HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-19, Page 13• Servioe filosetory INCOME TAX Preparation •.Reasonable rates; free pick • up Ad delivery- in Lucknow area. Pat. Porter, 528.3238. --07-10 2. tlbysittind. I`. AMa loving mother of .2 interested in opening. a NO tiirne babysitting service out Of my large country home 1 1/4 miles South of Dungarinon. Looking for ,inquiries before, 1 proceed further. Please contact me with any further questions you may have. Debbie 529- 3481. --05-08cc • 33. ,Mise. LEATHER - TOOLS - kits: - Craft supplies and more. Send $3.00 for 96. Page Catalogue '(Refundable with . first order)., The Leather Factory of Canada, 104 King Edward Street East, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3H ONt.�-Ogbc . Iliorsonal entinel,, Wednesday, February I9,-t99.►7 rage 1$ 2. Obituaries 1403. Memorfams *A cost will be incurred. EVANLY-RAYS, PHYSIC "ANSWERS • Police use urs, Rated #'. in Canada. Instant. , answers about love, money, career,: Lucky •#s, relation Ships'. ,Achieve success! $2.99/mist., 18 + 24 Hrs. Callao 1-900.451-40,55... Visa/ C/AMX 07-i.4cc CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRE Are, youe prep- nent? Need help? Call ,our • 24 hour hotline. collect 323-' 3751' or drop in at -178 Main 'St > S. Mounts Forest• for; free pregnancy testing, coon;. selling and support child; birth 'beaches,. clothing: Dear `A cost Will be incurred:. HAVE YOU CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and mediums. before? , Then ; come'diiscover the inexplic- able . experiences of. Karononna Zanmortu' 28 years :experience, very • precise. She can describe. and give ,you your sign. Learn from her other, well. known Mediums 'and Clair- voy.'ants. , To know your 'future„ Call J1-960-451-9602, 18+; $4.55/rein„ 24' hrs/7days.--O0bc *Ai cost be incurred.' IT'S YOUR •phoice. We have several live psychics waiting to advise you. on love, money,,future & more. $3.99/rain, 18+, 24 hrs. 1- '90D -870-1025,-081)e NOflCEOF PUBLIC MEETING THE BRUCE COUNT' • OFFICIAL. PLAN: A Public Meeting(at 7:30 pm.) held under .the provisions. of Section 17(15} Of the Planning Act Will ' be held to receive Public Inpflt On the proposed. Bruce County Official Plan: BATE: MARCH 25,1997 . TIMES» PUBLIC METING AT 7:30 I'M, LOCATION: COUNTY OF BRUCE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, (COUNCIL CHAMBERS), 30 PARK STREET, WALKERTON, ONTARIO PURPOSE & EFFECT The purpose of the Bruce County Official Plan is to establish a policy framework and schedules to guide the physical,. social and economic development of the County and to protect the natural environment within the County tothe-year 2016. •DESCRIPTION: - The Bruce -County Official: Plan applies to.' all lands within Bruce County COPIES OF THE PLAN. • Copies of the proposed Bruce: County, • Official Plan are available for reView at the County of Bruce Planning and Economic ' -Development Department. Offices located , at 30 Park Street, WALKERTON, Ontario E• NOG 2V0; and, .at 556 Bertard Street, • • • WIARTON, Ontario NOH 2TO • NOTICE OF DECISION: If you wish to'benotified to the adoption of the proposed Official Plan, you must make a•written requesttp: Ms. Bettyanne Brays eIerk, County riftfruCe, Box 70,' 30 Park` Street, WALKERTON, Ontario NOG 21/0. Such written requests maype delivered to the County of Bruce Planning: & Economic Development Department; 30. Park Street, WALKERTON, Ontario NOC 2VO .ar, 550..Berford$treet, WiARTON„ O.ittaiia'NOH2T0. , : - r 1f a •person or public body thattiles.a Notice of Appeal of a.'decision of.the County of Bruce in respect of the proposed Oficial Plan does not make oral. submissions:at a'PUblic Meeting or make' • written submissions tathe,County of Bruce before the proposed Official Plan is adopted, the:Ontario Municipai Boaitl;may dismiss all orpart of the appeal OMB POWERS: r . LEARN AUCTIONEERING4 Classes held Apr. 1248,. Aug: 16-22, Nov. 15-21/97. For ,information contact: Southwestern Ontario School. of Auctieneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario ,N4S 7V9 (51$)537r 2115,--08bc BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER..; with our great home -study, course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-.267-1829.. ,The. Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, ' Suite 2751, Ottawa, ON Ka. 6R2. -- mike• _ 43, Obituaries a. JOHN HOWARD MCLEOD At Mississauga General. Hospital on . Tuesday February 11, 1997, John Howard McLeod . of Mississauga and'forreerly of Woodstock ino.his '789 year, Beloved husband of Lorean Margaret (Stewart) McLeod. Dear father of. Lois Jean :West and her husband:'Ken of R.R. . #2 Bradford,' Bette • Anne Attridge of Mississauga, William and his wife: • Marisue of Brampton, lovedgrandfa titer'. of: 'Jeffrey;' Scott, Michael,..Lisa,. Jeremy. and, Andrew: 'Loved great *and - tether off • . Samantha. Predeceased by. sisters- :Helen sand Lois. -John served in. Italy during WWII and was a:past mernber.,Pt the WoodstockCurling Club. and the Craigowan Galt Clilb, Woodstock.. Friends called at the '. FL D; Longworth Funeral Houle '• 134' Riddell '.St; Woodstock on ,Thursday. where'the Complete funeral service was held on Friday. with Rev. David Snihur of College Avenue' Church'bffi '„ ,ciating. Interment Oxford Memorial Park Cemetery.. Contribution's to College. Avenue -Church Memorial ' Fund' would.: be appreciated. -08er. 37. Mortgages 38 .Auctions 1d, & 2"°1/lartgage Money. Absolutely: No Upfront Fees • Available as law as • 6.504' Interest PersOnal Leans Jf you qualify; payi►lents Art Adprox.• , Mo. fiayinent . • 5,000 '. 41;66 °10,0.00 •4.63.33. .415,x': ' -125.00 Consolidate your debts. ' tall(610) 363.0211148O0481•1932. ASTRAL FUNDING INC., 38. Auction: WEDDINGS • CHRISTENINGS Perrantred your toankel or our Indoor or outdoor dispel (nomdettomklatbnal), Ferbrodiiva cat Fiov, Morgan Nl Fa hs, Pectoral Centre, Bonilla' 524.5724' ARMSTRON.GS' HOME Bakery will be closed Feb 24, - Mar. 1' inclusive. 'Re,. open Mar. 3. -788ar EVENING AUCTION SALE of - Homa:Furnishings & Antiques wily be held for Mrs. John Rutherford (Belntote) With: added consignments in %Amory Community, Centre . , Mon., February 24/97 MOO PM Auctiolieers: Wallace Ballet* Teeswater 392 170 Grant McDonald Fliplay 3954353 BRIAN RINTOUL.' Auction calendar Ra.•March'8 '. David (0:A) iii Evalyn, Hackett: AshfieidiTwp'. Sat... March 15 ' Grant & Audrey Johnston West:WNawanosh Twp: Saiz. March 22• David lOarks Morris Twp, Monday,March 31 Jim & treiie Finleon : ' West Wewanosh Sato. April5 Jinn MacTavish Huron Twp • Wet, April' . • Htrgki Doom • Ashfiekt t'wp. . Sat.. April,;i2. - . Cart Bot Farms Ltd: Cavi & Betty Hooey Huron.` 'wp. Sat. April 'i9... Stantey'Faim: Equipment Consignment Kitchener Stock Ye s (CNex), EveryTues. & Thurs:. Brussels livestock • • 0 :;every Friday RFS #3 Wingharrt 3574349 46'. If1I ' Merriaram ELSTON Inmernory of. our. dear daughter; sister and: aunt Barbara (Farrish).Elstort whopassed.' away .eight years ago, February 25, Beyond` our-amite,'there lies a tear, For,the'one we lost. and laved so dear. Always remembered- 'by Dad, Mom, Janet,; Livio and family. -08x . TIFFIN' In; lolling memory Of 'a�dear father and grandfattrer,: Otvilte J. Tiffin,' who passed away March 4, 1972.. ,. Memory is a iovelylane Where hearts areevertrue, A, lape: we so often travel down Because it leads, to you, • Lovingly remembered by Joe, ,Marian and family, and Jean and family. --08 MILDRED ARMENIA JOHNSON Mildred Armenia Johnson of Princess Court, Kincardine and .formerly of Ripley died in Kincardine Hospital on Feb. 8, 1997 in her 89th year. Mildred was born on Jan. 11, 1909 in Greenock Township, She was a daughter of the late Robert. Henry