HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-19, Page 12•r rage II- 14110,nOW Sentinel, Wednesda , 111.: E88S . TARPS AND IND,USTRiAL COVERINGS. - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc,. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs.. Party tent rentals Tiesnna Industrial Coverings, Layfield. 482;354O. -26tfg • peow I1 r, ranted • to Rent WANTED CROP land for . 1997 season. Phone after 9 'P.m, 528-624 ask for .Gary. 06-14x `•: WANTED TO RENT: Pasture for 20 cows and calves plus bell, barn an , asset.. Phone 395-4647.:-- 07-08co tin% % For Rent • BANK AND• MILK BARN for --rentprevioEuslYused for -cat tie, 70' x 50', $1500 pe,r year. Long tenlease avail- able. Call 526.7429', -- 08;09cc' 12. !Road Estate 'Five BEDROOM, 2,300 sq. ' ft., home for sale, country setting,: 4.87 acres on beau tiful treed lot hobbyfarm income on 2,000 sq. ft. greenhouse, 1/2 acre garlic,,. raspberries -apple trees, : D• U R.H A M- W A L S'H. pear trees. 1.1/2 •storey Townhouses in' Kincardine. house,, including 2 bath- Under new `.management:. rooms, large country Freshly panted:andrepo- kitchen; huge' family rpom : voted. Two and three bed with balcony, living room. ;'roorm, 1 ,month free rent with woodstove; main finer Available immediately. laundry, attached single' car garage. Great for growing family, ' close to town and schools. Asking $138,900 y ; •• make' us'an "offer Phone 529-3658::--08 • 7...Apts. GROUND FLOOR 2 bed room heated apartm'.errt, newly renovated; two, bed room. upperapartment, both • close to downtown. Phone. 528-2031.; 49tfar. Ornery 119,11997'' . Apts• UNDER NEW MANAGE- MENT! Walkerton Yonge St. Apartments 'has one, two and three bedroom apart. meats available for rent. Swimming pool, garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Buildings, OPP, near school. Apply to; Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Yonge 'St, 881- 2790. -413Ucc • TWO., - 2 BEDROOM .apart- ments and one - 1 bedroom apartment for rent on main, street, Lucknow. Phone 52$-3932,--35tfar' . • ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, available • .immediate- ly. $260/month plus utilities, Phone Paul 528.2411.:-. 40tfar 2 BEDROOM GROUND' level apartment. Available Feb. 1st. $300/month plus utilities. Call Paul 528-2411, --05tfar ,Newly.renovated 3 & 4 bedroom apartments frorn $390.00/month plus utilities. Also 800 sq. ft. store on.. main street. $300,00/month plus: "utilities. Phone Sue Wai 357-2732 • ' 18 Rouses 2 BEDROOM apartment for -rent near • ' Lucknow, $60.0/month 'heat included: Phone 528,2426. 46tfar 'ONE BED:ROO.M''heated apartment on main street;' close to downtown:. Available immediately'. Phone 528 -3948. ---latter LUCKNOW, 2 ' bedroorn ground'floor apartment, pri- • vate entrance $370 plus utile- ities.. Phone "528-2391 .4itfar NEWLY, 'DEs° 'ORATED apartment. Your choice Upper ,or lower. Large living' groom,: country kitchen, 2 bed:roo.m.:Auburn, $350 plus Utilities. Call 526,7355. 07tfca • • LARGE 'TWO 'bedroohi ersartment' with private ground levet entrance. Pork. like atmosphere and close to downtown..Cresthaven ,Apartments call after 6• p:m: 519448.2215.--22tfar O7tfcc • :....:. Phone 396,9332.-03tfar ' 2 BEDROOtyl: HOUSE . rent , in. Lucknow $650/month, utilities include. pd.. Phone 528.2426.:-- ` 46tfar HOUSE FOR RENT 2.1/2 • mites NE of Teeswater, 3=4. ,bedrooms l Wheelchair accessible Workshed: and 2 acres optional.' Whirlpool • bath: 'No pea in. house.' Phone 519-665-7818 or 519 336-6581.--05-08cc. FARM HOUSE for rent 34 • bedrooms 7 miles NW of Teeswater. $650.: per month. Barn, workshed and'• 40 aces posture optionalrr'. ' No' pin in house: Phone 519665-781:8." or 519,336- 6581. .•05.OBcc FOUR BEDROOM house in Kinlough, oil ,heat, ,refill, fished: inside, new roof, large living room, ' basement and 14' x 24' workshop.