The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-01-29, Page 2Page *Ettekao. w Sentiuei, Wednesday Januaa Takatil ik Burt CHARTERED AocQtANTArim :$07 0.rimpbefflt. Luctwiner Fan '.Persanat Tax Ileturna, : ' amaK:3usi,'ieo • Farnw t>Oug lu iter 0.0:A. Lucknow 010re: Manager Registered - rEt•atrr gent• •tUCKNt W5195 33 ' Goderfsif 519424407r 29, 1997 ' skate Lrnn *from pages from countries sroili d t c . world. Divisionals are on Monday. and 'Iilesday, and the competition is Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, " Sam will cornpete.in the .conpelsor es. to set the flights: Her free skate will be to '. Lion King and she will perform the Canasta in the dance competition. All fag- • ure skating events take place at North York Centennial. Arena, 580 Binlch Avenue..West . Birthday Club Out apologies tt • Mandl Vanderwoude Who was 12 Years Old Januarys 22, 198$ Cierra Ashley Johnston` !,January 2881996 1 Year Old :. Catherine Simpeori January 30, 1930 7"Years Okt Ruth Montgomery: January 30, •t989 • 8 Years Oki Corey Health= January 31, 1987. 10 Years.Okt RebeCca,SCott: January31, 1993 4'Years Old Jennie Logtenberg-, January 31, 1908 ' . 9 Years Old:. . Braden it grin February 3, 1993, 3.Year;i.O!ld.> Joha.Elphicl • February 4,1989.• 8 Years Olt, Laura McNaughton. February 4, 1987 10 Years Oki Ido No,eit To Shout . 11 Ciassif ie` . will get ivisINTEE LISTINGS: WANED PAULZINN 528.2411 TREED .7 ACRE i.OT with; creek, 3 bedroom house, new kitchen, baths. $69,900. . HISTORIC LUCKNOW` :4 5- bedroom, new kitchen'anci, baths, formal . living/dining; ,rooms,' garage, 8/10 acre.lbt: • 98::ACRES - W. Wawanosti: • Fieldstone house. 2 ponds•: creek: $165,000. 16 ACRIiES. Kinloss; 2 t edmom . house, bar; shed..$99,900. $83;900, - 2i acres; 3 bedroom house garage. .$I9;000: - `i'hree bedroom, paved drive, 110' frontage, oil heat. COMMERICAL building 40x80, insulated; with steei arterior;: $95,500. . LUCKNOW `. 4 bedroom. house'. With garage, ctase•,ta 'school.' .$99,900: 41100. LEY - Newer bungalaar 3-4: bedrooms, • large. ' lot.: $119,904:.:: W. WAWANOSH 4 bedroom sidesc)It on acrolot $117,440._ • In addition to her coach, Sam will have diad company ofher mom, Joanne, during the week, Mrs. Mayr said several• relatives =planning to attend: as- well. The Special Olympics• World Winter Gaines are held every four years. In 193, Austria was the host country._ TSN will cover theopening cere- monies on Sunday from 4 to 5 pm and the closing ceremonies on Feb. 8 from 5 to 4: p.m:. • W. a s. t' Wawanosh ;Town -ship, council will be asking Dan • Murphy, solici- tor, to personally act- on behalf of the township' in •the Ontario Municipal - Board hearing regarding • the Wightman's Minor' variance.. • •- . .'If Mtirphy is .unable to 'commit himself, council directed theclerk treasurer' to 'contact.Mike 'Mitchell• "of Stratford, to see if he is .,available. ' At:. the Jan. 7 session, council approved a ;draft letter from the municipals- ty's•solicitor that. will -be sent to witnesses as a means of making initial contact iregarding .the• Grierson/toWnshiip civil suit:" Council, -deems rPt imperative, that, new entrances and upgrading of entrances is the owners' responsibili-. ty, while the township maintain errs"tin'g a p p r: p .v e.d'. laneways. New entrances, • should include the instal- ration of .a culvert With a:-. • minimum size' of i'2" x.. 30', where'appropriate; • Council sessions will • , now be held. twice "a- month;; the. first and third. Tuesdays of each month, to start at 7:30 11.m and end. no later than 10.30: p.m. Art .Simpson:, of.. .Ashfield Township, will act as" the •, joint representa • tive for 'Ashfield and West. Wawanosh . 'cin ` the- . Maitland heMaitland Valley Conservation board of directors for the' balance • of the tern* of council. ; Thereafter, the, alternate. township has first;option', .. to, appoint. the represents-.. tive fmm their township Four t tiring firefighters were recognizedwith muni+uipali� mcog ,tion of their contd., . too to g lives and property' as mem- bets of the local volunteer Wayne Stanley (29 years) and Stuart fleav* (25 years) received °their plaques from 'Chief Pieter Steer. Doug Hamilton (17 years and Dean Duvall (6 years) were absent. (Livingston photo) These firefighters received awards for service to thecommunity as a volunteer firefighters. : From the left, •: Jim Hallam, a federal mural for 23+ years; Gary :Austin, .deputy chief, provincial medal for .2.5 years; and Evans Helm, federal medal 'forte years. Chief Peter Steer made the . . presentations at a small dinner held for the fire- fighters, spouses,. and: members of area coun- cls (Livingston photo) be be a victim •rom page.1 , for .access to. your' bank iaccount' It's straight cone and. .fraud," said Burgess, Who on a regularbasis' receives calls'>about a wide- variety of scams.