HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-30, Page 1718, Services available .esrsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrorrrrrrdrrrrrrrsrrrrr e& AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace OaHaigh, Teeawater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of MI Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 Cel BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd, Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service to all mikes �r Refrigeration Service 37 years built by quality & service Open 6 days a week 3512450 Goderich Energy Seal Inc. MR SEA11NO SPECL4LISTS UFFI CONTRACTOR PHONE COLLWT 5242311 524.4894 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE 1"O CREDTTORS ALL Persons having claims against the Estate of FLOSSIE MIME WENS, Widow, late ,f the Village of Lucknow, in the County of truce, who died on or about the 12th day of October, 1983, are required to file the game with full particulars with the undersigned by the 24th day of December, 1983, as after than date the assets of the estate will be distributed, Dated at Goderich, this 24th day of November, 1983, and MAIER, &misters, etc, 33 Mire 1.wal gfrilleto �0, dasf , Wicks.* four the Estate ---48,49,50 20, Public notices COSY COTTAGE illi WH1TtC'11URC41 looismg fm elderly people to board voiith us for the winter, Warm home and foetidly residents: for more informaatiorn, can 357- 3560, -47,4$ MANY LOWS BEAM LOUNGE will Be closed December 12 to 0 inc@os ,e, --48,49s PULLEN BRUSH representative in the tAtiCkno+w area, 528-2120, -48M 22. Lost send found t Monday, November 21 in front of Sayer Scoop, Paadi+es watch, Meow may claim `r adeeutirfyiatug and paying fol r ad. Laden* S rloine11, -4th + 21, Pirsona! IS A LC OHO1 A MOSLEM EM in yew farm*? Al --Arron can kelp famitries, avid friends, of aaDc�v9uoDass: Phone WaaDkeotmo 0-3113, , ,v4 eriich 5,24-64011. Ask for env A it Amrvuv ntinvthwt. HAVING A DIi LI £200011tor AA cam i ,. Phone rtcP 5,24-40% o>D Waafieotaort 4011-3466. --419fflfare lx EGNIA141 and ? ed i tee viva" confi&ntial s curd. girt+. Call SW- I & 3157-23'42, 36-4110 ctiv f cadlmo+ 02- '30 711 old . -trf 23. Miscellaneous I'ItEE 120 PAGE CAREER GUIDE show how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs, Granton Institute, 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto, cal, (416) 977-3929 today, ... 046 COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS, wordpro- cessing needed. Train now for your future, Write DMD Computer Training Institute, 232 King Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2Y7, Attention Mrs, Aebi, -048 SIR SANDFORD FLEMINO COLLEGE is of, feting Hardwood Lumber Inspection and Sawmill Management programs starting January 1984, Pees for this course may be totally subsidised by the Canada Employ, ment and Immigration Commission, For further information comttact, Sir Sandford Fleming College 1.705,457,161 -048 rrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrrrerrra measrmarrvrrsrrrr iv leaner 24. Business opportunities raarraaraaaarraar rarrrrararaar HOUSEWIVES, FARMERS, Businessmen, Learn Income Tax preparation at home, Write U & R las Schools, 1148 Main St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 356 for free brochure, -048 WE ARE LOOKING FOR DEALERS and agents to sell money making products. Right now we have a quality automotive product that's ideal for gelling to new and used ear dealerships, service staations, trim and body repair shops, automotive supply and hard- ware stores , where yon have the added income advantage of extra erect& through repeat gales. Thea there's the big potential «4 selling directly to the pubile, It's a great opportunity to substantially increase your income and be in on the ground floor r with a growing organization that has more products to offer, Best of a$1, there are no fees or franchisee costs, Don't wait; 1f you're interested in improving your income, act now., Write to day for more information with no obligation to; t4ametic Marketing, 45 Sheppard ave,. E., Stine 312,, Willowdale, Ontario M2N 5%1,-048 30. 