HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-26, Page 1VOL124 WK. 9
(SPP want to see
ictures from
1988 reunion
_The Kincardine -Walkerton detach-
ment of the', OPP is requesting that
anyone with pictures from
'Lucknow's 1988 reunion, in particu-
lar those taken of the Sunday after-
noon and evening events; 'allow them'
to -lo ok at them,
Constable Andy Burgess contacted
The Sentinel ori Monday 'morning
making the 'request in connection
with the on-going investigation• into
.the disappearance of Lois Hanna. on
July 3, 1988,
--Burgess said the investigating offi-
ffcers would.like to view still photos or
videos. If " you have any they may be
dropped off at the Town Office. Put
them in a sealed envelope with your
name, address =and phone number on
them' so lhey'may .be returned.
Hanna, of Kincardine,:; was 25 ate
the time she disappeared. She was
5'4". tall, weighed 120 , pounds and
had:Wow'. hair and brown eyes. She
`was last seen leaving a dance in
Lucknow about 11 p.m.. on July 3.:
When police initially investigated
her disappearance, it was "found that
her television was stilt on, : her purse
was .untouched and her car in her dri-
If you have information about this
case, please call the Kincardine OPP,
at 1-396-5341, or Crime Stoppers of
Bruce Grey -at 1-800-265-3787.
•►shfield twp
Ashfield townshipcouncil: has
gone' on record with the local MPP
and -.'the president of the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture that it, too.
has concernswith the 25 per cent mill
,:rate on farm land and the `impact on
reduced taxation revenue . for the
Another letter to Helen Johns,'
MPP for Huron,states 'council's con-,
cenrs with the downloading ' of
responsibility for funding social, ser -
Vices, health services and provincial
housing The letter is in 'support of a
resolution from : the ' Association of
Municipalities of Ontario regarding
the 'negative impacts that the "Mega
Week" announcements will have on
municipalities. ' '
Council has set.. its meeting rates.
for 1997 at $105 per meeting for the.
reeve, $100 per meeting for . the
deputy reeve, and $95 per meeting for
councillors. These rates include
mileage. Council has two regular
meetings per month.
rets:10DIS members `serious'
by Patrick Raftis
Threats against members of the Grey-
Bruce District Health. Council and mem-
bers of the hospital restructuring steering
committee are being treated with' the
"utmost seriousness," DHC Chair Paul
Eagleson, said Monday.
The situation .:is seriousenough the
March 4 meeting of the DHC, at which a
vote on the report is expected,- may not
be, held as .planned. '
Eagleson said threats against DHC
and restructuring.committee member"s are
`fwidespread," and confirrn.ed'he -had 'appropriate location." The press release
received threats himself. cited concerns about the number of peo-
• "Unfortunately,: they are not only ple.expected to attend and potential for
directed at the council, but also at people traffic problems.
(the restructuring committee) who gave "Alternative options are being
and gave and ga'e" of themselves to pro :explored," therelease state&
duce this report and now don't even have . However. Eagleson said he has spoken
a vote .on. it. It's out of theirhands," said - :with newly -reinstated Minister of Health
Eagleson.. Jim. Wilson's staff about.how to handle
A pressrelease. from -the DHC. office ' the situation, in view ..of overwhelming
Monday said the council' has expressed public opposition to the report. The pro -
concern that the Owen Sound.Collegiate posal to replace hospitals•. in Walkerton,
and Vocational Institute pay not be "an; •turn to page 3
LCPS students were jumping for hearts last week as they were educated
in the importance, of health andfitness and helped raise funds for heart
and stroke research and education. The Jump Rope for Heart offered;
incentives to the students whoobtained sponsors. Some taking part ..
were Lori .Blake, Candice` Hamilton and Jessica' .Mann , with Josh Ackert
in the. background. (Livingston photo) .,
I'axpaye� tells
°ount� eQuricl
,a sperm u�
:ar residents
:.by Pat Halpint
r<It s not often: that' individuals advise
Bruce'County` Council .on what stand . to
takeon current. issues. But that's just,
what happened when Paisley resident
Shelley Parker spoke Cast` Tuesday after,
"I -challenge :you to. let . the Grey
Bruce: District IJealth. Council know that
your :constituents are not• satisfied and
you, are speaking for them," Parker told
councillors in a presentation that warned
of the impact of steering committee rec.,
ommendations on hospital restructuring
Parker said .the' County of Bruce
General Hospital: in Walkerton has three
centres of excellenceas.recognized'by:>
the :District Health Council They'
include: the million dollar birthing cen-
tre, the coronary care unit, and the lab.
department; .which is recognised as one
of the best on .line labs in Ontario.,
And' they want -to demolish that?" she
'turn to page 9
�p�vir�cxal. refarm wild. cost county $20 m+:
by .Pat Halpin
A best estimate by . Bruc$ County µoffi* •
cials puts the price lag for provincial;
reform of municipal government respon-
sibilities at'$20,243,700.
• That 'figure' is what county administra-
tor Wayne Jamieson estimates as the
shortfall between savings on the educa-
tion portion of the tax bill' and extra costs
county and municipal' governments will
have to pick up for social services, roads,'.
public bealth,1,olicing and water and
sewer treatment. • ; ' ' •
Jamieson said Bruce County ratepay-
ers will save $34.7 million in education.,
taxes as the province takes over funding
for elementary and'. secondary, schools,.
but they will pay that amount plus anoth-
er $202 million in the shift of services to
the local government.. ;
"We are still trying to. grasp . shadows'
in a lot of areas;" Jamieson, said about the
difticultyof estab:ishing cost estimates
the absence of information from the ;
'province. ,.So.
far, it's not •
evenclear how
the county and,
local: motors
palities will.
split adminis-
trative respon-
sibility ,for the"
services they
have: ' . been
ks"0:;iggior Bruce
County..council has endorsed- resolutions
opposing the downloading of social ser-
vices and health dare costs onto the prop-
erty tax
ropertytax bill.
"We do have concern- that the province
has handeddown responsibility and ser-
vices that we perceive aregoing to grow
over the next few years, such as Home.
Care," Jamieson said. Recommendations:
like the ones in the District Health
Council steering ,comMittee, report on
hospital restructuring could add even
• more to the county's tax ball.
"The hospital restructuring pointed' out
an additional $1.million `a year for Home
Care, and ambulance service is required,"
Jamieson- said. "We are concerned that all
of this is .going to end up back on the
property taxes,":
Jamieson's figures indicate countyres-
idents will have to pay
. - an estimated $6.3 Million in policing,
for households that now receive that ser-
vice free
- $5.1 nli.11ion for Home Care and:
'turn to page 3