HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-12-07, Page 6Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, december 7, 1983—P e ti dtt SENTINEL "The Sepoy Town" Established 1873 d The Lueknow Sentinel, P.O. Box 400 Lucknow NOG 2110 Telephone: 528-2822 Thomas Thompson - Advertising Manager Sharon Dietz - Editor Pat Livingston -Office Manage, Joan Helm - Compositor Merle Elliott - Typesetter Subscription rates in advance ' 1 6." Ou (anadatside Senior Citizens 1 ".sd Canada $43.00 Second Crass mailing reg. no, 0847 Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates, Lucknow UCWunits holt Christmas meetings *from page 4 Unit 2 On November 29 the members of Lucknow U.C,W, met at the home of Mrs, Ernest Ackert for the December meeting, Mrs, Ackert had her home tastefully decorated for Christmas to set the scene for a very lovely Christmas meeting, The Unit leader, Mrs, Stuart MacGilliv- ray, welcomed the ladies, read a poets, The Glad Time of the Year, and led in prayer, Twenty four ladies answered the roll call, A Christmas verse. The reports were received and announce- ments made, Mrs, Ackert chaired the program, She welcomed the ladies to her home and chase as the theme for the meeting, Let There Be Peace, Musical numbers by Becky Ackert and Mrs, Bill Graham were enjoyed, The committee of Mrs. Ackert, Mrs, Prank Ritchie and Mrs, William Bolt, had a very meaningful devotion and meditation prepared on decorating a Christmas tree with gifts his children bring, wrapped and marked with the names, Peaace, Hope, Salvation, Guidance, Praise, Worship, Love, Light, Freedom and Life, The committee each took turns explaining each gift, reading a scripture and each part followed by appropriate carols, Summing it all up, their message was, Christ should be MI in M1 we do in our life today, He .said, "1 am come that you might have life and have in its fulness", Mrs, Bruce Willits sang, Let There Be Peace on Earth, and Mrs. A eri closed with prayer, The exchange of love gifts, lunch and a social time followed, Unit 3 The leader of Unit 3 of Lucknow t,C.W,, Mrs, Ross Shiells, welcomed 15 members and one guest to het home for the Christmas meeting; She opened the theme with verses from Luke foretelling the birth of Jesus and commented that Christ was born in turbulent tinges, the same as now, The roll call was answered with a Bible verse on the birth of Jesus. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs, Shiens, Miss Helen Thompson presided for the program, Mrs/Olen Walden read the Bible verges from Luke 2, 1 - 14, Mrs, Charles MacDonald gave the meditaition, No leader of a country stands taller than when they stand for Peace, Mrs, Symon de Biter sang a lovely solo, Glary to God in the Highest, iso Dutch, Guest speaker, Mrs, John Kreutizwiser, spoke on the Christmas Story and said it was to the editor as real today as when Mary had her baby centuries ago. She told of many visits by Angels to humble people Christ had chosen to further his Kingdom, Mrs. S'fitt ; thanked the s ieaket and gave her a plant, Mn, Harvey Houston played a lovely piano solo, Winter Wondetland, Miss Lorna Campbell read of a Christmas in China by an exchange teaching couple from Ancastet, Ontario, They told of a gayly decorated chutch with three services of two hours each; of the visit of St. Nicholas who was depicted as a teligious figute and gave gifts to all, Miss Thompson thanked all who had helped with the program, Mrs, John l ilpattick hard prepared and all the secret- aries of the various committees fot the past two yeats. She closed with prayer, Mrs, Shiells conducted the business portion, Mrs, Charles MacDonald gave a splendid tepott of the dinners," banquets and luncheons caateted fot and conveyed the thanks of the social functions committee to all the members for their help, Mrs, John McDonald gave an excellent report of givings to date and the bitthday bank money, Mrs. Glen Walden made a motion to buy plants for two nearby Nursing Homes, the Cosy Cottage and The Country Lodge, both house same of the gtoafp's church members. Miss Thompson, for Stewardship, read from Matthew 25 - 4n, A you do to the least of my people, you do unto me. Mrs. Clarence Irwin, read an article oto Poland's farmets who account for 75 pet tent of the countty's food lands. Mts, Harvey Houston teported for Supply and Welfare. Membets gave 36 cakes of soap, shirts