HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-19, Page 2Page '2 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 19, 199
ASI•IEIELD - 2 acres, completely
restored 3 bedroom house,
WHEELER ST. - 2 bedroom
bungalow - new .kitchen & bath,
$52,500. .
TREED .7 ACRE LAT with creek,
3 bedroom :boasts,; new kitchen,
• baths. $60.900.
bedroom; new. kitchen and baths.
formal. JJiving/dining, . rooms,
garage, 8/10 acre tots
98 ACRES - W. Wawanosh.
Fieldstone.houae: 0 ponds, creek;
HAVELOCK -. ' Completely
renovated; 3 bedroom house, 12
bath, move in .condition. $81.000.
$59:909 - 2 1 acres, 3 bedroom
house; garage, •
$79,900.. - Three bedroom, paved
drive,110' frontage, oittieat.
COMMERICAL building 40x80;
insulated with steel exterior..
LUCKNOW - 4 bedroom house
With garage, close to 'school.
$89,900. :
AMEIERLEY • Newer, bungalow,
3-4 bedrooms, largelot.
122 ACRES - Kinloss; $0 -90.
acres pasture; creek, 3 ponds..'98 ACRES - 70 workable,
updated 3 bdrm house, 40 x 56
bam, 20 "acres bueh, $185.000:.
100 ACRES - Totally remodeled 3
bedroom house, .50 x 100 bam,
85 workable. $197,500.
.132 lot, '3 bedroom 'partially:
finished basement. Havelock St.
$109,900.. '
Janette Everson,- spor-officer,-off- icer-, presented. -a
$350: cheque from the, Lucknow Legion Branch
309, to the joint recreation board, for use of the
' • ball"diamonds for the Zone C-1 slow 'pitch' tour-
our nament last year. Rec chairman Tom Pegg'
accepted the cheque. (Livingston photo)
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Hospital may opt for'';'
made in Wingham plan.
by Margaret Stapleton at working with the 'other with tfte joint liaison coin -
The board of governors • eight hospitals. The pbyssi- mince, but it needs to have
at Wingham and District eian reiterated his earlier its own plan hi place.
Hospital may hire .a con- view that, "This board. Jack Stafford suggested
sultan. t to develop a should make a presenta- that the board have. a
"made-in-Wingham"` plan tion independent of the . back-up- plan in place to
topresent to the Other eight hospitals. present to Sinclair..
province's Health Services "The mandate of ' However, Gear said, the
Restructuring. Commission' Duncan Sinclair (chairman ' . board hasthe option of
when it visits town later 'of the Health. Services presenting a 20 -page brief
this year.or even in 1998', -Res true t u i n' g to Sinclair when he visits
Lloyd Koch', executive Commission)., is to close and she urged members to
director, has agreed to hospitals...If you agree ' have a professionalbrief
meet with the local hospi- that that is .correct, our ;pared.
tals medical staff to DHC copped , out (in •stray Hunter said he
review statistics. The find- agreeing to a plan which with Hanlon's con-
ings will be discussed with would see, all eight liospi- " `Lion that the board
the board's executive tals stay, open) and is.leav- . needs to . have a plan
committee before deciding ing it up to Duncan geared; to the Wingham
whether to not to go'ahead Sinclair." . hospital to present to
and hire a consultant. - Dr. Marie Gear said she Sinclair.. It also was noted
A joint liaison commit. recently had attended a' that Wingham's case may
tee of the eight hospitals meeting of the medical , be strengthened' by the
in. Huron and Perth coun- staff of Huron County at Grey -Bruce task force's
ties has been formed to which members said. they .: recommendation to close
-come up with a plan would fight "tooth and 'the Walkerton hospit,*
which would see all eight nail" any moveto amalga- : Finally it was agreed
hospitalsin the counties mate with Perth County.. that the medical staff' and
remain' open, but with a "We need to look at this _
P the :executive.' committee ,
. common "administration hospital and get our num- would investigate the pos-
and governance'structure. tiers in order," continued sibility' of hiring 'a consul
Dr. Brian Hanlon Gear, • adding "; that 'tart:
expressed his reservations , Wingham can cooperate
by Trish Wilkinson
Four ;teacher federa-
tions have joined .forces to.
fight the provincial goy-'
erntnent's education:
reforms by staging a'pub
lic awareness campaign r
across..Huron County
I The Huron Education
- •Coalition, 'represented by'
*the Ontario Public School
Teachers' Federation
(OPSTF), //the ':O,ntario
Secondary .School
'Teachers' :',.'. Pederafi on'.
