HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-12, Page 17,9. Tertldors 29. Tendon The MiresCmisty lead of Media invites tenders for Ai.TERATIONSTOTHE LIBRARY ..F. i1i D1L1, SF;C'ONHARY SCHOOL Staled tenders addressed to The !hymn i ounlyBoardo,fEdueatfonwilt ht received • al the orrice of The l ruron County Qoard of Education. 163 Pt tacos Street, Clinton, .Ontario. NOM I r.0. until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. l'ehntary x7; 1997.,. Hid pond amount or,St.l ettq'.go is required to nceorpany the tender. 1'hc successful bidder, wilt be required. to provide a 50% Perfbrmance Bond and 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond: • • A limited nutnher of tender documents will be wVailahle to Gencrai: Contractors only, front the offceorGarraih& Marklcvitz Architects, 516 Huron Stratrord. Ontario, NSA. 511. upon deposit ;Oa certified cheque Mitre amount nrSr00.00 per set. 1.nwest or any tender npt:nccessarily accepted:: ("noir P, Carroll pirtetor 30. Empl. Wanted' 31. Sewce. Directory LIVE-IN NANNYS/HOUSE- AGNEW JEWELLERY KEEPERS/CAREGIVERS' minimum wage: applies if' your sponsor from over seas.. No.,fee to employer, formore information please • • call- O;E.A. 416-699-6931.- 07bc 31. Service Directory R.A. 'HAVEN' ELC't`1�14 "Residential • "Farm , *Commercial Electrical Contractors FREE"ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUC'KNOW 5284301 • intra unique li nd • o ff '23 :botanical extracts • • • LIFESTYLES Dregm••Diet.Weight• Management :Plan Biodegradable •Clea rs" ,P • _` . ersonal' �ER care products •'LIFEC e'LES . suppletyfettts Linda Topper 528.2764. Dave Seabrook Excavating *Gravel • Top Soil .• Fine Grading., 'Float Service, Large excavator trucks, loader, dozers -. Reasonable rates 528.2047 5283144 • ` RR 5, •Lucknow REPAIR - watch, clock, jew- eilery. Free estimates. Pickup and. delivery 'can be • -arranged: 698. Havelock Street, across from 'Medical. ' Centre. Call 5284532 or • 528-3940. -,-18tfar MARRIAGE AND •PERSON AL Counselling, W. TUrvill M.S,Ed., private prac- tice...Evening:' appointments . ava1able, ,Kinhuron. Medical: • Centre, 1004 Queen' Street, Kincardine: Call 396438.4 Or 396-8564. --07cc TRUE INTERNET:•VISIBILI- •• ' • TY. Targetyour market:7' most effective website, pro- motion and strategic 'market. • ---planning Professional 'translation,'.Eurcpe; Asia; South America: 1-800-210-. 3128. murray @iruttime--., dia win.net=-07bc.. CARL SLOETJES Sales. Installation, Renovations • Repiacernent Windows &�,; Doors Rabin Cabinets • Vanities. * Carpet and Linoleum 'Roofing «. Free Estimates RR7 , LUCKNow 529.3164 BEROPItitt Eni719U0DY (519)'" 528g-2333 -_-- insurance & collision Repairs We. waatow, oat rwo lila• ATTENTION SMALL .BUSINESSES Compiete:Payroil Services. •'.Payroll: preparation ' .: *T 4'S *EHT *WCB. *ROE *RCT Remittance Reasanabie rates' from one employee and up.. 10 years ,experience. Confidential KATHY HACKETT 528-2302 310 Sorvic• Directory GENEALOGICAL ANCES- TOR AND DESCENDANT trees professionally printed. and organized. Photos scannedand'. retouched for family photo album books 1- 800-21.0.3128,--071* INCOME TAX Preparation: Reasonable rates, free pick up and delivery in Lucknow area. Pat Porter, 528.3238; -07-18 32 Babysitting. t AM a loving. mother Of 2 interested in opening a full time babysitting service out of my large cduntry home 1 1/4 -mites• south . of Dungannon. Looking for inquiries before `1 proceed' further,. Please contact me with any further questions .you may have ,Debbie 529- 3481. --05-08cc ' 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- ES!. Safe, rapid, non-surgl-' • cal, permanent restoration• in 6.- •8:weeks. Airline pilot developed, doctor .approved Free information by mail: 406.961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961.5577, ht•tp...-//www visionfreedom:corn Satisfaction guaranteed.