The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-01-15, Page 3Ho P reportfrom by -Margaret Stapkton The chairman of the community action" CORP, rnitt'ee working'to save Wingham and District Hospital gave a report to the January meeting of the hospitals, board of gover- nors. Verna. Steffiers, action committee chairman and a member of the hospital board,, reported that the • committee. was to hold an information session last night,. Tuesday,. in . the council chambers at the. town hall to keep the Pub- lic apprised of -the situa tion as it is unfolding.' Earlier on Tuesday, a committee representing the eight ,hospitals in Huron and Perth counties was to have made a pre sentationto- the task force on itsown restructuring plan,.which was to have been ratified by all 'eight hospital .boards:. The' Wingham board of gover- nors was to meet Monday night to discuss the pro- `posal ata special meeting. Also en the agenda. for Tuesday's DI -IC .task 'force meeting on hospital. :restructuring. was Dick L'eVan, chief executive tile . [soot inumikelt,. • Make it active: Make it last. longer Sharing a I iia tIUer suture, 4/0 - w* Palydemi qi t officer. of Wescast industries. in Winghatn,. who was: expected to disc, cuss the crucial role the hospital plays in attracting people to live and work in town. Steffler said ,she believed that. L,eVan's input can't help but bolster the cause, of keeping, ser- vices;at the Wingham.hos- pital iintact. "This is to -our benefit• as well," noted: Steffler, adding, It seems Dick has some sort, influ- ence." The local action corn - mince has been fielding calls from other communi- ties, namely those in , Grey -Bruce, said Steffler, which also aro facing hos- pital restructuring: Steffler noted that Wingha>in• is the.- only he.'.only community with• a formal action: cam -dude andrepresentatives' from Grey -Bruce have been invited to attend one of`its • meetings. In answer to .a. question\ from Dr. Brian Hanlon,: Steffler said the Wingham action :committee is asits name implies, a conimit- • tee of the community, not-. of .the hospital board. It waS formed in response to: the three options released by .the DHC task force in late November; all of which would limit the role of Wingham' and District Hospital: George: Underwood, vice- cl'airman, asked Steffler if,there are any rural people on.tlie action committee. , She replied the core committee is made-up of herself as chairman;. Doris .Inglis,, a former hospital bo 1rd chairman; Wingham ' Councillors Arnold Taylor and Bill McGrath; Dr, Greg Antoniadis_ and Debbie Ritchie, a'regis- tered nurse at WDH. People from outof-town have attended meetings .`and are serving an sub- committees, she noted., A series of public. infor- mation meetings nformation:meetings in the six communities' of ` the catch-, meat area of Wingham and District.Hospital had been planned for' later this, month, said Steffler, but ;may have to be reschedr .ruled if the Huron -Perth.. District Health Council task force on hospital restructuring does . not release a preferred option by the ran. 21 deadline. tedilli'y energizing;, healing, invigorating, strengthening; nourishing, restoring, stimulating, m DeIIll lrec city r Sharlri'g a Healthier: f ururelr` wilt; Pc7M/tiAar mn USlNaxs WANTEQ, ;PAUL ZINN. 528.2411 . $45,040 Jj@g(ibt{ngelow, :garage; iarrM.let..�. elock. Sty • 161 ACR ili((eetD14 pasture & 7 ha Pont1 ,'2 CIlf(ossTwo. Y . 96 ACRES. - W. Wawanosh. Fieldstone house..? Pends; creek:. $.165,000. ' 16' ACRES' - kinlo5s, 2• bedroom house, bam, shed: $99,000. • ::$63-,900 -2' !/.acres, 3.bedrdbm hOuSe, garage: $79,944. -Tree bedroom, paved drive,110` frontage, ort heat. COMMERICAL, building 4040, insulated with steel eicterior. &9'9,600:: STOFFERc4 bem; sideSplif, 2,tikdroo : $115,500. LUCKNOW - 4 bedroom house with. garage, cibse : to school, $89.900. AMRERL EY + Nower, btOgolow, 3.4 b.edroorrts,largo lot $110;900. Y(l. 'WA.VIIANORH w 4. bedroom, skkisplit on rh acre lot.. $117;000. o ruekttawSentinel', Wednesday, January 15, Iorr Renovations underway `a hospital CU bylVlargaretStapleton Renovations to' the intensive care unit at Wingham and District Hospital started. last. Monday, 'Jan. 6, and will. be completed by April 30. The. hospitals` director of nursing, Bill Woodley, reported at the. January.. meeting of the board of governors that'the inten- sive are unit has been. moved 'to -"Team A, which had' been -closed, until the renovations have. been completed, George • Underwood, vice chairman of .the •board, admitted he had been 'fielding questions from: people concerned that the board is.' going ahead with renovations at a time when the very future of the .hospital is; uncertain due to restruc- turing. "We're all optimists (on'. the board);:" , said Underwood, "and we're going ahead: with the. view that this hospital will ix L.. here in: the. future."' Page 3 Digital, ataalate System 71 Mex1'' rama#lae * Outstanding P.erfartnance * new $tyting *'Now More Advanced and, `Easier. To Usr~ *Access To Over 2OO. Channels Of Entertainment& Excitement Now available, at , AEG Applian�e .Centre • L Ucknow' • (5:19) 528-2445 :r S )r ;. 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