HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-16, Page 19community news
Brookside students enjoy autumn nature walk through bush
Laeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 16, 1483 -Page 19
By Bumble Henderson
Bend Brenda Gibson
On Monday, November 7 Mrs. Carroll's
class went on a walk to the bush at the back
of the school grounds. They found little
puffballs, cones, leaves and many interest-
ing things.
On November 11, there was a Remem-
brance day assembly where the junior choir
sang and poems and stories were read, The
students watched a film called, Beyond the
Beach. During the last post the flags were
raised by Jean McWhinney and Koreen
Grade 7 and 8 went to the Lucknow
Cenotaph and laid a wreath for the school,
Zehrs tape boxes were made and judged.
For the seniors, Mrs. Graham's class won
first and Mr. Cameron's class won second.
Junior winners were first, Mrs. Blacnhette's
Honour newlyweds...
@from page 11
thanks to everyone for the lovely presents
and they cut the two wedding cakes ..and
served it.
Elmer Umbach and Mrs, Glen Hodgins,
with accordian accompaniment, led in a
musical program. Many took part which
pleased both the young as well as the older
Marretta Hodgins, on behalf of everyone,
expressed appreciation to gill and Bernice
for their hospitality and for everyone coming
to make such a nice evening together.
Edna and May Boyle were dinner guests
on Sunday at Lucknow with Ruth Thompson
and Elizabeth Robinson.
Weekend guests with Marretta Hodgins
were Mrs. Glen Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs. Jinn
Bolgar of St" Catharines and Rob Hod "ns of
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Nicholson
were Mr, and Mrs. Chad Evans and Lisa of
Erin and Mr, and Mrs" Mac Nicholson of
Kinlomgir A.C.W.
On Thursday afternoon the K inlough
Anglican Church Women held their ameual
Friendship meeting which is an open
meeting ,end all are welcome to attend,
The ACW president, Mrs. Delbert Hed-
ley, extended a welcome to everyone and
gave a Remembrance Day poem, Why do we
Wear a Poppy,"
Edna and May Boyle led a scingalong, The
Books of the Bible, Into My Heart and
Alleluia. Mrs, Midford Wali gave two
readings cm Friendship," Mrs, Roy Collins
read, Touching Shoulders with Von, and
Mrs. Eric Thacker gave a splendid outline
of the ACW, this being a very special year
and what can be accomplished by a faithful
few, who were ready and willing to do more
than their share in co-operation and
The president closed the devotional part
with a memorial thought, and prayer, and
then invited the ladies to see the two tables
of homemade baking and the table of gift
articles. The members were so generous in
donating the many lovely things"
During the social hour, tea and refresh-
ments were served, From all the kindly
remarks, it was a very pleasant get together,
George Colwell
George Earl Colwell of Larcknow died
November 16, 1983 foffowing a stroke at the
age of 16" A retired farmer from K ioloss
Township, he was a member of the Church
of Ascension, Kitvlongh and St" Peter's
Atrgliraa Church, Lucknow.
Born to K inlor gh on July 30, 1907, he was
a son of the late John Wellington Colwell of
Holyroodi and Bella Moore 64 Riversdale.
He is survived by his second wife. Ofive
MatPbail, formerly of Habig's, whom he
married in 1917, He is also survived by four
children, Shirley. Mrs, Ray Gilders of
Clinton-, 11118 of Sunset Prairie, British
Columbia, Owen of 'Toronto and Jack of
Keoora. Three sisters, Gladys Mason of
Ripley; Annie McCosh of Ripley; lsahelle
Forster of Ripley and a brother, John Currie
Colwell of K vnlo 'Township, alsev survive as
am�11 as seven grandchildren, He 14 also
svwvived by hies finest wife, Rondo COfl na,
He was gvredeCeased by his parents, and a
sister, Nettie Hedley of Glaactn>:tuass.
