The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-12, Page 4Pae 4 14104310 seltilwc
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A Bowes Publishers Community Newspaper qt6 Campbell St. l uelmow. Ontario
RO- Box 400, Lucknow, Oritari0 NOG 2.HO
phone: 528-822 fax (519) 526.5529
- Est shed 1873
Tor `Doman n.
Advertising $1,4toskie>r
Pat Livingston Genera Maneg / Editor
Phyllis Matthews Helm -.°Mee Administrator.
• Joan Courtney - Typesetter
Subscription Rates advance: Local Regular $25.66 (incl, postage and G.,s T l within
40 mi. radius, Local senior $23,02 (incl, postage and O.S.T.) within 40 mi. radius,
Out -Of area (40 miles) $.25.66 '(incl. postage and G.8.71.
Foreign & USN- $98,00. publications mail regst* ation no. 0847
held at Luck naw, Ontario.
road; a bumpy one
The road to amalgamating the municipalities:
of Lucknow and'Kinlgss is still under construe-
tion. Both councils.' are encountering major
`potholes'in their attempt to construct a
`newly -paved road' at the end of which• will be a
new municipality under one administration: and
one council-
ouncilAs the two councils,individually and 'jointly,
travel the road;,-therare faced with corning up
with the right decision for the two municipali-
ties .and, the ,ratepayers who have elected them
to office, •
'Detours' aro plenty as they, strive to find a,
plan that will be effective, economical, fair and
equitable for all residents: and ratepayers, and
yet continue to. provide accountable and
responsible local government.
On top of that, the 10 councillors now have
to contend with theprovince's mega bumps in •
the . road and at this point not lmowufg exactly
how that will filter. down to, the county and
municipal levels.
Major changes are coming for all of us„ This'
road to amalgamation will not be an easy
process as concerns about ,`territorial' 'rights,:
equal :representation andfairness' for ail are,
The province has decreed amalgamations
will take place. It is .surely .a Wise decision for
these two councils to make the 'trip'' with a► •
positive attitude, listening to the concerns of
each other, weighing the pros and cons but all
the, time keeping an open mind.. (PL)
Leo. Murray, and. Shotgun Red were givingorated their lith' anniversary at •the Hol rood,
sleigh rides to youngsters and oldsterGeneral Store: The' weather was perfect forothe
Q. Y 9 alike,
last Saturday when Allan and Lucy Miller cele, ride aver hill,; over, dale ,,... (Livingston photo);
....:. ...'.., .fit a` "�......4.
70 yearvago
ovals - Ex Reeve Robert Johnston has taken ..;
;over the duties of his new position as clerk of:
the Bih.of Huron Comity, and:• on
• .
.Tuesday of this week had 'his initial experience.of,
doing his part with the courtat a non-jurysitting. ..
Farm produce - Good Peed: Corn on sale at
Lucknow Elevator, at'$1:6C) per cwt. Also good clean
oats. at 68 cents per bushel.
Dry' as the O F 0. - The . Kairshea' and Paramount
ladies' organizations, are mndeed to be congratulated
on. the success, of their social` evening in the Town
Halllast week The absence: of any evidence of .the
presence :of liquor was a feature of favorable coo-
Ment: Too often when meetings such as this are held
elsewhere they are marred by the presence of a few
who bring liquor and impose their' unwelcome. and
insulting'presence, on a' respectable and too patient
gathering - One•who- w:as there:
50 years► ago
February 12,1947:
oung Charlie. thin: - had four stitt'hes pit: in
his iip;recently to' close `a gash inflicted when:.
struck by a hockey puck,
The: village of Teeswater is
establish a fund for the erection of . an• arena,: and:
would like, some assistance. from, the County..
Comnienting.on the $75,000• that has been granted to
'three hospitals in Bruce, "We, don't `begrudge the
three' Ifos tats' inquestion the: •aamonnts theyhave
received or been promised from County, Council - we
believe they are worthy of the support: But ,Surely we
.have.' a,.ri hrto expect some consideration for the
Monies we expend annually in'ccounty rates. Bruce- is
debt' free and has $1800;00 invested in. bominien of
:Canada Bonds. We, in 'the southern en'd',helped el Olt
.d. to .p
thatsurplus there, are We not. entitled to a more gen-,'
w •• r pt `i 4f
Brous: share?"
25 years ago ° '
February 2,1972:
Cor Sate - Ranch style brick home, 12- years old:'
with `double garage, large kitchen, living, room
three: bedrooms plus den, all this on' .2 acres,
located . 7 miles north of. Lucknow on, paved road:
Priced right at $16,000
• Five: acres with large: barn <good.
� , and a g o o six.bedroom•
btitok- house. Price $15,0(1(1.
• Legion News - tom Morrison, president • of the
Lucknow Legion branch 309, presented $5:00 each to
SandraFinlay and Stanley Loree, at the Legion
Speaking Contest on Monday night::
The awards .were not for speaking, but for Prof-
, ciency' in. poetry and essay writing by two young pet: -
pie, both Students at Lucknow Central Public School.
Sandra is .the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 8ob.Finlay
and Stanley.:is the:son of -Mr. and-Ws:'Austin Loree.,1..
. The Lucknow Sentinel welcomes;letters to the editor They must be- signed;, with. the .;writer's -telephone number And address for
confirmation., Na pseudonyts are. allowed.
All letters.are subject to editing' as well as.spelling and grammatical corrections. We also' rese
. r�rve the right to refuse letters alto •
,$ geti tiler. Letters concerning internal:� usiiness . practices ,and policies' of "privately-owated: businesses and , industries. will not �
published.: :
Please note that the views' of the: writer do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of this newspaper,
it' Letters'can be dropped off at the Sentinel office at 619 Campbell Street, mailed to Box 400,. Lucknow, Ont:, NOG 2H0 :.or
faxed to (519) 525-3529