HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-12, Page 8Page 8 Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, February 12„ 1991 w 1dYi% 'rivia Wirdlk Tlivja What are plant -eating Which is the tallest bird animals called? (her•bi-• in Canada? (Whooping •from page 3' Crane) cert with the other eight action committee members o should speak for hospital? • votes) "Saul • ►. iIi• t t: 0" aPPY 0th Birthday Dad (Max Reigiing) February 18th Love, Dean; Jay,.. Beau, .Marcie. &. Christina Still Cookie At 40 Happy Birthday Brenda Kranenbu.rg February 12 From Yor Family . ° MrrrMervvv .v M • • • op Mvw,vvirrvvwwopopvvvvvv • see all eight hospitals xemain pen .with a cote mon. administration ' and governance structure -- another series Of meetings,' were, held. The health :council selected a restructuring model' very similar to' the one prgposed • by the joint liaison committee consist- ing: of hospital administra- tors and chairexiez and vice chairmen. At last week's meeting, •Bob . Pike. presented a motion ~ on behalf of the Winglam hospital 'execute five conunittee. In the motion, the action Commit- tee was thanked • for . its . contribution, but it stated that any• future actions or presentations be undertak- en by the hospital board and that citizens ,take their concertis' to' hospital board embers:: _ , Eitplaining the position of the executive commit- tee, Pike ommit-tee,.:Pike said he believed at thisjuncture in -the process, it is crucial that 'the . hospital . have one voice. If the health council 'accepts' the 'report of the , hospitals in Huron Perth to • who worked so hard to stir best serve the needs of the ° the public. • • community, ' • Lloyd Koch, hospital "The education stage is -executive director,. said the not over..,The fight (to action :' <committee had save .the hospital) is not •served its purpose of edu- • over; it's 'just beginning," eating , and galvanizing argued Gear. . " . .public • sentiment. 'Oho McDonald agreed • However,he said , he with Pike and said he believed a mixed message, believed the joint -.liaison may have been conveyed committee should be in in the tnediaas to the posi- charge and ' allowed to tion of the local ..hospia come up- with a workable "People hear me' (on the .. plan. ". radio or television) and However, Marie they ° hear " the comments McIntosh, said the action from a. board' member and committee had galvanized .action committee member.. the :community in the fight TIE public. and the other to save the local hospital, •hospitals ask,. "What's, . "We're all, working up?" We have to. ,explain • on. . toward the ..same thing," . that the action committee . sai' e:we Stan rs a se arae entit With one voice . that's the "I, .don't see where • the ' way' to get the best ;result, ` ..conflict is,", said Gear. "A. The joint -liaison commit- conflict in • personalities. tee route is the best". ` ` ' "maybe," • ' Murray Hunter of Chris Dickson asked if • Winghan said he is there had been any attempt involved with' the board for. the board and the and with .the • action'. corn action committee to come . mittee and said that both' together McIntosh . agreed have the best interest. of the ` that She 'would like to see hospital .at heart: He said the two bodies working. he did:;not like the impact •.together. • - the motion would.have on 'Me board should take task -force, the . preferred option is forwarded. to the health ministry. The provincial health services commission and: its chair- man, . Duncan Sinclair,. are expected to .visit the area • later this year or even next year;, . . Dr. Brian;Hanlon :asked, '� "Are you saying • the ctti-' it upon itself to become the action committee/ and /ego" forward as a board, Koch suggested: In the subsequent vote, the executive committee motion was soundly defeated. • Steftler abstained from the debate and. the -vote. Later in the meeting, Dickson put for- ward a. motion that . the executive committee and the action committee meet to form a.plan of continual action. The motion ,.passed and a, • meeting has been .arranged. . , "d Pik "If . d i p t ' y ' i'e.I�lP1t v • iens of this:. communityweetheart Rot, . can't keep up ,the pressure tactics (to save the hospi- tal)?" V . • Dr. Marie Gear said she i, was "shocked''. and.; i . amazed: (The' action corn-- mittee) stirred the citizens. M ;of 'this, area in a way this Music by Black Gold Live' . board never could and this. �' is the thanks: they get?" „Ladies pleas•e bring lunch.for two: ��e process ''(at the • Lunches auctioned- at 11:30, m:. I. : local level) has. been good," replied like.. But Age 'of ` Maj ority - $5.00 per couple: the :education stage. is v over. He ,,added' that the Eve)r'yone. Welcome. � board should work in, con` ewww40 irnorVVvviivievvvv .irvr.rrrvVvvw r ' . — yak I —" 1WO.— Immo ' . MOW it — MOW — - A.- — II OW W MOW 1M Ai, - — WWI "04W0Suggest..,•• � . ' PRKCIOILS MOMENTS w►VICTOli1A PRINTS ►!COLLECTOR PLATES ''M�TREASURED MEMORIES ►CARDS -"SILK FLOWERS MUSIC 1.S ►CA.YSTAL.,ir�DOUS` PLUSH• And Much,Aach-More. Ceimplimentery Gift Wtsppi"ng. Bring In Oh at 1. recelvo 1,5% .W' tarr in 5Q$-30 1 W '— IW ii li/ w �- — iri w P is Mir rl! �iili tug aft mum r M i }WOW. • ��irl01501 eei ieleb© Figure 8's and .Ice Skates is a special winter exhibit at• " the. Bruce . County Museum from Feb, 3 to O. It features: .turn of the century skates, pfograms,• publications and beautiful prints. 'The exhibit is courtesy of Yuvonne Butoract, who wrote the." Ice Age" article in. the December 1996 issue cif Century Home Magazine, PERCENTAGE, • 40%- 6p%o ih.uxactt iM This market share 'contours• for Perth Huron 'hospitals was, reprinted due to the poor reproduction last week .GlGOG2000©G 01101:10 ,Huron pcnist ttenlp1ete. o C 1N' o 1•: al Headquairterrs- 'n°; ni Smal O & Mia -sized CarS p • IgPassenger& Cargo p I :..0.. Vans, Pickup Trucks 11 • D o)7aily., weeldy, l7. 'Monthly:. ' �. 1; 3 3 Insurarice Rentals & 13 1 littore 1 Q d Free Delivery 1:. 0. 1 vC.✓'�/o• 0 CAR & ThUC$ TAi,B 11 Divisidit of Suncoast Ford a. 500 }Junin Rd., Goderich a entiCoUZc?Mk fol Hekn rn 11524-8347 Wildlife Trivia Wildlife Trivia What are meat -eating ; Trees that are cone -bear - LI animals called? (carni M#rgare called? (conifer-, (' : votes) ous trees) y Happy Birthday. Wilfred McQuillan February` 14th With Love From Your Family