HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-26, Page 16Page Lii know Sentinel, Wednesday, February 26, 1:197 Via. General HU, 24th Annual .Recreational Vehiicle Show Campground Operators. and Associated. Suppliers in Attendance MARCH 134510 lint-10pm MARCH 1610 ariv.6 pm at The Western Fair'Grounds, London Admission: 7.00 Seniors 1.00 OFF Thurs. & Fri. Children under 12 FREE Presented by The London 8 St.Thomas RV Dealers Association For Jnto Cali. (519) 68$1.11O • TARPS AND iNDUST.RIAL COVE'RiNGS - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, ete. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs, Party tent rentals Tiesma 'industrial Coverings, • Rayfield.. 482-3540. 26tfg- peow 11 1. Wanted to Rent-. WANTED CROP land for • 1997 season. Phone after 9 p.m. 528.2624 ask ter 'Gary. --06.14x ' WANTED TO Rent crop land and pasture for, 1997.. Phone 482 5841. 17. Apts•- 2 BEDROOM apartment for rant near Luctinow, $600/month heat included. Phone 528-2.426.--46tfar ONE BEDROOM heated. apartment on main street . close to . downtown. • Available . immediately. Phone 528-3948. --f 9tffar LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, pri-. vote entrance $370 plus util- ities. Phone 528-2391. 4ltfar ` ' 1111e. For Rent: BANK AND MILK BARN for rent previously used for tat- 70''x cat70'x 50', $1'500 per year. Longterm' lease avail able; Call ' 526-7429, 08,09cc . 17 Apts. GROUND Fi;.00R.'2 bend room heated'.'apartment, newly renovated; two bed room upper apartment, both. close to downtown. Phone 528-2031 19tfar. UNDER. NEW MANAGE MENTI Walkerton Yonge St Apartments has one„ two and .three bedroom apartments 'available' for rent.. Swimming pool, • garage, quiet :exclusive. , complex, across from Bruce'; County Buildings,' OPP, near school. Apply to Adriax, Apt, 7; ,101.2 Yonge St. 86127901--:i3tfcc LARGE TWO bedroorn apartment with private,.. ground level entrance. Park dike atmosphere and close, to downtown. Cresthaven Apartments pall after 6 p.m: 51.9.848-2215.422tfar NEWLY. DEG.QRATED. aparti ent. Your choice upper or lower.. Large livin-. groom, country kitchen, 2 bedroom, :,Auburn. $3.50' plus utilities. Call 526-7355. --07tfcc In Lucknow. Newly renovated 3 & 4 bedroom apartments .from $390,0O/month plus utilities:. Also 800 sq. ft. storeon 'main street.; '$300,00/month 'Plus, utilities'.. Phone Sue 1101:357.;2732 18. Houses :•DURHAM,-WALSH, Townhouses in Kincardine •• Under n, ew management .Freshly -painted and reno- vated. Two and` three •bed- room,. 1 month free' rent. Available. "immediately, Phone 396-9332.--03tfar 2-8E-D`ROoM--HOUSE for- re.n:t in • Lucknow $650/month; utilities; includ-, ed. Phone 528=2425: 7 46tfar . TWO'. 2 BEDROOM apart . ments and one: -1 bedroom - apartment for rent on main street,. Lucknow'.; Phone :528-3932.--35tfar ONE BEDROOM apart- ment; available immediate- ly. $260/month'.pjus: utilities. Phone'`Paul 528-2411. -- 40tfar 2 Bt)R00M GROUND level apartment. 'Available Feb. 1st. $300/month plus utilities. Call Paul 528-2411. -Obffar', ' COUNTRY LIVING! Newly constructed townhouses, 10 minutes `north 'of Walkerton. Available immediately.: High efficiency gas heating, two bedrooms; two bathrooms, large lounge/dining. area. Approximately 1,100 sq. ft. with garage. Rents from $595';per; month. For more information: call 519-881- 3335. A MUST SEE! •:07tfcc FARM_ HOUSE for rent, paved road, convenient . location, ;Whitechurch- area;, recently renovated with new kitchen, laundry and bath: Available March 1. Phone 519-268-8156 or 519.357- 1589. --0.8,09X. HOUSE FOR rent a bed room farm house close to. Ripley. Al! appliances, except dr.Yer. References required. Call. 395-5628. -r '09,16 18. Houses 'HOUSE FOR rent $39Q/month plushydro, free wood for heating, North (0' Lucknow at Kiniough. Phone• 519-743-2670. ** 08tfar 23.Commercial LARGE STORE front for 'rent on Lucknow's main street. Well maintained and excellent location. Available immediately. Call 528-2110 or; 528.391Q after 6 p.m. -- 37tfar FOR LEASE approximately. 