and Sarah: (Atkinson) Osborne. Mrs, Johnson was a member of the Kincardine Anglican Church. Surviving are daughter Joan and hus� band A,rt ' Miteheli of Kincardine, one sister Zilla, and' husband Clarence Hedley of Ripley;. grand- daughters Pamela and hits - band Steven George, Ajax; Phoebe Walker and Glenn Walker of Hamilton; grand- son Steve Mitchell and wife Kim of Lucan. Mrs. Johnson was predeceased by her husband Redvers" (Meff) in December 1996, ..daughter. • Joy and husband George McLean of Ripley, one brother Lloyd .Osborne and. one sister Eva Small. Visitation and Eai sterni •Star service was held on Feb, 10. Funeral service was held from the chapel at' MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home,: Ripley on Feb 11. with .. Rev • J. Kolohon • , officiating;`. Pallbearers we're 'Steve Mitchell, 'Steve'George, Eric. George end Semi Walker. Spring :interment Ripley Cemetery. --08ar • • 6. M€.mi lriams GREIG In loving memory of: a hus- • band, ; father, and. grandfa- ther Dewayne who passed away 'two,: ` years ' ago. February 24,.1995 As time goes • by:without rou,. And days turns into years, N.o one `knows, how. many. times We've broken down in tears. . Time . slips. by but memories stay, ' 'quietly remembered every;J. day. •- Sadly, missed by wife. Marlene, ife- :Martene, Teresa, Debbie Ryan and:families. --OBar HALDENBY ' In toying memory of •my dear and devoted: brother ,James' (Jim) Haldenby; who .passed; avitay February 21;. i995. It•doesn't seem like',tvtto years since I-phonedto say geed -bye, no more ,phone calls oir letters ora Cheery', hello for me er pain for you, You were my loving brothel My mentor arrd;•my friend Every, time 1 think ofyou I shed a little tear. ° Be happy in Dad's house. my dear brother. . Forever in my heart. Yew* ORM In loving memory of my son DeWayne, who passed away 2 years ago. February . 24, 1995, We We' did not know that morn. ing what sorrow ttie day would bring The bitter grief and shock severe To part with ane we Iov"ed so: dear No time to bid a last ferewelt NQ chance AO say good bye. You were gone beforewe knew it' And only God knows why Althoughyour smile' is gone forever We Will never lose the mem- ory of one we -loved se .much Sadly:. missed by Mother and sisters Fern and Vyrl, their husbands and families. --08 HACKETT ' In loving memory of Wilfred R, Hackett, who passed away February 19, 1995. Those we love don't :go away They walk beside us .every.. day Unseen, unheard' . but always .near. ' Still, loved,' stilt missed; still very dear. ' Jim. and Cathy. --08x ELSTON ' In loving memory of Barbara Elston who passed February 25,1989': Love# and missed toy' KA N . ' Entity and Leanne: —08 47. Cards . �f thanks STANLI Y Th..anks to everyone who sent .cards of sympathy. shown, 'at,the time of my sons' passing at :Sault. Ste. Marie , Also` to' R:ev- Bresnahan for taking the service acid his c omforting, words. It was aft very,much appreciated. : Sincerely: Annie. •,90x... . r ' HAZELDEN Iwish to. thank the 3 good , samaritans: who got my. car' out cot the snow bank on::. Havelock Street' This was greatly appreciated. Gladys. -08x JOHNSON. We would ':like.ta.thank e►II; those who were so kind and helpful -10 us- in -the -recent.' lass of our loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother ° Mildred Armenia. Johnson, We wish` to, especially. thank the staff at Princess Court; Dr. Knox and his team Of doctors; the caring people at Kincardine'.' - 'General' Hospital': and Continuing, Care;. members; :of -the- Eastetin Star;: Fr; Kolohon and .mombers of St Paul's 'Church, Ripley; • .Jeff Pollard and his staff at Ripley and alt'those 'Many others who have stood ,by us during the past very diffi- cult twt months. We wilt not forget your; kindwords and .sister, actions. • Joan' and' Art, Lois Guest. --08x. Mitchell: and family. -0.8cc