` So 'if you are ori` the Huron -Perth hospital restructuring • receiving end of a piece of • this ariail, or, anything else that seems to good'to be tele, put :it' ` where it belOngs.7 in the: garbage or recycling bin. • 'The bottoia4 line;"'says Burgess, "is. that if you don't` participate ,you are -nota victim." v • �• WINTER. SPECIALS !U Save Up t.30 %.on:: • Westem Shirts Sweaters. &• Knitwear *Casual Winter Jackets •. Selected Sweatshirts • Selected Oilskin Jackets 0:and MUCIT Mort):• ave. the tax on:. Winter:Coveralrs '& Overalls *Winter Worik Jackets: Flannel Shirts, OWifter'Underwear.. FEATURING MSN"S WRKWAR:. i. • Mon, -l'ues, 9.,- 530 " Wed. - Fri. 9 - 6, Sat. 9 . 5 Wingha t 357-4503 weeks' ago. Over the next two years, the. Ministry of Health will be withdraw--• •ing significant funding from 'hospitals, and , in order 'to meet this "fund- . ing challenge," .mom than $10 million in• cost -savings were addressed by ;educ- ing ed rc-ing administration • and support service:costs, reducing dollars -spent on direct patient. care' or reducing costs of operat- ing buildings perating.buildings This is the "first step" and a starting point, since the task fore initially set a '• 20 per cent; savings 'target • (approximately $15.6 mil - 1.1010, but has already made; :a commitment: to save '$10,4 million, Oi appro*imately 13 per cent. "It is not, possible to save' 'per cenit•and main- tain facilities in all eight ce mrnunities," Honk said; adding that the hospitals indicated in<their •:proposal ' that these savings are achievable,. Tim" is of the essence as the task force .is, recom- mending that a single senior management 'team in place by this. September, aa: time frame which indicates to the Mini stry of ; Health's .Health : Services •Restructut:•iing Co nisi ssion-..: that they are serious about such 'a restructuit-ing process. If a'delay, occurs, plans .will reportedly be developed' for: all hospitals within the pr+ yince.by this fall. "It is essential' that the !Hospitals •;neve 'quickly • to create a single, system so that administrative axrd support' service savings can be: achieved and•.cutss. to • patient care •mint-: miz:edis, Hook said, read ftem a prepared state- ment. •"Movement; toward: a single systein;will .demon strate our communities' committnent to creating ai unique rural. health care: system •that• Meets they ,reeds of Huron Perth red.: dents, in an 'effective and cost -elf cient,manncr.'•' • "It's important We move cin: our own;" added 'Bell. . Later, during the ques$ tion period, Bell said "cer- tainly., one of the train .fac tors of this: plan: isthat it move' forward before the emontissioii 'comes: "Therecould be some precedence set," • Belt eon trolled. "Cetainly thrs is :a fairly< unique approach : if not entirely novel, 'and`' I think it has:.some° merit.'` Bell also expects to `he contacted: by other DHC's ,currently in the midst of restracturing, utilizing the •same approach. Hook. drily noted the- "intense" work put forth by the task force's 19. vel, unteers, and the "collabo- rative" approach that was taken by :the hospitals th+e plop Bahl j sentcd .ear- lier this month . . " ` `Iii developing the pre-: ferred • option, the task force built upon the hospi- tals' proposal,' Hook said.. . G i ven : that the task force has, been able 'to address the communities' priorities, .efforts' will :be focused on communicat- ing .the option.: through the • media- andlocal;commuiu ty action groups. 'Open houses will not be' held.,• ' "The concerns. heard at the previous .open: lions es --loss of .physi:cians, access and emergency •v'ice.=were able to ,be . • addressed, -.Hook said •Constructive sugges- • tions on ,refinements to the: ; preferred option are wel=' • come, and can. be. sent to the DHC. office; at 235'St. George• St., Mitchell, Ont.,. NOK iNO. Callers. can also use''the toll-free tele - Orme number elephone.number .1-888648- 3712, -8886483712..• The next step is to idem tify. a; eost"stt icture of the proposal model, and work towards the governance: structure, 11011 said. In .March,. the task force's detailed final report :will be brought to the DHC for review and:. approval prior. to . being forwarded to the Minister of Health. ,• , .. .tit ;�.