1400 square feet commer- cial store front in Lucknow (formerly. Garden Grove Florist), rear access, heat included, full basement. Available now. ' For further information. 5284411. -- 06tfar 2G. Help -Wanted THE LUCKN4W SENTINEL urges readers to use eau - tion when .Sending money "for business opportunities or employment .advertise- ments Be certain:: you are dealing with a reputable company. before releasing any, credit card information or sending any money. • Remember, if an advertise- meiift-sounds. too goad o bbd true, it probably is.;--32tfnx LARGE FINANCIAL SER- VICES Companyy accepting applications from- honest, motivated individuals with entrepreneurial spirit. All training: available. • Send ,:resume to':Exeter Post Office,' Box 83, NOM 1 S6:-- 09,1'Occ 27, Wanted 'General. WANTED 10 - 12 WOMEN who live on fauns to partici* pate in a,Community Survey Focus Group being:held in Lucknow. !f,you are interest- ed nterested in participatingor would like more information, please Call 396-9814 or 1- 800,2654026 and ask for Casey, • -09cc *- Business Opp, PRQCE`;a'a SERVERS; Franchise opportunity, ground floor entry to Canada's fastest growing Process Service Network. No initial franchise fees; exclusive territories; contin- uous operational and national advertising support, complete training. Contact. Lormit Management Systems Inc: at 1800-459- 7468.-Q9bc GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government, assistance ,pro, grams information available. For your new or :existing, "business, Take advantage, ' of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800=915- 3615.409bc 26.--HePp" 111anted: 20. Business" Opp. ARE YOU SEEKING more free time plus financial inde- pendence? Become a sates: managerfor a very prof- itable• airpurificationbusi- ness today. Phone nowt 800.820-0699--9bc TRAVEL PROFESSION- ALS OTE,RNATIONAL, Becomepart of Canada's • fastest growing; Travel Agency Franchise. Operate your business. Full-time, Part-time, from your home; office or storefront: Investment $12,500. Cali 1- 80.0-757-8580.--09bc 29. Tenders 31"0 Sorvicoo threcto r3► MARRIAGE AND PERSON- AL Counselling,W. Turvill B A+, M.S.Ed., private prac- tice, Evening appointments available. Kinhuron Medical Centre, 1004 Queen Street, Kincardine. Call 3.96-338.4. or 396.8564.--09cc, CARL SLOETJES Salm. tnstattation• Renovation,: • Replacement Windows & . Doors r. Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Unoleum *Roofing* Free Estimates•. RR 7 • U JCKNOW 5294164: • The Huron County Board et Motion •invites tenders for. FIRE SAFETY UPGRADES to. • VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL F. E..MADIL L SECONDARY SCHOOL •-t* Sealed tenders addressed to The Huron County Board of Educatxon'wiil-` be received at the office of The Huron County Board of Education,163 Princess Street, Clinton. Ontario; NOM ILO; until 1:00 p m. on. Thursday, March 13, 1997. These are two separate projects.. BM Bonds in the amount of $2,300 for .Victoria: Public School and 518,000 for F. B,Madi11SecondarySchool, are -required :toaccompany the tenders. The successtirt bidders will berequired to provide a 50% Performance Bond or Agreement to Bond with the tender submission. The Owner will accept a certified chequeln the amorist of 50% ofthe. . estimated cost in lieu of Bonds. COTTAGE' KtTCH1=k in Point Clark is"now hiring experienced restaurant staff'. Phone 395-0911 or 'bring resume to 175 Lake Range Rd,: or;mail ;R. R.' 1:.' Kincardine, N2Z 2X3 - 99c+r AN EXPERIENCED hair- dresr kilt or, •part'time' TRANSPORT DRIVERS apply at',The Hair •Loft,'807 NEEDED Now. is the :tim'e. Queen : Street, Kincardine,' to train for; your class AZ' 1\12Z 1T5, or; call 396;4333 -' -09 10 ,license. For interview or , • application' contact' Ontario BE YOUR own boss. Tired, Truck Driver:' Training o ' -working for someone Landon - .1-800-263-4777 else? No gimmick Or invest (job: placement assistance relent. TRC . of . Canada available).