`. $575/month .plus utilities. Available March .1st. Catl. 519.8442159. 95tfcc COUNTRY LIVING!, Newly ccdnstructed townhouses, 10 •Cnintites,north of Walkerton.. Available immediately. High efficiency gas heating, two • bedrobnls, two' bathrooms, large Lounge/dining. area. Approximately '1,100 sq: ft, with garage.- Rents from • $.595.per• month. For more:' information cast 519-881- '3835. A MUST, SEE! 1 S. Houses HOUSE FOR rent - 3 bed room farm house close to Ripley. All applianges except dryer. References required. Call 395,5628,1-- 07,08 95.5628,1--07,x' • • FARM HOUSE, for rent, paved.. road; . convenient location, Whitechurch area; recentiy renovated with new kitchen, laundry and bath. Available.March 1; Phone 51946.8.8156 or 519-357- 1589. -08,09x HOUSE ' FOR;. rent $390/month plus hydro, free Wood ' for heating: North of Lucknow . at Kinloug.h, , Phone 519-743-2670. :08tfar 23•Corlrrtit>ner, cial LARGE, STORE front for. rent on Lucknow's main street. Well maintained and. excellent: location. Available immediately.. Call. 528-2110 -or 528.3910'.afters'p.m - 37tfar FOR LEASE approximately 1400 square feet commer- cial store front in•,Lucknow (formerly Garden Grove .Florist), rear access, heat. included; -full basement, Available now. For further - information. 528-2.411. -- 06tfar ... ..Help, Wanted JOCUS TOYS is. looking for individuals to represent their line of over 350 toys and ' crafts., 70% under $15: Home ..parties,: catalogue' sates. Call 1-80.0-361-4587 • ex. 9383. --08cc . • 28. Hep Wanted CANADA'S, LARGEST IAL,. ENDAR AND. PROMO- • TIQ'NAI. Advertising; Company needs Self-starter to. sellto local businesses 'up to 33•en-(A), 13 -on -(G) for Experienced Agents. O'Donnell -Dig 487-16, Westney 8,, Ajax, LIS 6W8 905.427-8520,--O8bc THE i UCKNOW'SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when sending money for business opportunities or employment advertise;_'• ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable. company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds.•too good to be true, it probably Is.--32tfnx OWNERS .OiPERATOR.S with tandem sleeper trac- torswanted to run Ontario .and USA. No paint code, company trailer; license•and • insurance paid. Good rates, home weekends. Maitland Transportation (519)' 523- 9705: -=07,08cc GREAT OPPORTUNITY Landscape • Sales. Representative . wanted. Please apply; with resume to ' P.O. Bax 190-H, Walkerton, Ont. NOG 2V0.: 07,08cc , . TOO MANY Christmas bills? Join Princes House today: Introducing a fine line •'of gift and exquisite acces- sories. $25 investment. Please call Jan 519-357- 4370. -07-10x. FULL TIME help required on ;a farrow tofinish farm. Citi 35.7_-2095. -08x SaI�s:aflrMarketing overAll"5he1%rs:iif"t�ntaiio (based near Lucknow) it seeking a :motivated confident.individual to represent our company ln marketing and sales. The successful applicant must, • -have good inter: personal, skills -be'a self. motivator be goal oriented »be driven by the. dent Succeed Marketing experience would be 'an asset:. If you feel yourself 16 have some or all the qualities mentioned above and ,if you • desire a, career in a fast growing. company which offers a -base salary plus dommisSlon; please.respondimmedietely to: CoverAll Shelters of Ontario 10.#1 r. . Lucknow, Ontafio NOG 2H0. (519) 528-2890 fax (519) 528=2922;phone • LUCKNOW.and DISTRICT JOINT. RECREATION DEPARTMENT LUCIK NOW .POI. Requires'a HEAD INSTRUCTOR for this summer of 1997. The successful candidate will co-ordinate activities; lessons, ,on-going staff training, and daily staff duties.. Applications should:state Past work experience;" all qualifications. attained -;or presently being taken, and any other information pertinentto this job. • ' As well, photocopies of alt, certificates and qualifications and/or awards attained areto be included In your 'application.' Employmentfrom approximately mid June up to and/dr, Inc -tiding Labour, Day Weekend. ' Jab Description and requirernents;for this position • may be obtained at the Municipal ;Office, Lucknow. ' Closing,date for. ,applications'for HEAP. iN§TRtJCV;)l ONLY is:: February 26, 1997 at 5:00•13,m. • Applications wilt be received by: Lucknow and District Recreation' Department.: Box 40: .• LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0 • • • 26. Help Wanted .8/MENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available• Nothing to pay In advance. Fast :delle- ery 1-800.383.3589; --08bc TRANSPORT -DRIVERS NEEDED. Now is the time to train for your class AZ license. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck • Driver Training -. London - 1-80.0.263-4777 (lob placement assistance available). --08bc INTERNATIONAL A.GRI- 'CULTURAL AL Exchange -• Ages 18.30 with agricultur- al experience to live/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, Costs/details - 1-800-263- 1.827, Calgary, Alberta.-- 08bc BE YOUR own boss. Tired. of working for someone else? No :gimmick or invest- ment. TRC: `, of Canada needs manufacturer's rep- resentative, Excellent train- ing, opportunity, compensa,. tion • and benefits. Industry leader. '.Full or. party -time. Write; TRC Canada„ P.O, Box 711; Ft. 'Worth, Texas, 76101, USA.--08,09ar • ' ' 28 ; Busiltloss app- +RAHa: prbfitableISECHINCfull orILLAS part--astime • business: We provide grad- ed animais,'supplies,; mar- ket; financing.. Excellent tax benefits ' at/affable. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. Box, 1684, St.; Marys Ont, N4X 1 Gf Phone 519-229 • - 6117. ,--07,08ar. . PROCESS SERVERS... Franchise opportunity ; ground floor: entryto Canada's fastest growing Process Service Network.. No.: initial franchise fees; exclusive territpria8; contin- uous operational: and. national advertising'support, complete training. Contact: Lorrit . Management 'Systems Inc. at 1-600,4597 7468.--08bc FINANCIAL FREEDOM -• $$. • Rewarding Home: Business' Full/Part time.. • opportunities.avalrlabie. Now. S.A.S E;:.Fortune Ventures, 200 North Service Road. West, Unit 1, Suite 473, Oakville, Ontario L6M: 2V`l.- -osbc r ::ABSOLUTELY NEW. Explosive new Nutraceutical; Industry' requires key health/fitness minded indi- viduals seeking an excellent :twine -based • business Opportunity. Training provid.' ed 4.1643914145 or fax resume 416-431-0521 . O8bc r * QREAT OPPORt11NITY' • IN SALES For more info call 5199+229.68.11. `. Please leave message • Rupial Opp. /GOVERNMENT FUNDS;. Government assistance programs information avail- able For your new or exist- ing business. Take advan- tage of the ' government grants and loans. Call 1- 800-915.3615.--08bc 31. Service • Directory AGNEW JEWELLERY' REPAIR -watch, clock, jew- ellery. Free estimates, Pickupand delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre. Call 5.3532..or 528 -3940. --letter STEWrS JUNK REMOVAL & CLEAN=UP ;ERNE BIG OR .SMALL WE.HAIJL' 1.7' ALL. 395--3820: INSURED WE RECYCLE CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation. Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors' • Kitchen • Cabinets • Vanities •Carpet and linoleum ' • Roofing • Free Estimates RR'7 • ' . t,ucicnloVv 5294164 r.Ar' HAVENS ELECTRIC *Residential "'Farm *Commercial Electrical Contractors FREE ESTIMATES °Rod'Havens , LUCKNOW :. 528-2301: BERGME11!r-' NUTOBODY; (519): 5284338: =au.:- Insurance do Collision: Repairs LVc.�c 444 • .1 RI ii LOC** Off ,Aria trio; ATTENTi.ON' SMALL • BUSINESSES Complete Payroll Seances. *Payroll preparation *T 4's *EHT *WOG. *ROE`*RCT Remittance Reasonable rates from one: employee' and up. 10 years experience'. Confidential KATHY. HACKE rF ' 5282302' Dave Seabrook Excavating *Gravel . Top Soil , Eine Grading •Float Service Large excavator µ 'trucks, loader, dozers Reasonable rates 528-2041 528-3144 RR 5, Luckn'ow