-- • 07bc Lucknew Senitinel 34. Personal, ADOPTEES AND BIRTH PARENTS - Family Finders and- The Canada -Wide National: Adoption Registry 1 - .8 0 0: - 8 71,, 847 7,, http://www.adopting.org/ffcw nr.html. "Reuniting Canadian Families from • Coast to Coast" 1 -800 -871 - 8477,--07be X36. Announcements. 1 IN THE matter of South Kinioss Cemetery Corporation. in the Township of: Kinloss, in the County of Bruce. 'And` in the matter of the'Cemeteries Act Section. 30-32 pertaining to declara- tion of the lots abandoned. • South Kinloss Cemetery Corporation has made (ay. . application to the Registrar of cemeteriesto declare unused interment rights' (tots) abandoned. (b) The name under which the lots . originally purchased by Donald McIntosh in 1914 and the location R21 -lot 17 (c) .Concerns should, be.. directed to the Registrar -' Cemeteries Act (Revised) 250 Y'onge St,, Toronto; ,Ont..M5B 2N5, Chairman of board Currie • Colwell, • Treasurer .. Frank • MacKenzie..1-07ar FUM00, ?'.. '* T Lissea 1*11 * t.. Spend ad afternoon with friends ,,and •fanuly viewing.. Our Spring/Summer" '97 children's : fashion, . co -- Ordinates:. 'Reeeive o - 'ordinates.'Receive discounts' arid, gifts for your :`Please;,. Mum' home presentstior.; Book ;parties early Annette Hoeper, • 'independent please Minn, 395.4443: 34Personal. *A cost will be incurred. EVANLY-RAYS 'PHYSIC ANSWERS. Police use us, ,Rated #1 in Canada: instant' answers about love, money, career, Lucky #s, relation- ahips,` Achieve success! $2.99/min.; 18 -1'24 Hrs. Call 1 900=451-405. Visa/MC/AMX--07-1'4cc HAVING: 'A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can'help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or. Walkerton 881-3635. -4 • HAVE YOU, CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS end mediums before? Then come discover sthe inexplic- able experiences of Karononna Zanmortii'('inc.), 213 years experience, very precise. She ,can describt and give you your sign: Learn from her other well known mediums .and ciair voyants.. To know ,your future; call 17.900-451.9662, 18+, $4,55/min.,, 24 hrs/dayS:—O7bc . • . NOTICE' TO' TOWNSHIP OF .. KINLOSS RESIDENTS.`, Under Section'157'of the Highway ,Traffic Act, it is an off. erice`to deposit snow on a roadway; without the,. written permission to ado so, from the. 'authority responsible for the maintenanceof the', road.. This Mean shoving, snow across a road, with a loader or a' blower. Anyone violating the Act will• be charged. ' . Henry L. Clark Road Superintendent Holyrood„, Ontario ' NOG 2B0 519-395-3353 • redne»day February 12 197 —Page 17 38. Auctions • BRIAN ,RINTOU. Auctioni'. Calendar • $at.c March. 8; David (P.M 4 Evelyn Hackett Ashfield Twp. Sat.. March' 15• Grant& .Audrey Johnston West Wawanosh: Twp: Sat., March 22 Ddvid Marks Molls Twp, Monday, March 31, Jim & tine Finieon West Wawanosti Sat., April 5 Jim MacTavish Monts Twp: Wed., April 9 Harold: EiRott "• Ashfield Twp. Sat.; April 12 Carl Bet Farms. Ltd. Carl .& Betty Hooey. Huron Twp. Sat., April 19 • Stanley Farm Egquipment Consignment Kitchener Stock Yards (Olex) Every Tues. & TI s. Brussels Livdstock every• Friday RR #3 Wingham 357-2349. 39.Edlucationai BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER,,, with our greet home -study ;course:- Call today for y'oirr FREE BOOK. 1=800-:267-1829;' The' Writing: School; 38 :McArthur Avenue, ' Suite 2751, 'Ottawa, 'ON KI L 07bc COUNSELLOR TRAINING. institute of Canada offers •on campus and correspon- dence; courses toward .a -Diploma in :"Counselling Practice-, to begin ,this month: Free catalogue, call 24h rs. 1-800-665-7044..-- 07bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING.. Classes' held: April ,12,48,7 August, 16 22,, November 15-21/97 'For 'information; contact: '.`Southwestern Ontario: School of Auctioneering, R R #5 Woodstock,''Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537.2115.