The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-02-12, Page 3Sliow
moss counci:
ajor concern
*from page I
"'ire exercise is to
weigh the data and see if
we want to- proceed with
ainalgamation," interjected
Mowbray. "The team is to'
gather data through • our
staff,. put it -together in a
forni'that a committee on
look at and see if there is at
positive side to amalgama-
Both Wolfe and
Mowbray Have major con-
cerns how'. amalgamation
will shake down Qver the
:years, Wolfe saidhe could
see • problems "'down the,
road .whets it' wouldn't be
a harmonious relationship,
Also brought to the
table lastweek were five:
recortcnteridations from the
amalgamation coordina-
tion tearn, who continueto•
research • information: and
bring suggestions :to the
meetings;, even though the
Terms of Reference, under.
which they are' appointed
-to: the team; have not been
approved .
1, The ' name for the.
'th.aybe' new. muncipalilty
- The. Municipality of the
Township • of
. LucknowlKinloss.
2. Lucknow' and Xinloss
beconsidered as wards'
within a new municipality, •
with the- reeve elected' at
large;'and three councillors
frim each of tiinloss and .
Lucknow. After.. The 'first
terra,' :consideration couid
be given to reducing, the
•: number • el'ected from each
-ward to two.
3 Axnalgamation date.
Jan 1,' 199$, with elections
in .November 1997",for the •
new -Municipality, and the
edsting councils tocontiw-
ue through the month of
Dezember 1997.
4. The new council would
,be considered as. the
Lucknow ' Hydro
- Commission.
Tw:o separate mill rates.
for the village and rural,
and. , .reserves .: to be kept
separate and be spent on.
special areas where raised.
Mowbray 'admitted that.
a ward system might have:
merit, "but it also has pit-
• falls, he said.
W"hen the two councils
reviewed a milk rate com-
parison between the ' turro
Municipalities and a com-
bined estimate
om-bined'estimate for an amal
gamated . municipality,,
Wolfe questioned any sav-
ings shown. He said the
• sav n s has to he consider-
able in order . for . amalga-
uiation'• to be worth' the
effort -
"The;.sort of analyses on
the table to this point lead
:me to believe there is still a
lot of work to do. When I
go to. the pubi'ic, I want to
know I've checked it out,"
said Wolfe. , ;•
Reavie urged Wolfe to
Keep an open mind. ` If we ,
don't have' some positives,
we're wasting our time."
Lucknow councillor
Rick McMurray pointed
out that the two nnunicipal
ities already share expens-
es'iii,several areas. .•
Wolfe agreed that they
were sharing: at ,' "high,
lova ."'Why would .we not..
:.just share adminstration, in
•cane office," he questioned.
When reminded .of the
ingham. Hospital neve .°
cutve, action
committees to meet.
by Margaret Stapleton
The executive committee of the board of governors. at.
Wingham and District Hospital and members of the local
action -con mittee,`formed to save the hospital; will meet
in the near future to come up`with a.cernmon strategy for
. the next phase of hospital restructuring, .
The motion that the two groups meet came about after
considerable debate at, the February hospital. board' meet-
ing, .a debate which revolved around the issue of jitst
who does speak for the hospital.
The action committee was formed late last year after
the Huron -Perth ..District Health Council's task all
released' three options on hospital restructuring, all of
which would have •lirnited the role of the' Wingham hos-
pital. The action committee was comprised of interested
local citizens .with Verna Steffler,, hospital board nteni•
b er, its chairman.
Tbe action committee developed its owu: option for
hospital restructuring and presented -it at a series of six
public meetings prior t� the DISC open house Dec. 12 in
Wingham. Once the task force revealedits preferred'
option for hospital restructuring a plan which would
!tur ► to; page 8
bounce climb flex fly flow gf ide
tum fedP p Pitch propel push roll
rue swing toss tumble twist walk
Ysahtsg a r'ea¢hi Tutu 4/0r1;
directive from Al Leach°,.
Minister of Municipal
Affairs . and Housing
regarding councils taking a
serious look at restructur-
ing, Wolfe responded,, that
it wasn't necessary to take
a "knee jerk reaction to
Toronto's sayings.
