HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-30, Page 18ripley news Tree of Contention sports best crop in years *from pie 1 on the home fann. Tree of contention Well here to 801110 more about apples and ii apple tree, It is towards the east end of Maleant Street in the Mirth part of Ripley: This tree has a special name which you trill not forgot, lt blown a§ the "Tree of on" go named I) hy the late Walter Needham clett of Hip village and my wife a iteighbot t r m ate skeet bock about 40 years ago, Some folks wanted to cut it down and others were more determined that it Amid stay hence the name "Contention": Lost summer when workmen were cutting down two ict trees Mt the south gide ef Mary Plodder is repotted s telffiig them not to touch the tree of Conteritien and so is still standing., And s tooapress ?•-atitode this tree had its best erdri fed : in it long histot fight* the apples had no MOM§ = the codling • ; worm ito r the railroad worms with their brown streaks = just juicy white fie* with"yottwo6._' flavour:M A they were tolled fty 6111et Motr§ apples: , Owe we WO MOM kir the fine : ;1" One is the eget** pruning de on the taw by Bum* Plodder and hi§ father the late Joe Madder about five yews The new growth s away p the ttir MAYO tlyft in the e ; :1 do not Mie flying awayttpthete ht the c evennig Thi the other reason is MOWS laws front f hertrbii home. A few years twit trek fertile soil fa, mid then it is watered., The feeder roots o the tree Mend tinder ate cement e1e so their wall root flycome ; onder the grim: It we§ the blie sift Me1 y. of radii** t tfhen he was Weltto 21,21 in the late forties Of early atm vih; •7:7 this *OW. Ab W�& s that he helped to filiiht ton tic out on the board (1, stii* Women the sidewalk and ff. Robert Yalconer *ho Doted Owe ; • in ate Ws planteti the tree§ oat 7 e so U e (*Admit &tithe street would itatVeitOples to eat Weil both the fate Reinert Ytilattner and Charlie Moto would have been peas - ed t o see p‘wpie **mg op time tate juicy red ModAtoth itdifi Mid gel* to, mid November, g to Mary Pliald4 and her Mk§ for ttrithvg et e of this tree. 1** cable work done fAist Thwrsday afternoon t &ton and /Woo t. Tettopinone System work ere* finitheti ; big job of installing illetit eitMc1 b. - tht pd. MAIM* t hove worked in .1"..-ii,orov Amite*, and Kwog§ Totirtithip§., tote laid miles of new underground tle work. were fate Robert Johnstotti floheirt fiegietv and ban Mot- botiald when he was not trouble shooting on tepairs. Also on the job with their machines *vete grahoin Cook of Ripley and Hill Kempton ot Point Clark: The last stretch they cottipleted itg recent weeks was along the Pourth Concession from the 15th to the Holyrood to lAicknow County Hoed and they ote pleased to get it finished Wore winter arrives. *Mal notes Three neighbour ladies at the Royal nett &or here Mar) Mactovishi Marilyn Preeri and Kate Hunter along with Pletente Pollard had a tun trip to Los Vegas en the recent long tteekend in146Veothet.