--07bc: 47. Cards of Thanks 137.mortgagee. ELLIO1 T 1 I would like to thank my ). y 1" & 2d:Mortgage Motley Absolutely -No UpfrontFees Available as.law'as •••6.5o'* Interest Personal Loans if y'ou •quality, paymonts Mit Approx. Mq: Payment. '' 5:000 .T.,' 41.66 ''10,000• ' 83.33.. =15,000. 425.00' Consolidate ybur.debts • Clfil(519) 363+02111.800.387.193'3 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 39;.Educahtio that,, CERTIFICATE COURSES! • Learn Income Ta* ; R.reparation. or' 'Basic' Bookkeeping by correspon- dence. For . • FREE brochures,. no obligation, contact U.& R Tax Schools,` 1345 Pembina Hwy,, Winnipeg,. Manitoba, FIST 2B6, ...t-800.665-,5144. Enquire' about exclusive franchise territories. - 07bc. family for the surprise day',party. Also thanks to relatives and "friends for ;gifts, cards and best .wishes A birthday that t will always remember. Kathleen. -07x • •POLLARD I would like to say a big "thankyou" to. my family,and grandchildren for all their work tb ave me such a • beautiful 80th birthday g party. Also thanks to my rel- atives'. and friends who braved the t t ' `tt d For gifts; Many cards and' • best wishes extended to 'me and :•hrlargier arriving front: Saskatchewan was the big surprise. Also to Liddtes Family. Restaurant. for the lovely turkey dinner and social titna afterwards. This ' day Will always be remem- bered. Thanks' to everyone 'and God bless. Donaida; -� ' 07X` s oo a rm en 42r Oi�itluaileo GRACE J.ENNETTE ROSS . Grace Jennette Ross, of . Tiverton, formerly. of Kinloss • Township,. passed away at Victoria Hospital; London, on :Feb.. 1, 1997, in her. 67th year. The former Grace, Moffat, was born on. Jan. 20; 1931, in Wingharrf. She was a daughter the tate John and Isabel (Grant). Moffat- Mrs. •Moffat is sur- : vived by her husband David L, Ross of Tiverton, and children, Ken of Tiverton,, Margo of -Brampton, and • Douglas of Brampton; a sis- ter Edna Moffat of Sudbury; • two brothers Duncan Moffat of Kitchener and'Jack. Moffat of Teeswater; three grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Visitation was at the MacKenzie and McCreath. Funeral Home, Lucknow, 'where the service: was con- ducted on Feb. 4 by Rev. A. Mitchell' of the Tiverton Presbyterian Church. Two • grandchildren, Jaclyn Ross and Jeremy, Ross, were flower bearers. Pallbearers. were Bill: Ross, Ron McKay, , Ron Brewer, Jack Ross,- ' Wayrte • Moffat and Charles Moffat. Spring interment South. Kinloss Cemetery.: - 7ar' • GERTRUDE LILI,.lAN WALDEN Gertrude• Lillian Walden, of • -Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home,.•Luckn'ow, "passed. away there on Feb. 2, 1997, in her 96th year. Mrs. Wallen n attended schoial at S.S. # 3, :Huron`Township 'and. Ripley 'Continuation •• School. She Was a member of the first; graduating class of Registered Nurses from the Winghaairi-'Hospital in 1922.. Following: graduation: •. she, 'we'e a private duty .• • :. nurse in Many homes in the. area. In' later years she nursed in Kincardine General .HOspital Mrs: Walden was a member of the'Lucknow United church: She was:born in Huron Township',. - on June 15, .1901• ad her fate daughter of the a e Thomas . and, •Alberta (Cummings) Pollock. Mrs: ,Walden. : is survived by a son, Glen and hiewife Lois, • of lucknow, and a daughter, • Bertha MacKenzie: of Bruce Beach; ;a brother. Orma: Pollock of Deamess;-Horne, London;,15 grandchildren and several great grandchil- dren. She was predeceased by her itu~sband' James Robert (Bert) 'Walden in 1980, a son MU.rray, two ..daughters-in-law • Jean Walden. and Marion' Walden," and a 'eon -in-law Jack MacKenzie. Visitation • was at .the : MacKenzie: and, McCreath Funeral . Home,. Lucknow, where Rev. N. Perry 'and :Rev. Bill Bresnahan ,conducted the service on Feb.. 4. Flower bearers were Peter Burley and Ray Chewer,.. Pallbearers were Peter .., `Walden,. Brock Walden, Ian” Mackenzie, Arnold Clifford, ; bon. Ritchie, . and John;. Larson: Interrrlent Klncaraine Cemetery --ler