"We have,an:opportuni-
ty to shape our destiny and
we should take our time,"
said Wolfe. ' m
"Yes and WE should
shape it," said Kiiiloss
councillor. Gerald
. Doelmman,. "not the provin-
cial -government"
The 10 councillors
eventually • agreed that
sharing administration ser-
vices would be the way to
start,, although there were
some reservations: "It is
the way to start, although I
don't think you get a true
picture," said Lucknow's
Tom. Pegg.
Those who have ques-
tions pr concerns, addi-
tions or deletions'. regard-
ing the Terms of Reference
and other reports were to
submit -them in writing to
the coordination 'team. by ,
Feb. 17 so they can be
answered at the next meet'
ing. The team was. also
asked. to fine tune some
areason the cost analysis.
Eoth councils plan to
hold,public stings
they know exactly :how,
things would unfold with
complete •amalgamation..
arduous one•and it remains
to be. seen if a .date.
of .January 1998 is realis,
The. process .will be an
LtleknoliV Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, I -Page
'nage news
ge you genea
by Vat;Uvingston
Effective March 1, .Lucknow resi-
dents will be charged on a user -pay basis.
for every bag of garbage they ,generate.
The cost - $1:25 for every bag put at the
Cuts to transfer money from the
`provincial government aree affecting
every municipality. Lucknow is , no dif•-,
-ferent. The village's transfer payment
'was cut by 9 per cent, or $20,112, in
j.1997. , •
These were •sortie of the facts present
ed by Greg' Archibald, the general man-
ager- of R'ruce Area Solid Waste
:Recycling Association, and Councillor
Rick. McMurray,.Ivhen 'they met with
members of the local Chamber, of
Commerce last week.
Loss of funding can be handled in
three ways; maintain existing services
and raise taxes; reduce services and hold
taxes; or-tnaintair services with -the -least
impact on Luckpow's ratepayers.
Council, chose the latter and so the bag
•tagsystem will be put in place.
In 1996,. it cost approximately
$20,:000' to collect and
$1o,U00 to.dispose of the village'sgarbage. That works out to about 14 per
cent of the.. tax dollars Lucknow . had for
illage services.
• Lucknow pay's forevery ton of waste
it -leaves, -at -the -Mid -Huron Landfill site.
The less waste Lucknow deposits at the
landfill site, the' more money the ;village
will save. The thedry is that reducing 'the
amount of 'waste sent t� .the :landfill is a
good opportunity tc decrease costs with—
ithout decreasing services:..
Lucknow is the last municipality
using Mid -Huron to go to a ..user -pay
system. .Experience shows that user -pay
communities reduced . the amount of
landfill waste by 3G to 50 per cent. In
other words, when the person generating
the waste . pays out of their own pocket,.,
they find` ways to reduce their waste.
Recyling and'coniposting play a large
rale in :the solutionto the cost of landfill.
A .user -pay system is also more fair,
said' Archibald, .Currently, ratepayers are
assessed on the value of their home.
People with larger homes pay more,
The.example he used was that a hoine
assessed- at $100,000' recycles and coml.--
oma-posts. It only produces one bag of.
garbage peer week. Another home'
assessed at $50,000'' does not recycle or
compost and: produces four bags per
• week.. •
The person with thelarger home pays.
twice as touch for garbage disposal: yet
disposes of 75 per cent less garbage,
thus subsidizing the smaller home,
• The „village will continue to offer col-
lection of yard waste during the summer
:months, a large garbage pick-up (i.e.
fridge; etc.) once per year, and blue box
Businesses- who have concerns
regarding the impact of the user -pay sys-'
tern are welcome to calk Archibald at 1-
$00-794-9770. He: ,will consult with you
to come up with some ideas on, how to
reduce your waste orr reduce your at curb
Fullinforination•.on the; implementa:
tion of the. program will: ibe ,nxaled,,too,
each household in Lucitnow." Five free
bag tags will` be included
• IIiscus5 oiigandonation ,w><>Gh your family and sign a donor yard t; os.y.
,� O
r a
576 Cal atibef Street',. Luicknow
(519) 528-3331:2