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LiteltneW Sentinel, Wedne1410, Irelorani x6,1997 ® Page 13
ilkeOiskY Night 7 RS and
HT - Ron Machan 254,
Gerald Rhody 631; Bea
Griffin 249, 661 200+
games: Ron Machan 254,
'205, Gerald Rhody 241.,.
203, Bea Griffin 249, 220,
Mike Whitcroft 202, Luke
Cranston 213, Allan'
Rhody 201., Barb Machan
218, Terri Van Diepen
235„Wilma Elliott ,217,
200, Jim Miller 219, Lucy
Miller 235, Jackie Duiker
218, Terry Burt 209, Clint .
Thomson 225, Stevo
'Machan 239. Standings:
Thunder Cats 84,
Blizzards .82,, Lightning
Bolts . 77, Hurricanes 76;
Thunder Bal'ls 67,
Tornadoes 55:
YBC - Pee Wee: Grace
Finnigan 102, Larrisa
Bridges' '103.,. Branden,
Bridges 107, Rachel
Elliott 121, 146, Bantams:.
J.J. Hubbard 174, Angela
'Gillespie 182, Whitney
Taylor .178, 173, 138, 142,
Jonathon Lalonde 144,.-
Richard Elliott 156, 129.
Juniors Paula Taylor 217,
151, 234, 200, David
Gillespie 155, .157, Jutstin
Armstrong 189, 179, 207,
'Angie Nicholson 211,
153, Gregory . Archer 219,
171, D:J.Haldenby
158. Seniors: Marlene
Johnston 231, 195, Jeff
Rumble ' 260, Patrick
Monday Night - HS and
HT: Alex'Brunault 270,
Eric" Taylor 701; Terri Van
Diepen 269, 654. 200+
games: Dave Humphrey
-220, .Wendy Ritchie 2.02,.
268, Grace Finnigan. 220,
Alex ' Brunault 270, Eric
Taylor 232, 200, 269;
Terri Van Diepen ' 235,.
269, Bryce Ritchie 239,..
John.. Andrew 21.3..
Standings:- Misfits 57,
High Flyers 49, Blue Jays.
46, Verna''s Rollers 39,.
Dalmations 36,. Bulldogs
Friday Night HS and
HT Eric Taylor 333,' 808;
Bev Beyersbergen 249,'
• 573 200 a e E i °
Taylor 333,. 246, 229, Don
Woods 209, Paul Beese
240, 210 Betty Small
211, .Nick Beyersbergen
219, Ron Gillespie 279,.
248, Ron Elliott 229,.
Marion- Jones 225, Bev
Beyersbergen 249.
Standing: Hooters 52,
Bundys 37,,Aces- 37, .Slow
Balls 32, '
Wednesday Night - HS
,and HT Judi del3oer
259; 599; Steve Van Osch
280, 800. 200+ games:
Jim deBoer 224,. 203, Judi
;deBoer 259, Matt deBoer
243,, 210, Mariken Beese
220, Skip Beese 209, •Eric.
Taylor 226, 272, 251,
Jason. Daw..242, 243, Bob. -
Jones 216, 241, 209, Jim
Miller. 229, Nick Schaus..
249, Steve Van' Osch 280,
•270,250,,Mary Phillips>
206; 204, Kevin Kreuter
203, Nancy Hunter 209,
Standings: Cooperators
54, Townies 48,
Chipmunks .40, Gutter
Rats 30.5,. Mavericks 25;.
Pial Pals 21.5.
Ripley, 1 $0+ games:
Shirley Adams 186,
Muriel Dow '188, 265,'
Torn Adams 153, Anna
MacTavish 203, 169,:.
Edna Stanley. 185, Marie
MacDonald 153,' Ed Fink
• 158, .161, Bill Dow 160,
Eunice Emmeirton 173,,.
169; Norval Pollock 195..
Standings: Maple Leafs..
36, Red Wings 28, Oilers
26.5, Canadions 23.5,.
Flyers 21, Flames 17..
Town ° and' Country
150+ games Anne
Andersson 171, 215, Fern
McDonald' u 167, 255,
Gerry Vanderklippe303,,
Gordon, Brooks 161, Dave
Swan . 195, Gordon'
Johnston 184, .Caroline.
Menary 153, Shirley.