• Lost Wednesday Gem* McLean tool his nieces bebtste atid Betty Jean McLean IAA vibe coloured Cluistmos lights in the store ond IMMO& shop inside tuid on the tii)vet trod hoiltiony outside: As the afternoon progressed it toned dull and &worry outside and the lights looked = fn sMcomiorting. heard in in 1e* dating the last we4 were 4 Ws: lefty (Institut and iirn eedtatitt /kitty talked with reverter Hifi ahntrt het second motel ffo of Christina§ Mime pro". t Ititicarditie to raise hinds for Cystic fibrosis wort Mm talked with Win reporter Murray gaunt ttkorgatikatiori of the Coto= dion flo/stein Assoelatktit in the edkining yaw: &mitt Ntieft stdiered a hip fractote in a fall at his hi e in Ripley a week toy:fl W as trootterreti from ktiticardine Hospital to St: I s Hospital in London: Cost Thursday ; ; he underwent stir floor tat§ *IA hint a recovery: aM iWit fileCteatit toot hi§ who Chita to London turd she is loth former ittpley neighbour§ Mot : Optd &mon there: George McLean visited oh giiiittity with his Vvile Joy a patient tooth 01 6111 tile th Met aim vtith Stewart Well§ on the Vow* 11�o t east in St does tio*tall WOW, A141 itotkettgoli of Tot Onto visited With eOtigni ChilAtenn Nokftsofi kip* on the post weekend. kivley Wks ore : that Hifi ttbkfJ intike itratotNitil tittot serious Mes &ring the post year. Mtg. feetyr,...41,. 61 lAleknow and forinerly the Al 4ey Aghtieid t#e„o died itittagse 2X in the Wingiton bistriet In her Mgt year. tunerof service was field in Lucknow afternoon with nitetinent fatiL §semsory itiptey amt to her datoAfeft Wanda, LecItnow Sentinel, Wedneredaky, November 38, 1983—Page 18 Mts. Hill Hattis of London and Marie, Mrs. Clarence Greet of Lucknow and all family members. Sympat: hy is extended to Poeattle (Mts. Mel) Pollock on the death of het brother Hill Rtocklehatik of Kincardine last week. Congtatdlations go to Mts. 1elyn Hedge of Kincardine. Het 5a116:116 answer to San- dy Thompson's C.1.i1/41.1. noon call this Mon- day made het a lucky winner. Ripley Women's Institute hold, their Chtistmas _potluck luncheon in the Ripley Legion hall this Piltiayi Dee. 2 at 12 noon. bring friend and also a gift to be sold at the auctien - weeds for shlit-iii gifts. Mrs. Prances14 is inc /large 61 the program. Hill llobirtgOli f Hip* tepotts that the Ripley and District Lion l§ with a member- ship of 32 taistid out in their recent c an - wigs tot detiatibIIS fa the Mak Lions ate welifYleased and wish to thank all donors. 1 Quality Long Lasting Vinyl Telephone Book Covers KINCARDINE PUPAL ROUTE AREAS 24 Montts Advertising (1984-85) ot your trade or service to over 1300 households tor under .260 Oath DEADLINE DECEMBER so-ril One of Kind Trade/Servloe Only call LARRY COWAN LUCKNOW 528-2730 IISIVINGHAM SAM &MU lito iffinoltant Saks Monti Nang IOU dincommuce" " flfA 1111 SAWN. GOODS easewei ts ewitteet4 dm& Wee, MA*, iittworteohoi MA modest WS etaddti fit& *keel, peant twti tougg etis** detearsewie, glom migns Name wowed Emelt deatierfetli Wel Mt eye efeakiti tat PAL dekko ti* irei etc 10100110 Appleei offewseei pallet* lied test Irlifiej COMM fOOMEAtt FOR MI IMO AND CINUMIN *pawed imildied arkweei &At* km* Med mew We* teivertie si OWN bery* mot pia* ivoi‘iiis Wole Ott* WO* sal* most pal* omit ipote1:fee jam& must. KM 2 Pt, SWAM PAPtIS COVEIFALIS NOW Setft LAMS ~MI MO Mese = $14.45 MOMS•2=lit - P ANEW, AKE ales .16,45 &ye-- itteit M = 44tt =MO **was Soya & c. SW. MA 1 14 = IWO $14..S NM AND Web HINNITIN CAM" STUMM time atiii Atli *Me *Mr tweittioi iftitifftit sad tiwkilie. etittit wee& iMag tossi states 2,1, mg 4 glet~ti Nista &Mei dittlialli ad" tedhent, hex mil 1111140t - *weft &ease totdies, driest tit &sea*, ekessets, ett. atm segioric, tat esdki obitiotide fa* wag theyift,, ISO G# MAMMON K8 KOPEC 61111115 1011 ,10015 4010011A0 CHM mg wffitactsfi MS ANIMA let, 11 606 leteepfifireSti1Atm* el Ille0wwit sailtitglessy 44 Mt* MON, - Mt = Of AW. PEL Alittivtg Itti, 00 PM. ligiVINCOM11111415 Ana 4 fistiV6664 14k0 6* litel464YS. i646Y6cyw Vothstifillittt& 01,666. 