The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-12-14, Page 27obituary l e& Van Obit\ Mr. Jack Van Osch passed away Decem- ber 5. 1983 at the Wingharn and District Hos-pital in his 84th year. Horn ori Novernber l Z. 19110 in Holland, he married Johanna GoeffIlarvs in May 1928 and in August. 14494, they immigrated to Canada with their young family where they resided at Amberl'ey before purchasing the farm on the 12th conression, of Asfrfrel'd Township. where .toe Vary th eh and family now five. Iry 064 4 thee` moved to Kingsbridge until P)ecembeer, ' Pr& when they moved to 1st ciknaow. Mrs. Wary t!sch passed away January 3, OM. f fe is survived ley five son§, MB, Pete. Mitotic. and .foe of Ash*etd: IAA, of Watertoo, two daughters,. fora,, Mrs. M Schourrnrt n's, o eLory and .full ann'a, Mrs. irony Middigaef,, ftlyth. fre was predece. a } by &KV sons a? wen AS, hi§ wife. • PoUf suers and one brother in Holland survive aes wetf as 34 grarndllildren and four great grandchildren. After resti'rvg at the MacKenzie and McCrea* Punerai Horne, Lucknow., he was taken to St. .Dasephr's i16nmary Catikli'c Church. King.sbridge. for Funeral Bass on Wednesday: December 7, i483, cere6rrated by Father d 1tinger. P l4beare s were 4 -every grandsons.. lofin Scbuurmans, Bert I iddigael), Brian Vain Nth. fluent Vary tech, .Cine Wary (Nth, Ferry Van Disc1?u a'rtd Bichsel Van bet. Frower bearers were Sharron,. Coffeen',, Sandra, Brenda., Agnes, and riga Van Nth). alto granddagt'ers. Scripture readings dining Igofat4 were read by f Jame. i.ind1a arid d Sall=y Van th ctiv. Offertory gifts were tate* up by [fir. and Mrs. frtilvie V411) tnfteh. a til Mr. and Mrs, Geof fofeCt lfthugh,. Temporary eritom6ynent i in itlinagmtnott r 4auaieum withl spring burial) in 5t, k hi Cemetery. Kingsbridge. Rpley womwi wuts contest". pleg >* 1'2:1 tto ifl 1 s. Jack Carter of Rl<pley was a Iucky winner on the C.1. i. 3. Win' a; binner Contest when she answered their phone C`a 11 with -Mashed Potatoes?'instead of the usual)2i+ltd' . F Been) then had an interesting n vsa` ri'on *Mae Cater Sandy Thompson of the Wingharn- tei'evison and radio station. Just when we thought that there mould never be call to this 'Believe 1t or Nor village. .1`itivb Wes Brooks of Port Ioha, g. C . and forroevl'y of the Ham y P arneil, place on the Sixth Concession west in F tom "Township was recently home to attend the funeral of his uncle 'canner 1'tro4ks. Pfe has now returned home to R.C. While here he visited- with his mother Marjorie in Ripley, his sisters Susan, Mrs. Fred Dnupe and [.nida-, Mrs. C 'envy I-g'eishuii'en, his uncle .rim and fsabelle in Ripley, his aunt :V(yra and Cecil Norman in 1 Ineardine Township% his mother-in-law [nrraine Hyde .in Kincar- dine and Frith his grandfather ()liver Smith and his wife Pau.line in Ripley as we11 as cher friends and relatives. Gradate David Atkinson. eldest son of Wayne and Carol .Arkinson of Lucknow. graduated October 21. 1983 from Fanshawe College of Applied ,xrrs and Technology. London. in Business -Dun, Processing. He is presently employed at Pram of Stratford. 18'.rI! I (KFOdR't -Wilfred and Sendra cktford are overjoved to announce the arrival of Heather l'uth. horn December 2. 1983 in C amhridge Memorial Hospital. Proud randparenrs are Pvelyn Henderson. Luck - move arid "4r. and Mrs. Hubert l'ckford. f4ckfordville. Nev>afoundland. f2't T[.FDG7fr • R'oss and Helen (nee Hardy) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter. Julie AIlison, Ih R 07. , on November 28. 1983 at Wingttam and District Hospital. a sister for David. Proud grand- parents are Mr and Mars Clarence Hardy of Goderich and Mfr and Mfrs Wilmer Rutledge of Nile 4 Lucfinew Senenef, Wednesday, December 14, 1983—Page 27 "A World Class Country lnn... °" Ienmiller Inn Welcomes You! y 'rt to the fullest with a visit to... 4 44 ILLfY FESTIVE SE A S S 0 •3 J i Ci'S > 41A Sped i'�1i Chrisir as Day Buffet f'rad'tirwtat Christrnas feast with ail the rrimminiN. Min course features Itoa t Goose oe [toast' T'urliev. Served t' rerntler 2",th from Y: On' tN (yf p. m . Phone "v24- 2'111 for reservations. 1 Start off the New Year ramnusI'v per person New Year'5 Dai` Brunch- Served trom 12: (lt) noon to Z flit pm Reservations appreciated. kn US by the Fireside: ® per person Our 1 if ensed I nunves .+re open Days week' tor your pleasure ILL ift S `i0 ye POR CHRISTMAS 6IFFfflJ r. (� you, tfavolvt times our to, oar error 'gtf Awe' h , you r��tty ►� know Mist you art sitssitlitt &timeputt r> tanking for saafrthittg *tad, or v dna, tinter rmttarraa ng atrurdatltO or ibviahty e> sett*.... WE CAM A FrillPR cs 4nd hest of of-... ifs from Remitter'. r'. BROWSERS WELCOME! "OPEN, 7 DAYS A WEEK., 10 4.IFIL. TO P.M. Featiring: *Antiques dtiftivare 'Benmilller TWemorabilia *Canadian Wat+er'oinur Art 'GinVrbread Rouses and 'Neat ,:.jar A unique ...shays appred ifex CAVE ,a;A Rf r IEpFa SIF �E TIFICATE ftenmiller Diff f erttfitates are redeemable on fining and acrommr>,d-atinns, or can he used for f herrvd=alp M' the Oft Shoppe. Renmiller Inn and The (,eft Shnppe are nutted In beautiful RAnmiller ()tit 11 k -m east ot (,oderirh or 16 km test ot (lintnn on Huron (mint\ Woad 1 Watt h tor ,i%n'. on HWV No K fit• For reservations Please Phone ;24-2141 i