"Brooks 16.4, . Donald
McKinnon 181•, Harold
Errington. 169, Mary
McIntosh 154, Alone
Clark .166,.. Kay Crawford
162 Standings: Tulips 37,
Daffodils 37, -Pansies. 32,..
Hyacinths 26,5, Crocuses
26, Snowdrops 21.5.
Exchange program seeks families
World peace. ' Cultural
understanding. Forging
links betweeen. nations. It
reads like a recruiting
poster .for the United
That's the message
being : spread- -by, 'Julia
Lubezynski of Student
'Travel Schools : (STS), a
non-profit cultural
exchange:.or organization i gan atio n
Waterloo' that is looking
for volunteer families to ,
host students, ages 15 to
18, from Europe,
Australia, New Zealand,
and South Africa- coming'. ,
to this area forthe upcom- •
ing high school :.year in
September. • - ' ..
"Hosting , an : exchange
student is a great chance
for a family to . learn • first-
hand about - another conn.
try and culture without
having 'to travel thousands
of miles ' away , from,
home." says Lubczynski
who heads.' •up . STS. in :
Being a: host family:
means sharing your tome
and way of life with' a'boy
Or girl from another part of
the world for five. or 10.
months. To ,be eligible, you
must be -over 25 and able
to. provide meals,accorn.
modation,' and guidance to
-your student dw'ing 'his or',
her stay in Canada.
In: return;. Lubczynski
says that . the' students are
eager to .participate in ` the
.-family's day-to-day activi-
ties, including holidays,
family gatherings; : and,
helping out .with their
share of household chores.'
Each' student . is also excit-
about sharing their own
language and culture with
their: newly adopted host
family. ..
Host. families taking
part in the `STS program '
come -from '. all walks • .o. f
life. You can be married or
single,. with or without
children,' and you can live
in the' city .or :the country...
The main ; requirement. is
that, 'you- ' : approach Fyour
role as host parents witha
positive attitude and .a
desire to learn 'about:anoth-
er culture. Families, may
select a teenager of their.
choice from; a range of Stu-
dent profiles' . complete°
with references, °; .family,
photos, .and :biographical
The exchange students
ing, money and, is fully;'
insured during their. stay.
The students will arrive in
late August "just ' before
school begins and return at
the end of the school Year.
``Sharing your life with
art: exchange student is a
rewarding.. experience for
the entire family,and it's; a
good way of "making :future
o overseas" s
contacts a erresay
Lubczynski "Our ,:host
families quickly' discover
that the meeting of two
cultures sure. makes '.the
world feel like a"global it-•
lage," r
Student Travel Schools
are. well screened before was founded 30 years ago
being accepted into .the: in, '.Sweden on the. 'belief
'that youth exchanges. pro-
mote, understanding,
respect, world 'peace: and
goodwill among people of
all nations. Today, STS has
program; and are chosen:
for their maturity., academ-
ic abhieve,rnent, and ability
to be flexible. Each student
has his or her own spend
1e world'
ARrottct.ot PITC dW CANADA in
Conjunction with The Ufl ted Wtions'tnMronintent Prog:Ant UNEP
Takalo, &'•Burt
',567. Campbell St. Luckfow
* Fe'rsonall'ax Returns:
* Business �w
• Farms '
• Doug Miller' C,G.A,
LucknoW Office Manager
E file Agenf
;Goderlch 519-5242677
Sunday March 9•
Fridays 28th
Fridays 14th -21St -28th
• Saturdays lst-8th-15th-
22nd -29th. '
CALL 528-.3429
9 A.M. r'5 p.m.
offices in over 25 countries
and is ,one. of the oldest
exchange organizations
the world. :STS • is recog,
-nixed by the Council on
Standards for International
Travel (CS1ET)," ate:
American 'nonprofit:.orga-)
nization committed ' to..
establishing standards ° of
.excellence for internation-
a1 exchangeprograms.
p ogr ,
Anyone interested in
going ...on ;'exchange • or ; ,.
becoming a volunteer host' ,
family '. can contact" Julia'
Lubczynski at 17800-265-
5316; ..
-80.0-265-5316,:. '
'Birthday Club.
