HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-12, Page 3Luelcnaw Sentinel, Wednesday, March 12,,1907 ,- Page a
e~Preparing dor road maintenance
Spring' is in the air or a
least thoughts .of• .it. as'
Kinloss township council
gees. plans in- place fct.r
gravel and calcium.
Gravel: for the south
end., of the township will.
be purchased fromthe
municipality at 55.0 per
cubic yard, while gravel.
f r --tire north end will be.
p rchased. from Glen.
aldenby for 950 per.,
cubic yard':.
:And- in keeping With .
council's maintenance
plan, about 23,000 cubic
yards of "A" gravelwill.
be.needed. They'll be call-
ing for tenders to. include
crushing., .hauling and
• A joint bulk .quote for
calcium chloride and •
application will be made
with five other area
Council, has' decided
that. part: time or weekend
residents: who ; own resi-
dential property in the
municipality, can have a
loan to
L: r.. S'.......
West Wawanosh
Township council, has
approved e'xtending' 'a.
loan, up to -$15,000, on
behalf of the municipality,
to 'the ..Lucknow and
District Lions Club to be
used in renovating the
local swit timing pool.
The " approval iS;
answer to a request: froiti
Bill 'Hunter,.'who .made .a
presen"tation.:to the•joiiit`
• recreation board ;recently.
The Lions believe the pool
should berefurbished Mit
currently 'don't have .the •
money. to pay for the pro
ject: Hunter's pitch was to
have . the four municipali-
'ties .Fapkroll it The Lions
and any other clubs •
involved' in the. project
would pay back the loan
as funds become available.
Kinloss council, has
given their support to the :.
'project: as well.
Council has hired Rick
Pafterson. as the.new ani-
mal control officer and
dog counters
Road Superintendent
George I uniphrey was
it strgcted t� remove.
beaver houses where he
deems it necessary'. to.
avoid flooding. flu nphrey
' will also be checking out.
the prices for a new
mower. '
I'M you know?'
Each day in Canada,an:
average of 34 people learn
.,that they: have epilepsy.
tnaximurn of 20 free bag Do+elinan and Brian Wolfe
tags for 1997 for the waste ,have been appointed to
disposal site. meet - with union employ
A request from the ees again. • ,
Lucknow and. District ; . A response was
Lions that the four munici- received from :MPP Barb
palitiesrepresented on the Fisher regarding. trailer,
joint• recreation board park fees: It .was noted
bankroll a project to retro- that municipalities'can set
vete the local pool has fees according to local
beeen approved."irt princi- needs and ,these user fees
pal's.. The proposal was cannot be appealed.if they
have been
struck under
220 1 -of the
-Act. Council
'.taiked .'about the trailer
fees bunt held it over for
further discussion until a.
later date.-
All new.' addresses'
under the 9-1-1 systein
were mailed out with, -the..
tax bills. Intersections
signs are now being erect-
ed: Property signs . and
posts will be installed this
summer. .. •
The cost to property
owners for installine °'their
made at the
joint tecre-•.
ation board
1 a s t
rti o.n th ,wit h
estimated, .figures at.
$50,000 to. $60,000.
West Wawanos.h Iias
given their support to the
project too.
The collective agree-
ment with road department
employees is yup for.
renewal at the end of May.
Those employees met with...
the: whole. council. 'at last
week's meeting to .talk
about the ' agreement.
Councillors Gerald
to accident
Eaii Moffat of R.R. S,:
Lucknow was not injured
after he rolled his vehicle
Kinloss Township on
March' 8.
Mciffat was driving a
1995 'Chev Lamina north
on County Road 1, south:
of Conc. 4. Re rslid on the
'snow covered road, lost
control and entered the..
'ditch and'rolled over.
9'0F day
Three drivers, all
-males, lost their licenses
for 90 days Linder the new
drinking and driving law.:
after they were; appre-
hended by Kincardine
OPP in se:p.arateinti
denceslast week..'
in . Lueknow, a.
Belgrave man, aged 23
was 'charged with over
$0 milligrams. of alcohol.,
in 100 millilitres ,of blood
on March 9. His vehicle
was. stopped on Campbell
Street, shortly after mad-
night on March' 9. The
vehicle was partially' on-
the sidewalk.
.2550 Heat Units
High yields, high test
*Excellent dry down
*Excellent early
vigour adapts well
to all tillage
... N2555 BT
'Sarna excellent
hybrid as N2555
BT corn borer
resistant gene -
2675: Heat:
'Superior stalk
•:.S'clid yields of, high .
test weight grain:
•Excellent companion
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2700 Heat Units;;
•High yield potential
•Ffigh.test weight
•E icellent cold tolerance:
ai d.apring.growth
•Responds to high plant
For more information ontheses and other NK hybrids:
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RR#2 AUBURN -- 51:9-529.7724
signs and posts, andlabor
has to be. determined. The
goal is to include the cost
orr:athe final tax notices in
•A cost will also be set for
any future installations.
'The County... of Bruce,
effective. March 1, reduced
beaver pelt compensation,
from $25 to. $15, Council
agreed to leave the manic-
ipality's compensation at
$25 per pelt for trrappers
who have been instructed
to trap beavers 'from'
municipal drains.
.This year's levy -to .the'
Maitland Valley -
Conservation Authority is.
$4,717, upfront last:year's
Council is planning a
public meeting in March
tod's s- the proposed
sharing of services, or.
amalgamation with the vil-
lage of Lucknow. Watch.
the Sentinel for further
details on date and. time.
The cure
for. Epilepsy
is in.your
1 800 860:-54991
Auburn Ont, • 5194264220
Let 5 Generations; of Experience. in. Timber Pur..chasing
anct'Resource Management
Remember- "Good Things Cam in. Trees".
Hardwood Slabs.
=130/1'7 cu. yd. Truckload within LO mile's
Mileage Beyond that •
Refreshnnts - Dor Prizes
Brides are invited to register and
qualify: to :win numerous door prizes'
General, Public - $2.00'
Proceeds to GuidtM Association'
S onsored by: Mande's SPeciattY shopper