(OSSTF)., the' Huron
•Worsen` Teachers'
Association (HWTA) .and
the Ontario
Catholic . Teachers'
Association (OECTA). are
Concerned parents aren't
being. made aware of all
the details of• the. Harris
government Bill .104. ,
"That's pneof the rea-
sons why we are working
together, to try and; raise
that: awareness. If people
don't know, 'they can't'
►ointments: are n6w; being made by the Sentioe
dot. fieam. pictures foa the;
_s ,ectal winter s orfs section•
' rl
f' ou ave•n't heon . contacted .call pat at the
Sentinel • 52812822.
...you ate b��n �ontac�ed ��I�e euro yon have
booked .iyou _a -pp `
r ointment.
• Pictures most be tarken before March 1 :
aerations join
-make informed decisions, .
Bill. Huzar,-presiTdent of
O'SSTF,• said at: a press
conference held Monday.•
by thefederation''s four
presidents. •
OPSTF president Paul
Dyck -said' Minister of
Education John Snobelen
has "redefined the class
room" to something .that
only includes, a "basic
dlassroorn of. teachers,
pupil, paper and books
"(Mr. Snobelen).. is
neglecting to include in .'
his calculations things like.
the school' library,' guid
ance, teacher preparation'
time, school resouirce'
teachers, principals, vice
'principals, art, sports, cus-.
todial .services, the school
secretary, .trans,portation
and. busing,:• Dyck read
from: a prepared statement:
"A, classroom does not
stand on its own."
He added one of the.
biggest problems with this`
new definitionis the ques-
tion of who's going to pay
for.what is now consid
ered. non -classroom
``If the province has
now .undertaken all of the.
fiat 'raising 'for education,'
but is only going to spend •'
it in this "narrow,interpreta
tion of what is education,
which is, the classroom,
Who' s `goingto pay for all.
the other . aspects of what .-
liave• been traditionally .,
part. of, the classrooms;",
Dyck questioned.. 1
President .Willi..
'Laurie said as for the. goy
erntnent ,being :.up -front•
with the public, ,she feels
"this government redefini-
tion is a smoke and mirror
trick that really is confus- '
ing parents.';
Huzar . also stated' par-
ents aren't really aware of
what's happening.
. "They hear the Minister
of''Education; .say he's not -.-
going 'to effect classroom:
spending, but- they are
operating under the defini-
tion of the '.classroom :of .
'what I` think we all have, '
he coniimente4; "But, he •
has now turned around
and so drastically rede-
fined. his definition.With:
out 'making ;that really
public -7
The four presidents also
expressed concern over
tine fact ,the provincial
-government wants to.run'
education; system hike a
"This Harris Tory
ernment now addresses.*.and, my colleagues as.
"front • line service
providers," .orir :students
are our `clients",.parents
- and guardians are now
"customers", Said Dyck.
'He's . brought all' of the :
• mindset that goes into.
being ;business, . but how
can education show '.a
Laurie agreed, stating, Snobelen wants "every
thing; to be measurable".
1-lowever,,,she wondered
how :the government could
-turn tO page 5
Peter's will host 19.97
orld Day of Prayer service
The > theme.- `!Like . a Seed Which As the world learns of the desperate.
Grows -into a Tree" - for this year's World famine situation ion North Korea, the
Day, of Prayer service was prepared by Women's Inter -Church Courted. of
the Christian, women of South Korea- St Canada, along with partner churches and
Peter's Anglican' Church, Lucknow, will .WDP groups in Canada, will strive t9,
host the service year'onMarch 7 at address the needs. of all. the suffering. a
7:30 pan. _members of the Korean family. 1
r �
Due to the hostilities which still. divide World Day of Prayer is a global, ecu-0�'
theircountry, these Women were not able.• menical movement of - informed prayer
to write the 'service together with their and prayerful action." On the first Friday .
sisters in North Korea. Although perse.- in March, each year, people lin, ot+er 170
cuted for their efforts to end the division , countries patticipate'in a common service
of their country, South Korean women in their own locality. Services are trans*
are steadfast in their call in the service : lated into 'hundreds *of languages and
for dialects, , .
for, reunification of;the twb Koreas.'