--09bc needs Manufacturer's 'rep- REQUIRE CONSULTANT resentative. Excellent train - IN THIS AREA to represent ing, oppoduntty,.cornpensa- our elegant of table: tion and benefits, Industry' g leader." d=ull Pr art -time - linens and - home decorating P • accessories. $15-$50/hr; write:' TRC Canada, P.o. Must. drive. Sus. stay -at- Box 711, Ft. Worth; Texas, home mum. Cali 1-888-291 76101, USA. =-08,09ar 7199.=-b9bc:: TOO MANY. Christrnas $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ ` bills? Join Princes House Make a lot -of :money ,seliin today, Introducing a fine line, chocolate bars. New prod..' ' 01 gift and exquisite acres- ucts available. Nothing to series. $25.: investtnent.'< pay in. advance. Fast deiiv-: Please call Jan 519-357; e y t-80Q-3.83-3589.409bc' 4370. --07-l0x Sales. afld lVta rk tin. Cover) tl Shelters of Ontario;(based near Lucknow) is seeking a _motivated confident indittidual4o represent aur company In: marketing'and'Safes. The successful applicant trust: -have good inter -personal skills -be a:self motivator '-be goal oriented . -be driven by the .desire.tp succeed Marketing experience would be an asset. !f you.feelyourself to have some ()veil the qualities mentioned. above and if you. :.desire a career in a fast-growing company which offom a base salary:plus conilrtission, please respond:im'tnediateiy#o; .: GoverAlt Shelters of Ontario KIR: ,Lucknow, Ontario • NOG 2H0 • (510 528.2890 fax (519) 528=292 • phone A limited number of tender.documents:will beavailable to General or, Electrical Contractors: only, as of Wednesday, February 26. 1997, from the office of Garratt & Marklevltz Architects; 516 Huron Street, Stafford, Ontario, NSA 5T7. upon: deposit of certified cheque in•the amount of $100.00 per salt: ' Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted:' • A. Carter. Chair P, Carroll' Director 1. 'Service 'Directory AGNEW ;: JEWELLERY REPAIR - Watch, clock, jaw=' ellery. Free estimates, Pickup and delivery can be arranged,: 698 Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre. Call :528-3532 or 528.3940.--18tfar INCOME TAX Preparation Reasonable rates, free pick up and. delivery in Lucknow area.Pat Porter, 528-3238. -07-18 ; BERGMAN BUTOROD' , (519) 5284338 )nsnrance & Collision It pairs: We {,•rc. rfJ iseeraw, cera roam- Dave aa x Dave Seabrook Excavating *Gravel.• Top Soil •• Fine Grading *Float Se*Oej Large excavator trucks, Ioader,:dbxers' Reasonable rates 528-2047, 584144 RR $; Lucknow `Service Directory H mire s •LECTR$C *Residential *Farre *Commercial Electrical Contractors: FREE ESTIMATES, • Rod Havens • LUCKNOW 528-2301 ATTENTION.. SMALL BUSINESSES, Complete Repoli Services'. *Payroll preparation *T 4's *EHT*WCB *ROE *RCT Remittance ;Reasonabie rates Pram brie employee and up. 10 years experience: Confidential . KATHY HACKETT 528-2302 34.'_Personai: *A Coal will be incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Thousands. Satisfied Callers 1400451- 3781. $2.99 per rain:, 24 Hrs *.18 *yre+--09bc WEDDINGS • CHRISTENINGS Podomred --your location or on . indoor or outdoor chapol (n'on-denominationaq. Forbroch'ure ev, Morgan- AN faints, Pastbrat • rex Benmilfer, 524,:5724.