1n memoriam SCHMIDT hi toms memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, Aloin J, Schmidt who passed away November 19, 19x71, Lives greatest gift, Remembrance, Ever toned and mimed by wife vera and fasrrilq, 48x MAT'S In loving memory oaf a dear wife, motldeo and graasaotmother, Maiizre Mothers), who passed away Niovember 23, 1913: Voor presence we moss Youo men oswe treasure Loving you always Forgetting you nearer: SadPy or b by hrss baste fi'ivaas . Diaogimet Caarayn, sear -ova -Pam 'Wave and g ondcfnlideerv,Steptien and Jeaas►ette, -484 PONE loo loving niesuvotiy a as dean asrsetttier as granadosrtotlie'r, Arinwttra Dere, oft pawed *way one year ago, December 2, 1982, Sadly ru+sorsded erred ever remnenvtered bey Merle, Gera° t u, aamM Vann* 31, Cards of tis MOM wooM Nike t' tevaamak *m} oro ware AtIrett4. Oftk, ami flowers and ,x4 v caged e reel4irnrg cove ern aext1 Best wir !►es verde .Da+ck Vacs land 11006904a4. Tt>ae owtrVfsetmrtnvg rrenctrAfte god b voirs@tes. Pitted lock's, s ante *rod veedi d hits, improvement. Thottt yo r eery rawh. .hack mad C alma i! 4 K irnr and faamasrigy Ail The farraamlpi o1 dire Poe Ross -milt) ,4t.d wisip to ezpres4 Attie scitwere thtiatis.4 for tihw ezpry s ns, 61 syrmrlirtt1 y, carrel . f1k'*' ., dbtt- ;m and foad. Shoo o kirm e:ss amt0 thmsigfixtailiws4 4 appreratatleril and wall ireoltym Nered. -404 Lnelnrow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 31, 1943 -Page 17 31. Cards of thanks 114110411001111111MINNONNOSAWAMMINMAIMMINONIMIS MaeLEOP We wish to express our sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for all expressions of sympathy, flowers, donations and food, Also thanks to Rev, Ramsay, MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Dr, Corrin, Dr. Jolly and nurses at Medieal Centre', the nurses in 1.C,U, of Wingham Hospital, Many thanks to the Ladies of South Kinloss Church for the lovely luneh, M1 these acts of kindness will always be remembered. Lawrenee and Jean Oraee and Wilbert -481 BROWNIES, GUIDES, PATHFINDERS The Mothers' Committee for the Lueknow Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders would tike to thank everyone who saved newspap- ers for our paper drive last Saturday, Please save your newspapers for our newt drive in the spring, =48 FERGUSON The family of the late Elizabeth Ferguson wish to thank relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their support, kindness and expressions of sympathy during the loss of a loving mother, 5peeial thanks to Pfneerest Nursing Horne and staff', Presbyterian W , M, S, who served lunch after, Our heart- felt thanks. Marie Greer, Wanda Harris and families -48* MaeDONAL1i I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, gifta, visits, inquiries and prayers **dell was a patient in the Winghasn and London Hospitals, A special thanks to our Ladino* and London Meters), and .1 can't forget the nursing staff act both hospi fats, They were waft Thanks a million to you all, Margaret MaeDonald onto -=-4g DRENNAN We world 1'krke to e*tent our sincere appreciation to relaatives, friends and neigh boars few the many things they did to tn*ke our wedding such a happy oeeaagton, Many thanks to thou who orgsnired and Mewled the bridaai showets, the stag, and dee and the reception, Thank yeti for the bwaatrttfeal gifts *tad well wishes, M1 was very much aappre- ciarted: Paul and Liz -48 GLENN wooed Poke to thank the Loetan>evv' Due tors aced everyone uta v visaed rare whale 1 was a patient in 'C ing9rana Hospital and those who sem cods and flo',wer's, h w*s really atopre'crared and wolf aaPoaays be re e►rabeverd. /horns yogi very aancfa. Mott' Glenn -48xr 2;H I otrgh flo elspoess ativy *ppoeciraation to my toilet& *sad former neighbours,.oav coming avid beingiing nae good vaglist^s for xray 90th birthday. trorn+tettoree Zinn CAESAR 11 wish to throngs my faam)dly art Merv& four vns4rt9, cores. colts, ties& dive away „'`ay Dt� Ivo flat arotrd 1,iiite coming lwrie. 