06•11441, kt* 14******Awo. twiettilig Ak*? OW dew wftYv 0 otoisvfm6Oo. ftatehrotsd istmolv. ofedid 09 Mt ditttatileg1W4619 tioratv 00 ‘11060464, Mot 41)69606WE 6iitiv crop kow eisit; tekwoo mirk eniptemortt nMg OftWAIWO. OtolAt WOK tio*Whva, Om. olliktoesv fiosiOnas oppsfilthiftf„ ofititi„ gift coity mid wed owevidWg. 164,44 06160.11 4 fikseittorw flaw& fisitto6v6v ov 4 ti6ww,, symitods t 4104*N, *kw owl &Wog *met OWE& MOM 06610464 mom* e646#466•14 2 toadit6istm fittiosobav,, Aseittad faoriv pot Aka *0 tOtsvo. Idly **kid retiVowymt how*. OWTAtStfilro 4 Wilo�w ~WM iiintif horn* 2 ltifokswv kw* moo, 2 6sor wive, *iv love thstv owv 266t9 tick two. A** *tow NW *VW* e**166.0 Fn defitit*40 4,, 2 titidir*se hi****,, else**6 644 treiWt**4 ***1,, Amp kNe444,4,, Miftio dwd &AV MOW* 2 ovd § 04*** 6.Wat„ *A Astv owittlood WSW KAM biro *W. Wt§gatiO, toW offad Om* eivkit gfewatot, eftWobbOo fiv SO** ov itiodvat.f0. rinissai filo oat of.6(0111VY rotdati fikikwasY 061914116Wv 1k~ *WC hoodliootviv, niviiifosinkitt tom 2 SmWok, doWtikt *sw*******4), 2 advf** 64 emu!. Mr6604Will **tit* 611 riodivis*1 Out WW ritifottI,, 66* itowtilmitit km* 2 Nothfoorns, ASV. adOesti tko WO. Attfttfeta dotty atv** Motatro iistakvit isto. ottioniont Vow*. asors, 4111*t* 6%.06046#4. Atkiftat, sow., 126 ~WS* Lliffovro41 160VIV 66*. horn*. imtINOV. *et**, 1146 gettilat44, 4 tivitte66wv hitsww Wyk 2 tot0461 ethic ROWOW 1WN., ffiwoo ativil dr60,, 0196611606VC drdy Wont, ii0611V Eadivil6W 600 Ott hi**,, if211,6604 (kW* ettA06140 howl* gf. KoOlino, 6n I aros ors* itoviitg V grow kivir 204. 6V fiwthitiv &V OW** OW61WtilyMs6110 WAIltitit* AN ifitVe 41414. N. it. ilitit,KNOW., SWIM enet DAt1014r, It. dr60**404), 0W44426 528401 Lacknow Awe betfreetwi iwit110,. &JAM fet. Atm*, loved drive. S43,S10. LtititStifilW„. yr. ofif. / bedroom frrlet inmgadovr. aepowate garage, paved drive, emery maw 1413eites. itiNtOss,, tee Istie t &taw sof tistrotled for sag eravt4. 20 ogres goad bomb. Vit€,4141t�f to tom* trimid V, 140 142 eatofilvtit of 91kge. ftlettt, 1 btttfrolom Nighlt46*, with game ma paved &foe, hay ifttigittetti, goad &tatty* ofti IOW tbSt. itiMAYSS. 2166 Met diary faamy; wortalife. *cow set ap yolth plot ike railkera. cows Aga gm** ittwitthfife. Mot fitheatkit at /3/4%. KAMM& MO sett* 1 sworithle, reed hatae., 2 taro* mall impleareat abed. 10 cow de to vektv mato* ***Matt. Clitikftg /VP., 4/ tattfift.. 44 looss**thle. /SWIM MP.. 1040 wee foratt, 46 *Awlicame. 1,CC&N(019,1fieificoarai tomviogo, *46 attached gattaiw. knot ifologg M60, whir &replace awl Conte hitiettew volth 64414 eirofidayel*. Meal 46 *et 1.E.PCIS4YNV, &Ate &woe Oft goad mom*hot weer homage* 4 pe. end 2 pe. Nobs. Ai* MOW mtogs, tow sere*, ow vporkabfit, &Aped beittgoigs mitt tread* oflo. OCNOANNIY141,, 2 bdroom, horkistow. f*W MtL retattfy cfitottrated„ fit good keittirew. Meat t Per fittifier trifiVOMVOILWY oft tigkeigie glad p•Ittpettrift OW* oat POAfifilt ItofCRIN'NON gRWV 9k6OVAtireff DAVIDMitt iT4INWi 305-2880 528.3trti 105- 2483