disc. 41 ft, Westfield grain.
-auger, 7 in: with boot. 91/2 ft: Kongskiide cultivator: Tumco 4 row
scuffter. Alt -Way, hydraulic stone picker 10 ft ,coil packer with. two
4 ft.;;pups. 22 ft: pipe' elevator on wheels: 2'wheet. sprayer with
306; gat, tank, '2 Joe Wagons with 16 ft:.•ftat .racks. Gravity bin,
180 bu on Martin wagon, 7 ft. Helm "snowblower, Massey,• Harris
27 cornbine (for parts), 12 ft. tandem: dump trailer, electric brakes,
'16 ft, Glenco cultivator, Wings and buster bar, J 1evi Holland 275
baler with; basket hitch. (seals separate). 16 ft Jamal livestock.
trailer, extra heighte':•for horses, and dividers. Danhausser; post -
hole digger, Tandem axle trailer withelectric brakes,
M1SCELLANEQUS:. Transfer pump & engine; granary bin sweep;
'15'•ft wick weeder, front mount; 2.Shar.tines;, MF7 ft. blade, 3
PH,;post,,bole-auger;: Lets grinder; rabbitcage, Par 4 tonfeed bin'
with auger; 'Cattle headgete• (self tool:. blacksmith drill; a.
:farrowing;; crates;::•Wagon;,,2, gates 10 ft; tong; cement, mixer
cernent blocks; drawbar grass seeder, round bale feeder:(new);
Walking, pk w,:.leg:-vise;: Peter. Hamilton: horse .mower; wood
•splitters (new); . mailbox; :2 wood . • stoves (shop);;
wheeibarrow;1983 Model 2QO;threerwhaetar ATV,.WagorrTosids:of
: miscellaneous. ,
Fannie, sold. Pfau to ttend ars this: is aweit-kept and.good.itneof
machinery Lunch booth: • •
'TEAMS:. Cash or acceptable cheque with proper t.D. day of sale:
440respansibfe for. accidents. Verbal announcements -take
',precedence aver atiuertisog, items listed: as described by ow liar
Pot infomtatidncall David Marks at.(519)•8877903O:
BRIAN RINTCU�.. (519):357-2349 •
Institute of Canada offers
correspondence courses for
the Dip_ioma in Counselling.
Practice, beginning this
Month:. For a brochure
phone toll free 1-800.665.
7044 1p) bc•
(46. ht. w
Ip loving memory of' Kristen
who was taken from us
March 14, 1987. .
Ten. years ago' you. went:
.Through the door of yerster-
To another place, in space ' •
and time, .
A lifetime of memories Ieft
-A,re you in the stars that
light the night? -
Or maybe the sun that
Shines so bright.
Can you hear' my words,
feel my tears? .
My love, runs deep, t miss.
you dear. ' ..
In envy 1 think' of those
whose Iove•you share,
Family* and friends that, are
With you there: • •
Can they hold you and cra
die you, .ortouch your hair,. •
If'1 could be. withyou, would
I look ,to the heavens .and
ask why
Why it was •you: who had ;to,
Why were you taken away
..fmm• me?:
My love grit! exdeed.:the.
realm ottime, • ,
Until -1 .can hold your hand ,ir'r
mine, .
. But until :that 'day:'that,
come to you, r •
Send' me a sign:' that you
miss, me oo
in the evtening (. search the'.
stars' for you,
And; watch for you in the
morning dew;
At night.', in l dreams you
come to me, ' .
With •angelic•wings you set
me free:..
From yourloving. family; --•;
In lovingmemory of a; dear
wife, mother and •grand
mother'Etta Struthers who.
passed: away March, 15,
We little knew that morning,
God.was going to. .call 'your
name,. •
In life we loved you . dearly'
y. ,
in death we •do• the Same.
It, broke our hearts to. lose •
You did not go' alone,
•For part of us went with you, ,'
The, day God :called' Yob
You left us beautiful memo-
Your love is still our guide, . -
And though we, cannot see
Yoti;:are always by our side
Our family (shah( is broken,
And nothing seems the
same;, •
But as. •God callstis. all one:
,by one,
The Chain will link again:
Lovingly remembered by
Gordon; Bob, b`oug, Lois
and 'their famiileS, --11x