'c ial thaasa to I. Ceram►, McKim mg idly.. true Nimes and oreebiht's aafl Otte h ,spirtaalJ, also' hitt) and Gtio ita atnet At goys eat C & 1M '1ra+ftpbet+. Ifr4 kno lmwss wird!► ib+ 61e' remembered. Deo Cass a - 32, Corning CHNOSIMAgst1V J'ile alisettir f'e arD4is pre'servr d let trad itti oral concert! of C r toil n mein* in l iPsr Me -0,1)641W Haa1JI}.. S aseat'y, i ceteAtr 4,, aft 33 p 0. and 8 p.m. T'itik grt 44.615) mid 41.9fi Atte alvesilvt4 Worn Fria Rost Mite 0511-91611)) sold ti's ' Sigar (s -433f v. CANTOLE WW1 SINVICE )lied isivo» Chritstti n Neformedl ClAri retkr,, S L dam. D ceysnber 18,. 8p. mi. * nt) and t u+8ysirtthrmrg povitiledt. Eoierycsaa>e• Oetbe. -48.4 to arrraaaraaoaraaarararaaararraaaarraaoraoarrraa4 32. Coming events r�rarrr rrrwerrarrrraarrrrrarrrrsrrrarrsr NEW TEARS EVE LIAR C Tickets now available for Dungannon Flew Years Eve dance, $9,00 per couple in advance, Music by Star Spinners, Happy Hour 9 - 10 p,m, pull meal included, Call 529, 7956 or 529-7432, -48 OPERETTA PI1tlOCCfflO The senior students of Lucknow Central Public Sehool are presenting the Operetta "Pinocchio", also special numbers by the Lucknow School Concert Rand and the kindergarten class, Thursday, December !1, 8s15 p,m, Everyone welcome. Adults $2.00, children $1 A10, -48 IHNE TE COMMUNTIT CHIUMAS BAZAAR The Lueknow and District Nineties ere holding their 3rd annual Christmas Bazar Saturday, Dee'enmber 3, from 11 aim, to 4 p, m, at the Lucknow Legion, Crafts by area residents and baking for sale, Tea and cookies served, Free admission, 46,47,48 CHRf4TMAS CONCERT The Ludlam* Presbyterian Sunday Sleben will be presenting their annual Christmas conceit on Sunday, December 4 at 9,38 p,m, Everyone weleorrre, -47,48* mem DANCE For Adam and Mar t(Mitchell) Miller, who lost their home by fire, will be held Friday, Deeember 2, 9 , 1 afar, at the Ripley Huron Commiunity Centre, Ladies please bring lunch, 41,48n* CHIIISTMA8 CRAFT AMD SAKS SALE Friday, December 2, 11 aim, , 6 p.m, at the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound in the Wiogham Armouries, -47,48* EUCHRE TOURNAMENT M Dungannon Agtietrtturarl Haa11, Saturday, December 1 ttegisttaf otr 1 , 2 p,tn, Entine commences at 2 p,tn, qty fee OA person: Cali perms, Lunch, Heid under the authority of a *petiaa1 otc4a4ft permit. Proceeds to Dungannon Agiltufaal qty to support Dungannon Fair, -48 Attention Paras A. For saki FAIIMATIC HAMMER MILL, 5 HP, 6 totirpaartitient, « mtrol hwppeit, gosfisd eon- ditio r, asking $15490, Phone .19544.1 9.. -41,4g 1 FLIHN NAM and 12 free stags for woods. none 5191642. -48,49' E, Ferro services O draidnOlAsurandursuiwagavrhir itIAHLE Wir,ff,141 C t aasrebs, Bank twitters, S iiM Utulesrdlers, f oto: ing Crates., WMew Cewa S t ann§ rod Hag Psaan iTiing.. Contact fitifril itAtavoleiti, g, X, 3, ileforindi# Awe 30430, F, For rent ,if1KAl OM/WE available t J Lock) Monte one 52g,3 Y: 133tf r Joe L,etrtor d Real Estele Ltd, R:E,A.ITQ'R WEST WAH TWD'. -jhvg.t Awed. f90 Atlicen), 512 wo+>ka!t!vile. Nsi a tel. poikEtdl to set$1. iQ P„Aikf LDC Kms" - lbs acres.. 90 weal diSi wire* tlgroge Wm. and t3 +oru, coeribrvkir eg t]Pm 13 law it4it6' i iffier . HGROM I'WPM 1i� - 21 acres... 1 r w64.16)11e. 'um* tx'iriledl wit* nine two seore}r &rile* fitverse, newer dhrirve shed aro, ta��• t nias for Aorto acv fib br ope°raaticvay. WIMP IPSSOMSfIRY - 4 acre ib+t wit* 6txtrientiv t'to !' and 6trint1a'etaictbr atiVit411, to se ii. S2947