for hospital gowns, 17 tolls of bandages from sheets and a cash donation to the blanket fund, Mts, Kilpatrick and Mts. J. Campbell sent a list of any visits made in person and by telephone to the sick. Mrs. Shiells closed with a reading, A Bishop's Christmas Wish, Nth 4 Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church Women met for their Christmas meeting on Tuesdaiy, November 2q with an attendance of 21, The roll call was answered with a Christmas memory, Mns, 1141 Bogues, unit leaadet, dtteted the business, hi the absence of Mts, Gordon Johnstone, Mts. Charlie Anderson was secretary, Reports were given, treasurer by Mrs. Ken Caameton; Citizenship, Mrs, Stu>,att Colfyet; social functions, Mts. George Joym and Amnesty, Mrs. Gordon Cayley. Turn to pp 0+ Dear Reader; The Bruce County Port Producers Assoo daation is working to improve the industry through a rational marketing system, The past five years have seen only one year, 1982, when average price returned cosi of production, The reason is not mere choice, 11 is chronic over production which is the result of modern production techniques+ which are now commonplace, ever produc- tion with no restrictions spell low pork prices, We are promoting a raationaal maarketing system for Canada based on two principles; (1 y The domestic market shouldbe shared by producers through a quota system with prices determined by a cost of production ay Pork foe export would be produced with no restrictions and, of course, price would be whatever it would g on the export marker. by short, stoppty management for the domestic market and utrre's-tariacted produc- ,fora for the export maatket, We are, at this time, in a unique situation, Now, more than at any previous time, we producers ate in a position to aci tot our own beneftt, Ontario and Quebec produce about 7d% of our pork, Late in November, at the Canadian Po►k Council meeting, the Quebec delega- tion indicaated its support for supply manage - mem, Its motion was narrowly defeated, The strongest opposition came from the Athena and entarro delegations. Ontario president, Mr, Farrell, indicated to the press ,hart the Ontario p otion was On accord with the position taken by councilmen at the 0982 annual meeting, when they opted for sta fritiraation rather than supply manage- ment, "Nothing has changed since," Mt. iv aatte% is quoted as. saying. This is as situation that we, the producers can turn mound, 'there is ntv doubt that Ontario and Quebec could Wog about a stapply auarraageonent system]. pot should be noted that there is support for supply rrvaorvaagemerort in the Maritirvaes and ptobalvly Saskatchewan N5 welly. There will be these who will say that it will be necessary to have unanimous agreement ftonr every province before a supply management system can 'le implemented; that is simply not tore. We appeal to potk ptoducets carefully consider their options. Over production is riot going to go away. The mulch publicized Slaabilizaatcora Plan will, if of ever gets off the ground, being limited herveftts to producers. The pork price cycle, put out of whack Ory chromic surpluses, will continue to have more downs than ups. Current ptograans to ioterease efficiency and to institute forward contracting, white coravm'endab'te, are in no wady able to dual with the problem a price catalyse. Chilly a maatvr change in marketing strategy can do that. The ptessiftes in the rraat*etplace exerted by packers. ked co;Yv vaard'es. wholesalers. retailers. unions and Wickets, have never been so intense. Unlike farmers. they seldom forgo wages. profits or retritry o>w investments. To imagine that are can continrfe to dump out product on the market Oh this scenario, and get a saatisfaactory price is not realistic. The Baste Comity Pork Ptothreets Assoc- iation has been in conversation with some raeighl noting co ovy associations roncetn- Mg these mallets arid hopes to ffitet with others shortly. A short position paper is feeing sent to each countilrrvaarr itt Oarrtartco acrd to the &rector of the provirvcial Wahl. We solicit ytitir sappcnl. Partners, have waited tong enough for others to sort out our problems. We have concluded that both econ'arrvic saatvaati ni will otal`y Borne thior ugh out men efforts. It you agree we invile ye:0 to jcriu OW effort and contact one of the undersigned. John Bryce. president. R. 3. Paisley, 353- 56J 1: lav K Moto*. sec tetaty . R . 