HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-03-05, Page 3Recreation briefs
*Orli page 1 . ,
siderable, a donation to help offset recre-
ation costs would be appreciated. The..
Lancers recently furnished the upstairs •
' room with tables and chairs.
Rod McDonagh appeared before the
rec board to explain the insurance policy
.on the sports complex. The building is
insured to a $3 million limit, with con-
and equipment at $99,600, Contents
and equipment are at replacement cost,
There is a $1,006 deductible on the band-
uildiig and $500. deductible on contents.
The premium for the year is $5,263,
plus 8..per cent sales tax;' which is the
same as last year.. ,s
McDonagh recommended to the board'
that an inventory of contents at the sports.
complex should be undertaken, to ensure
that area of coverage is sufficient. "There
are more items, stored: in the new sports
complex than the old," said McDonagh.
The inventory list should also be kept off
site. •
Dave Black, facility, manager, . was
asked to complete the inventory.
McDonagh told council about a no-
cost risk, manage rie-assessment avail-
able through Cowan Insurance; the carri-
er of the sports complex insurance. The
board 'agreed it was a good idea to have
-the assessment carried out on all. recre-
ation facilities in the town, .
Recreation 'lottery
Stuart Alton has agreed to co-chair the
•new recreation' lottery with Dave Black.
Tickets ;on the lottery should be available
later ibis month, and will sell for $50
each, The full prize structure was report-
ed in the Feb. 5 issue of the Sentinel. '
Arena •
Energy conservation efforts continue to
pay off at the sports complex..There was
a. savings: of $1200 this January when
compared to last January's hydro con-
sumption, '
A maintenance contract will be signed
with' Edwards Division, of London, to
inspect the fire alarm, sprinkler system,.
and fire extinguishers at the sports com-
plex, The cost is $395 plus GST. The
same company installed the alarm sys-
Black presented 'a draft alcohol and
risk management policy. Board members
will'take it back to their respective coun-
cils for input.
With • the implementation of the bag tag
for garbage in Lucknow, Black was
instructed to get full details on the cost of
having a dumpsterlocated inthe sports -
complex area,
The board has put ,in.,place a policy to
be followed in the event of a dispute' by a
player, parent or coach in any of the.
minor sports programs. The board will
rely on the recommendation of the partic-
!lar minor sport executive when• it comes°
to registration refunds.
The board has also: gone on record • as,
"strongly encouraging each sports .execu- .
tive. to emphasize full player participation
to their coaches, assistant coaches, ;train-
ers, players and: parents
Bruce County Council ..
Saving by sharing g preferre
to anal amation of counties
The pz'ovince may be pushing.. for large,
scale municipal amalgamations; but
Bruce and Grey .counties and the city of.
Owen Sound are- far from ready to •meld
t.heir,boundaries. into a.'.
new 'single unit:.
"The option: of amalga-:
mating"the two upper tiers '
arid. the. city of'OWen
Sound had little support,
restructuring; chair Stuart
Reavie told Bruce county.
council about a .meeting.,
with his counterparts in
Grey and Owen Sound.
Instead, the three upper'
leve'' governments will
continue looking at ways
to save costs by sharing
"The meeting did result in recognition
inithe value of cantinu,ed .discussion,
between the three municipalities, to inves-
tigate : possible savings by means of 'shar-
ing services,"
shar-ing'services," Reavie said; ,.
Joining up with Grey and Owen Sound,;
is one of three options Bruce county is
investigating in . its latest :restructuring
proposal. Also under consideration are
municipal amalgamations within the
county, and designating the entire county '
as one municipality.
Putting amalgamation' with Grey and
Owen'Sound.at the bottom of the priority.
list didn't please all Bruce county, coup
"The three are missing a
great opportunity to have
a solution' that, is' locally
made," said Atnabel reeve
Vince Artruso.
"I wouldn't want to rule.
it out, Reavie replied.
"There is a"window of
. Opportunity :if :the -.full•
Councils feel differently.
Meanwhile,- Reavie
wants Bruce ` to •take
another look at ,how it
;divides.• . county arid
municipal responsibilities following the
province's 'downloading of: services arid
funding. Hewants that review before his
conrnitteee makes any recommendations
on .municipal boundary changes.
' "I think it's important we look the
whole package. and .see who can provide
what service "and' whether thereis some
.savings in amalgamation," Reavie said.
`"It's hard for- municipalities to change
their amalgamation: marriages where they
don't really know the f ull game "
f ircc�Z
'from page 1'
McDonald getting the
• assists.
. • Ed Courtney was the ,
third Mustang goal getter
• with Scott Chambers get-
ting the assist. '
McDonald started the
third period surge, with
Haggitt and Greig assist -
Chambers added an
insurance market with
help :from. Jeff 'King, and
Cor s 'o ed an
Cory Braggc ... x
unassisted marker to: con
elude the scoring.
The Mustangs played
the winner' of the Elgin -
Oxford conference last
night at the Thompson
Arena in London. The
winner advances to the
WOSSA , final today.
against the London city
winner at 7 pm. in the
Thompson Arena. •
Locknow Sentinel, Wednesday,, March 5, "1997 - Page $.
• t your wild
licence by p
Hunters can now pur-
chase a wild turkey
licence by phone via .a
ton -free 1VINR. line. Prior
to the implementation, the
licences could only be
purchased in person at
MNR offices.
To use the new system,
hunters will need their 15-
digit outdoors, card nun]-
ber, a valid Visa or
Mastercard number and
either a touch-tone or
rotary dial telephone to
enter the requested infor-
mation. Following apple-
cation a wild turkey
licence with game seal
will be mailed to the
Ontario has. approxi-
mately 12,500' registered
wild turkey hunters with
about 2,000 more joining
their ranks. annually. To be
eligible for a wild turkey
licence, a qualified hunter •
must first attend a wild'
turkey hunter education
seminar and pass an
.MNR currently issues
4,200 wild turkey licences
eachyear for hunting in
southern Ontario.
The phone number is 1.-
800-288-1155, between 7 .
a,m and 11 p.tn. seven.
days .a week until April
041 callow trial filo, inset o pin s
way. Sizes: 110,126,Disc &hill
rime 35n ra Excludes Pe ointttie 35,
Scalr%e1 bit, &AftincedPtwto System'
Lenit ( coupuo peia order: cotipait
mutt aosonpooy oda.
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Keep on top of your grass this summer by getting your equipment in shapeno*. Our trained
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