HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-19, Page 5udget
measure the outcome • of
chi'ldrenys lives,
The federations are also=
worried that the govern-
overnmenet has set "a business
dater for a new curriculum
that they will have in place
by 1998.
• "Our question is. what's
going to • be in place,
because they haven't said
what the curriculum will:
be," said Huzar.,
According" to the coati-
tion, previous cuts have
already helpedto increase
classsizes and have hurt
life skill programs like
music, art and physical
' education. •
"Despite the rhetoric
from this government,the
funding cuts to..ed'ucation
have had a deep effect in
our classrooms.: There are
more,students and fewer
teachers; there .are more.
needs with fewer
resources and support:,"
said Dyck. "Music pro-
grams, special • education
junior Kindergarten, phys-
ical education, co-currrcru
lar activities and busing
areas are all under attack,"
Dyck also added that
with these effects already
happening, despite what
the provincial, government
plans to do; Huron County
can't take anymore cuts.
"Reduced funding will
harm the quality of educa-
tion. We c.an't d omore
with less...we can not even
do the same with less," he
said: "The only thing we.
.can cut is the level of ser-
vice that we provide to, the
students, and that's the
Laurie agreed, com:--
menting. that,education is
Another m. et
Bruce county residents are being ,urged
to attend a second public meeting in
March to review the recommended. ver::
'sion of a new County of Bruce 4ffcial:
'Plan: ,
• The county has been actively prepay
-.ing a newplan to replace •the current out:
dated Bruce County South Official Plan
and; the Bruce Peninsula official Plan.
The process, has been. ongoing over the
Mast three<years and: will culminate.in the
development of up-to-date planning poli-
cies-to-.guide the future of the :comity,
The recommended°veirsion is. the .
fourth, draft and has 'been tabled with'
' Bruce: County Council "for a further
review by die -local municipalitiesand. he
:r ifltJaC
"ciit to. the bone", and that
although: there is waste in
any system, the teachers
and administration have
dine all they can to ruin
the schools as efficiently
as possible. .
The coalition is taking
its. two ea'mpaigns, "The
Public Deserves to Know"
and "Tl 'e Next Thirty
Days", to M)P Helen.
Johns' office. Friday.,-, morn-
ing, where they will have
a half hour meeting to dis.
cuss their concbrns. There
will also be a tally held at
the end of the school day
on Feb, 28 outside Johns' ,
Dyck added there are
many other activities
planned over : the next
month; stating "vve are-
fightingfor the integrity of
public education...as the
hammer comes down, we
will respond- and react."
Based: upon the comments; received at:
the initial public meeting in . j anuaty; ar
seeond. meeting is- scheduled for March
25, 7.30 pm..in the County of Bruce
Administration office, 3O.Park Street,
It is intended, that county council will
consider .adopting the:` new plan at the
April session Once adopted,the plan.
will be forwarded' to the Ministry of :
Municipal Affairs. and Housing for flar-
ing circulation and approval.: This may
result in modifications being proposed to.
the document. .
Copies of the revised plan. are avail-
able:fo viewing at municipal'offices.
eir 'i
Y say
Wheels Away is offer-
ing you the opportunity to.
have your revenge on a
friend or relative who you,
may, consider a practical
The grand prize in,� the
organ.ization's: new
:fundraiser: is foj-angles
Bob - a"donkey!
Monies raised from. the
raffle will-helrrwith.the:
final few thousand needed
for the purchaseof a new •
van for ;the !special, „transit-
ransitcorporation that serves
north Huron and south
Bruce; counties:. $14,000
was raised from the
Incredible • Shrinking.
Coffee Parties ;held late
tast year. .
Bev_ Woodley, a Wheels;
Away board rneinber and
Organizer of the draw, says
"les time to kick away
those _winter blues.'} What
better way thair to pur-
urt-chase a, ticket on the don:
key. Tickets are $2 eachor
three More $5,. Bay one r
all your Mends, oir your
• en:em•ies. (They canbe
purchased: anonymously).:
Watch= for the: "Oive
Yourself al Kick"' display ' WOodlilyritiOnot off. Bojangles Bob, the young dont ° that wills;
at communities' served by first prize lit atnique= fundraiser for 1W enItt Away. (131y1t1 Citizen photo)
'Wheel's Away►. '
rue ow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, Pebruary 19 MI —Page 5-
Vau fund sib.
Dear olitor:
Wheels Away= wishes -to
advise your readers that
the Incredible Shrinking
Coffee Party fundraiser is.
continuing into February: '
Although the bro+hure
stated that we hoped to be
finished by the end of
November, there are still
some coffee parties which
have not' been held. We
want everyoneto know
that it isOK to hold.; pari»
ties whenever it is cony
rrient. Thelast roen of
coffee parties, even for
only one or two people,
has the potential of raising
the balance of the money
heeded to purchase a new
Wewish to thank
everyone who has partici-
pated in this fundraising
campaign, and we hope
youhad.. fun getting.
together with friends and
neighbors. As of Jan. 28,
the New Van, Fund was
over: $14,000, and we need
at least $20,000 to pay our
share of the van •cost. If
• you have had a party or
have forgotten: to send in
the .brochure and cheque,
youcan either mail it to
the address below or leave,.
if 'in °'a sealed envelope
:addressed' • to Wheels
Away, at, the Wingham
Town Hall;..
Anyone who wants to
make a, donation to this
fund 'cam served a cheque. to:
'Wheels Away, P.O. Box
90, Wingham, " Ontario ;.
NOG 2W04, Receipts will:
". be.' issued for donations of
$S: omore.
Vicky Piluke,
if your win= and really organization reserves the. value ($.400) of the don-
an't keep the donkey; the right to:, award -the cash key
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