1. bobbin - ton, c04-2107 Art Houghton,. R. 5. 1Gim aar- dine. 34'6-8/26taco Clarke. 5. [ rckrirw, S2'8- y475. Puce Cc 'rvty Pork Producers. Association. West Huron Junior Farmers host annual banquet Cyav Saatorrday. November 26 the West • llama Junior Partner's @aactd the* eighth annual banquet and dame at the Lucknow Comity Centre. Cohin Snyder welcomed • everyone. Jim Koch* gave a -roast to the (keen acrd Ruth Ritchie said Gratee. A dericious meat was enjoyed by aft i^na attendance. Corm Snyder thanked the St. Pletecns Ladies for helpivrg with the meal. Joanne Pentland intro n r ,ed the head tab ',11 e. Waalpl v Mionri v gave the Toalst to the Mivvistryof Agriecorture and IA* Reinacrott rep el. Anne Men, °Veen and Mike Scott. King. gave a report on, the club activities for the year. Corm Snyder presented Joanne Pentland with Past President Pin and au gift Por h�� . for the year's work as pres-ide°nt Joanne Pentland then peed rhe chain of offiace on to Colin. Awards were presented as follows . most entEruusiast°ic member. Anne A1Con : most actiive member. .hoan°ne Pentland: neva mevni er. Dianne Henry; mnsr point accum- ulated female, Joanne P'erariaa id: most point accatated rents, Colin Snyder. Amore Afton and Sharon Alton presented Pim Awards and they were as Wows: farmer of the year. Doug Aitchison-, athlete of the yeur, t alpfv Morrison; v, del of the yearn. Brock Hasty', cn>o '►rets of the year. Joanne Peritladnd and PVitabethVv tr ; conte of the yeaar:.Pim and Afllettte l r'chie: mince of the year. dery t.L.am-b and Paull Pentland. A Variety Concert which conasisted of a pray. The Chartreuse Murder Case. and a surprise by Sharon Alton. step dancing by Donna Baynard. musical numbers and a sibit. Give and You Shall; Receive. were enjoyed by a1 . Appreciation was expressed to Ruth, Ritchie who organized the program Junior farmer song was stung by a17 and: then the dance began with music supplied by Par-rrre SOrYnds. Door prize winners were: (eciarhii1 and Supersconp. pini. (Tien Walden: l.ucknnvu Farre Shy. carr food. ,loud Vorriscsn: toff() Shoppe. hast. "G'pasrvui Scott r.ucknow Chiropractic (e r> roe . `55 .00. Mary Mole : Ron Machan-. di 5h Mrs. Ptarry 'gRfcDonagh: Fair -view Foods. 510.06 voucher..fint 74ivins: &uttobu's Meat Market. 51).00 von het, Jamie Afton: Kwarv's Restaurant 54.50 meal. Nancy Gibson: l uckn'ow Vasty and Dry Goods, pillow cases. Glenda Morrison: Atvgew JewatJery and Gifts. dish. Annette Ritchie: Sewing Rox, 45.O0 vo e t. Pat/if P'en'tland: Winn)" 5 Piowers ar'r1 t Git'ts. ftower arrangement. *role Afton: Chaaarmans. 5t0.00 vDucthet . Plaine Bancroft: !l oft Don– ash's Real P state and On—;mace. 510.00. Nanry Aiteh n: George Bvopltiy l.awyer. Bruce Raynird: C'iroceieria. food basket. John V anNi iet: less Petters, 515.00, voucher. Gordon- Struthers: tome's, ardiaes Weal'. 55.00 vooeher. R'o'n- Pentland: Greer T.V. and Flectric. clock. .Johrt Ran - croft: Recker's Milk. 51;0.O0 John John- stone: Cucknow Sentinei. 1 year subscrip- r,on. Larry Henderson: Johnstone's Purni- rure. h Sambrrree mugs. C ren as Har -kelt: uiknow (OEt arnd Curl. shampoo. t'1li7'abeth Irvin: Helm Welding. 2 hats. tarry flake. ucknnw (o -op. CAC(' of oil. Iknald Hackett ffa: ketr's Farm PAurpmens'. coat. Rerna- dean Rat'chie: Rea -vie Farm Equipment. 2 hats. Diane (rihsnn ('fenrgorrery "Motors. o,l and grease job. Madaeine Ritchie: ie: Lr ckntow Service Centre. t gallon antic -freeze. Won Ritchie: G & f Sales & Service. wenches. Agatha Dii`teok: Henderson tomLtd.. 1 pillory pvaito. Joao Helm: Hamilton Poets, CM' sponge. Rater Morri'satitu, geciker Patin quipbneot. grease gun: Suzanne Kitklund: Ciii;f s Plumbing and Heating. fruit basket. tooug Aitchison,: Huron landscaping, 520.0 voucher Mrs. 06n414 Carrow: l inlay Decor- ator 5.O0. Ken Cardiff: Ritchie Pierreie. lois Walden: Mary Kay Cosmetics. Pliza- beth Irvin and Audrey Ritchie and Ratty and fl ttv McDonagh: Shar'on'5 Silks. Christmas arrangement. t 7111 .- rrnrtfl ong and Marian Taylor; Helm Welding. 2 hats. .Anne Alton and .Jim ' ivies: r.ucknow .'kppliance (entre. vacuunnl hags. Mary and ton Iamb. Sampson Sears. coasters,. Sniarr Reav,e and (rk>ria Mu-rra-v . The club expressed apprecaataon to those who donated door prises rhe lar Five priTeS were spat dances during the niRhr rhe ira« for •h' weekend at Wheels inn in ( hathari was \.ton by .Ca. ne Ritchie.