HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-19, Page 3•
ink .they:
on hold until
hospital role
s defined
by. Margaret Stapleton : ,
The $1.5 million tried-
ical clinic proposed to be
built adjacent to Wingham
-and District Hospitalhas
been put "on hold" -until
the hospitals future role
has been fully defined:
Lloyd Koch, hospital
executive -director, said the
clinic is on hold until the
trurrent restructuring
process is. over and ,the
.tole of the hospital deter-
' 'd
Early last .summer," the
hospita':;:•board .gave
approval in :principle: to
the construction of a med=
icai clinic. The site is adja
cent to the hospital on
Catherine Street and the
clinic will provide -enough,
...s -pace' for' eight•,to• 10.
:physicians. The board •.
made the move in an effort
to attract neW,piiysicians
to town;
However,, the hospital'
currently is :involved :in
negotiations over restrue
turing in the ,counties• of
Huron and Perth .District
Health' Council's, task
forceoichospital restruc--
The provincial health
ministry .has cut. 7.2 .per
centfrom the.. Wingham
and .District- Hospitals •
1997 budget
This year's cut is .more
significant_ • than the
appr'.oximatety four pert
centcut the hospital faced
in the .last. fiscal year. In
dollar figures,' this year's'
cut ainounts to $586,000. .
Lloyd. Koch, executive
director, said in a tele-
phone interview after the
February meeting of the
hospitals ,board of gover-
over-nors . that .thefunding: cut
is significant and will pre-
s'ent.. certain :;challenges :to
implement; An operating
plan will be developed this
month; to deal- with the
amount ctit says Koch
and presented to the board
for its: approval
in; a report :of the
resource coirunittee:.at 'last
;week's hospital board
meeting, Bob Pike said
.that while thecuts are sig-
nificant, declining activity
at the hospital- in the last
five years has made them
° less, severe and meant no
impact on patient care
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