The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-01-22, Page 4'4 -» Ludlow; SW:144 ednein , 1 nary tz,1
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pryer .Put4iss rs .con nunity Ne Newapapo619 campbeit St.. Lucknow. Ontario
P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, (lntarl NOG 200 -
Phone: (519) 528-2822 fax (5I9) 528-3529
- Established 1873
Tom Thoinpson -Mvertising Manager
Pat :Livingston General lla lnager % Editor.
Phyllis, Matthews Helm - Office Administrator
Joan Conittn, ^r'Typesetter '
Subssri tion Rates advance: Local
p . Regtrlair $2568 (incl. gostage••and Cr'.S'T:)
40 int, radius. Local: Senior $23.52 (inei., postage and G.S.T.)- within 40 mnt radius..
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held at Ltielmow. Ontario.
seamstress sho!4not
Hubby blew a zipper .in a pair of
work pants last week, and seeing as he:
has .no knowledge of running the
sewing machine, it fell upon me to
replace it,
My expertise 'at the sewing machine
is the basic seam repair, So it' is at times
like this that I really wish I had paid
more attention in home' economic class-
es. Hindsight's great! ' '
Ripping, a zipper out of a pair of
pants is a
feat in itself.
However, I
do have one
of those
:handy dandy
little seam
rippers.As i .....
ripped out the old ,zipper, I had enough
• sense to pay attention' to the way it was .
coming' out, hoping I -could recall the
process to install the new one,
Usually when I'm forced to sit at -the
-sewing -machine repairing a sears, I ..
don't take the time to use straight pins
on the article. I clamp it together with
my fingers, ' stick it under the needle,
cross my ,fingers and then it's frill speed
-on the foot control.
Installing a zipper called for a little
. ntiore time and effort. I carefully' pinned
it; and checked that ,both sides were
equal in length: Lighter pressure on the
Riot control was caned"for.this time:
Even though they.are work pants I pre-
sumed he'd like to have a 'relatively
straight seam, Things ,were going
smoothly on the first side until I came
to the zipper puller ,upper (what do you .
-call that thing?) The needle, decided it
should move out a littlelurther, I Terse-.
vered and finished the stitching on both
sides, Major problem - the zipper I had
purchased was too long for the hole- * •
I could
take it out
and: get the
proper one,
but I'd had'
f ,. �; ��•.:. >�.4 aggravation
one day:, .1,,
could leave the .extratwo inches flap-
ping bi; the crotch, but that might have • .
been a little uncomfortable for Mr F,ixit
ant•could have caused raised eyebrows.
I choseto cut off the: excess and
stitch back and forth across the Bottom
to make sure' the zipper,staYed put.
My finished effort Looked 'pretty,
good•, fora novice. I'm just waiting to
see how long it will last. But installa-
tion ,should be a little easier the next
time As •I . put away -;.the sewing -
machine, I noticed in the. little .gadget
box therewas=sonmething called a rip
per foot.:
70 years ago
January 13,1927:,
rake. your 'own' hockey stick- If you need
an:::ice hockeystick there are two ways to
make it The first is tobend the wood into'.•
shape, the other, is . to . select a iece 'of wood that is
Pe p
already correctly bent,,
Making the sha.rp bend is not easy with the equip,
Ment of the averagehome workshop, but yob :can .
have this done at a local miil, where they have facili-
ties for bendin wood. The rest of tbe'Sharpening and`
finishing will be no` all.
The other.method. 'A tree branch is selected; elm
'preferred, that has the pporrect bend to it;:this is first`
•roughly` hewed to shape . with an axe, then finished
with a spoke shaver or draw knife, plane file and sand
0 years ago
January .15,• 1947
nly'two births ''•= In Clerk Joseph Agnew's
1.statement of 'births, deaths and marriages in
Lucknow in 1946 the figures are as follows..,
births' 2, marriages 8;
.,.rdeaths 14.
Really 'the stork was busier than that in th .
but' as. practically,:, all the little tots were ushered into
the world in- Wingham or Goderich .Hospitals, they
naturally are not registered as being'' born in
`Burns Bali � 'The annual Burns Ball ':under'aus-
pices of the Lucknow Pire Co will be ' held Friday,,
January 24 from 9-1. 00. Music by CKNX Ranch
Boys., Admission. 50 cents.
25 years ago
January 12,1972
ew ''years babiesreside just a .few .miles .
apart - Jeanette: Joyce' Broome, daughter of
Mr; . and Mrs. Robert Broome of • Paramount,
was the first baby .born at the Wingham .a and Distract
Hospital in 1972. She. weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces
and amved::at.7 am on January 2
Helen Ainslie daughter' of Mr. and'Mrs. Doug
Martyn. of Lochalsh.,was born at 5;177 p.m. Saturday
January 1st at ,Kincardine and District Hospital:.
Helen Ainslie weighed 6 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces..
Legion announces winners - Winners in the
annual Essay. and Poetry. competition held in connec-
tion with Remeiribrance Day andsponsored Royal`
Canadian legion branch 309 in Lucknow were .-
Essays: first, Stanley 'Loreo, l: acknow. Central Public.
School, second, Donna Fraytie, St. Joseph's Central
School, Kingsbridge, third, Mary . Anne Alton,
Brookside Public School.
Poetry winners. were; 'first,,''Sandra Finlay,
Lucknow Central Public School, secon4, :ire Gunby,
Brookside' public School, third, CatherineDunstnuir,
. Lucknow:Cential Public School '
The. Lueknoty Sentinel` welcon'res letters to .the . editor... They must.. be 'signed, with the writer's .telephone. dumber and
•, address for confirmation No pseudonylths are "allowed.
All letters are subject to editing as well as spelling and granunatical corrections. We also reserve the right to refuse,let-
ters altogether. 'Letters concerning internal business practices andpolicies of .:pr Irately -owned businesses and ind -
tries will not'be published.
Please note that the views of the writer do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of this newspaper:
Letters can be dropped off at the 'Sentinel office at: 6.19 Campbell Street, .mail+( d,tu Box 400, Lucknovwr, Out., NOG 2H
or faxed to (51 9) 528-3529r