HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-26, Page 8A boy at rest, rernairi5 at rest,
k body i.rt rig" otion, remains in motton.
Know what Newtion Kms,: -114011111.10010.
.Sltori ga
We wish Audrey & Grant
' Johnston all
the best west.. ��
they move WesG.
And toAudrey
for all your years
of service,
From your
friends at
by trrbegfor
St. Helen's Wouien's.
Institutecelebrated the
1,00th anniversary, : of
Women's Institutes, last"
Wednesday; at the home of
Caroline Menary;.
A bountiful lunch of
homemade soup, egg and
chicken sandwiches, •tea
biscuits, with black cur-
rant and strawberry jams,
Johnny cake, maple syrup
and cheese, along with
coffee and tea • was:
enjoyed. These were the
foods suggested by the
FWIO in keeping' with.
1OOth anniversary.
President Luba Stanton
opened:,the meeting with
the Ode and .l ary Stewart
Collect. Rolicall: - .what
have t 'accomplished with,
a Women's Institute life
skill? was answered by
nine memberswith.'a vari-
ety of .responses. All memil
bers sang the Centennial.
song provided for this spec '
cial anniversary. • `
Florence .McConnell:
read the minutes, of' the.
first meeting of Women's
Institutes held in .Stoney
Creek'ion `Feb. 19; 1897. A
candle was lit sharing the
ceremony with .all ;nem
bees: throughout ammo.
A special collection
was. taken ' for the
Headquarters Fund;
Elaine Errington cola.
ducted a quiz regarding
Adelaide fiuodless, draft
bylaws and constitutions
recognition. of .the WE ..
Mrs T oodlesa . spoke
before a male audience• at
the Ontario. Agricultural.
College in Guelph telling
them how women's work,
•hojnnecraft andmothercraft
were so important. -
` Muriel Moffatread a
histotr of St. Helen's dat-
ing back to 1856. St.
Helen's WI is 92 years
old, .
. Donations were
approved for Lucknow
Fall .Fair,. ,Durham Flo'l'd:
Rel i of and Patricia.
Robinson.. 0
Edith had the
Tweedsmuir book on' dial
The St. -Helen's Women's institute marked .the WI 1OOth .anniversary East
week with a luncheon and meeting at Caroline. Menary's. Members pre-
sent for the auspicious occasion were:. back row, from the left;, Luba
Struttorr, . president, Edith Cooper,: Elaine Errington,Norma Raynard, and.
Florence McConnell: Front row: Caroline Menary, Muriel Moffat, Margaret .'
Cranston and Agnes Lyons. Absent::. Janet McPherson, Helen Todd; Irene,
Markham Jean Phillips, Mary Taylor and Isobel Gaunt The St. Helen's
Wi.:group is 92 years young., (Livingston photo)
Licensed under LL BCI
Your Host ..,
The Greigs LUCKNOW. 528-3932
Saiturda t..• MOOT t!.t •
mot Bank of Montreal
Wit POsstratie
430 C ipb•it St.
Members of the Lucknow Walmen's :Institute celebrated the 1'00tl
anniversary of Wt Iasi week. Back .row; from the left: Edna McDonald,
Bernadean. Bitohie and Rita Gilmore. Centre row: Jean Hicks, Noma
Campbell, Catherine McIntosh; Lois Goodhue,Susan McNaughton, Celia
Aitchison and Edna Young. Seated are the past presidents and current
Dorothy Brown, Mabel Whitby,•, Grace Gibson, Alice Taylor (present),
Bernice Johnstone and Jean Whitby: The Lucknow Wi group was formed
in 19oa (Livingston: photo).,
by. AllendBradley..
Kinloss. Kairshea
Women:', Institute with I7'
members, 14 former. mem-
bers and three children
gathered at the Anglican.
Church Hall last
Wednesday to celebrate
the lOOth anniversaryof
the Women's Institute .in.
• The hall was decorated
with the:blue' andgid col-
ors .of the Institute. On the
head table .was a gold col-
ored mum plant and blue
and: gold. balloons flew at
each end of the table. On.
each of the smalltables
was a gold. nium iiia vase .
trimmed with a blue rib-
bon .
On the head: table was a
beautifully decorated three
tier 100th. anniversary
cake; . .
.tuim.�to�page 9
Elsie" Ifouitton,, a :ch:atter' member' of the
Keirahea WI. had the; honor ofligt ing the can-
dle in honoir 0t the 1Eltithr •anniversary. of
Woman's Institute
by 1Vtabel- Whitby.
Sixteen members of the
Lucknow • Women's;
,Institute, gathered ,inthe
Institute -room at the -town"
hall: on Feb 19' fora spe
cial meeting in'.recognition,
of'the WI's 100th anniver
srry. In keeping with` the
celebration, the table Was':
decorated in 'WI colors of,,
:biue� and gold, with two'.
Strings . of balloon, two
,candles and lovely:yellow'
President Alice Taylor
conducted thee, meeting:.
Following the program
sent by .the"Wt, the meet-
ing started with Ode' and
1Vlary Stewart Collect.: The.
original Minutes . from the
Stoney Creek • meeting
were read, and the group
sang the Oenntennial- song.
Rolicall was what
have 1 accomplished' with
a.Wt•life Skill? All agreed'
we had learned :a. to.,t.
Enjoying each others com-
pany was a main one:
Susan'McNaugltton has-
been an active member o1
the :group. since 1950. She
joined soon after coming
to Lucknow . from
Scotland._` Susan recalled
that the ladies:gave her a
shower and Mrs. Wesley
Joynt welcomed, her:. by.
singing Scottish songs.
Members took turns
reading aboutthe history
• of the WI. Delicioua,birth
day cake' and ice cream'
was enjoyed. "