Benjamin Irwin:
February 27, 1990
7 Years Ord
Lucas Scott.`
. February •27,1996
1 Year Old
Jenny Var1 Rooy
February 20, 1988
9 Yea's Old
Andrew Scott
February 28, 1994
3. Years Old
Melissa VainDepenbeek
March 4, 1989
8 Years Old '
Patricia Alton
March, 4, 1996
1. Year Old
Ilea ALIA&
,..Fast iK Eatedafismad
B :E
ou �
Best RSP Rate
Sa 75%
as at Feb 24107
5242773, .Godedch 1.800.265.5503
ASHFIELD - 2 acres, completely
restored 3. bedroom house,.
workshop/shed. •
WHEELER' $T. r 2 bedroom
bungalow - new kitchen & bath.
TRi;,ED .7 ACRE'LOT with creek,
3; bedroom house, new''kitchen,
baths. $69;900.
bedroom, hew kitchen and baths;
formal' living/dining rooms,
garage, 8/10.acre .
96 ACRES., W. lotWawanosh.
Fieldstone house, 2 ponds, creek:.
HAVELOCK .Completely
renovated, 3 bedroom hpuse, 1
bath, move In condition. '$81,000:.,
$59;900 - 2 1 acres, 3 bedroom.
douse, garage. •
$79,900 = Three bedroom payed
drives 110' frontage, off heat•
ROSS ST 3 bedroom bungalow,
,wa$,76;9lk-00. in•baaement, shows Well
LUCKNOW - 4 bedroom. house
With garage, closei to. school.
'$80,900. '
AINBERLEY Newer bungalow;
3-4 bedrooms, large lot.'$99,900.
1`12 ACME& ; KinloS''eq,- 90
acres psstGre,.Creek, 3 ponds,
98, ACRES.. ;• 70 workable,
' updated •3 • bdrm house,.:40 x 5.6
bam,20 acres bush: $165,000.:
o le .
100 ACRES Y taliy.remode d 3 3
bedroom. house, 50 x 100 bam,'
85 workable, $197,500: •
NEWER•ROYAL, HOME - on 82;x'
132 lot, 3:bedroom'.partially
finished basement. Havelock St:
Auburn Ont. 519.526-7220`.
Feb. 27th 1
I.0:45 pin Novice Rep vs.:Durban' 1,
7:45pm Midgets vs Wingham
;' (2nd.game best of 5 WOAA Finals);
Feb..28th` 1
5:45 pm novice 132 vs'Betmote
7 011pm Atom Rep vs•Miiverton N "
(3rd game best of 5•WQAA
Final series tied at. 1 1).
x'8:30 pm Lancers vs Mildmay 1:
Game.3 Lucknowleads series 2-0 1
1 Mat 16,t I
tyke Tournameln1
10 games starting. at 9:00 am '1
j.; Mar, 2trd
11:30 - 2;50 Public Skating 1
1 3:00.-6,50'Figure Skating 1
Test Day (no adrnIsson . fee,,
l ▪ Watch local skaters by their tests) h
7:00 pm Bantam B vs Mt. Forest 1
ou d be third' aMidget me�f p know ;. .
▪ (� f g .. if
1• wind home ice advantage) 1
lillar. 3rd ' 1
1OA pm NoviceBl vs Wingham I -:
1 7:00 pmPee Wee Rep vi Wingham 1
1. (0•i ucknowwins hens ice 1
1 . • advantages) • •
18:30.pm Bantam Rep Vs 77? 1
1 .(WOAA Consolation Round)
1 Mar.4th' ' 1
i 6:00 pm Atom 131 vs. Ripley 1, '1
• ( (If Lucknow wins home Ice ji
1• advantage)i•J1
ori. In Peel Weer B vst iwrhatm 1J
Let 5' .Generations of Experience in Timber purchasing
and Resource..Management'
Remember -,"wood Things Come in Trees'r
Hardwood Slabs
=180117 cu. yd Truckload within 20 miles
• Mileage;Beyond that
The Royal Canadian. Legion Provincial Service
Bureau Officer, Randolph Groundwater, will be Visit-
ing in the, area.
Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance
War Disability. Penslona.
• Treatment for entitled veteralrls.
• Appeals against adverse original: '•
ppllcation,for War Veterans# and
Widows Allowance,
Contact the Service Officer or Secretary of the
Branch no later than February 27.. W
IIrviine Eedy'
Branch 309
• Service Officer