The funeral was he r'+ Noweiro er 12, l
as MacKenzie and McCready Funeral Homme
tocknow with Rev. Phi13 p ROCdP of Ripley
and Rev. George &avrait of tOdignOW
Crertya iron. Burial followed a v GreentviR
Family and friends gathered atf Sd. Peter's
Parish Hall followingpthe Ei neral where the
Daises sery. ir. tea.
0 'a'
Howard Davids Thome on passed away
Ey on Monday, Otrabec ID, 13 'try
Owen Sound Geo al axed Manse IITova1 any
Ms 'MED year
He was 0 0., 6ty l€1 loon Township on April
24. 13 .dte sen mt George rilitornpwa and
Saara& Vesesnfr.
Oct Ay til 214‘. F034 Elte married Marrrycjstrre
Noes fitotscvcn. For 45 years they fare ed ovv for 2,
oneessio n 12., Huron Toornsittp grad cmc Mill,
Ivey retired to, VVvERany Street Ripley
Hcvog-ard vs sowed Pty Stns use. 't+4ariorte.
one c at er. ree. N4v . Milan Ca inns and
ons sOrP. Rem Path Of Huron T'o it
trPtree sfs;'ers. O. . 'its. Al 11rurin and Vrolke.
Urs r.' r1fL Stanley (i)tti laileknovet. liar '. Mme.
1Perry of K43'41000 arid cute hres ter.
Harvie of Huron Township, He is also
survived by grandchildrety, John f1 and
Kathy Coiling, Susan and George Tesseris,
Nancy and Rob Cumoming, Marjorie and
George Humphrey, Mary and Aaron flatt-
en, Laurie and Mike Gallant and several
great grandchildren,
He was predeceased by his parents and
one sistev. Mary, Mrs, Albert Trafford of
The funeral service as held in Ripley on
Wednesday, November 2, 1983 in the
MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home
with Rev. Philip Ruch oiating, followed
by interment in the Ripley Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Morley Stott,
Donnie Reid, Roy Collins, Donnie Forster,
Ellwood Elliott and Se1don Benjamin.
The flower bearers were John W, Stott
Art CofilinsY Ned Cote and Bob Thompson,
He was a member of the Church of the
Agt engion, K itePongh and St. P'anel's Mgb
Can Church, Ropt'ey.
Dom. Peed Age Watson
W. Pearl Agnes Watson of Goderidu end
ami fQAf s October Mt e y}�and ey ty' neral rH�
on ItI , : 13 0'14 the r M t
Site wag haArn in Mitred Thi v on
Segitenrher 1, D <;: e to Georgeandf i3
lheWhi trttey U Johnston,
ghe was ar mernhos ofMloi, gritted Chnrcsit
and the Tiger l Womerifs .
virag prefleteageil ft, her B
Wary _ Watson.
She kg gu YGvied i1. e' four 0r,44' € :' r M .
1iJ650d (Meg)) ^'t o ; a Davapid, y ,.
%'4ULt'r Ii5? (Mt)) `- rii'i �i,�p�k YY9iU�.
. Ft (( 1V)+ Itifo1gier"D of London! ,w io} Mrs.
Grant riXitkno» Clitshatradf I b' !,,o one
soca, Gordon v de l vane-, one gf t , Mrs.
Drums tli Thompson of 00 0' ZOI " y1s,
Oltle UW O N i r'r U, c di ildiYlar t UAL a g1'Jderi `k.
23 gra) ►tip yen: andDiv gireat-
A D sees was held at SireCalkra
Firnerat Horne da Q$ie+ ` may, N4,7 0 r
at 2 9_m. Vie Rever r®t r u o art Ftta n
Nile gritted Moth! officiated
��ff��P'arfte Ng
Watson,.rc�re gvra�.�-.o' 0- ,..:. �!'�y�. VI1D
l..h',.11' ii t5` g alaivy �A.�'"dd' es. Drew
XeVetli,. atson1r'1] Peter
171)orverhearerg were grandoomJit n
tVett, Steighen gulf 1t frodges Allan,
NtetVetl and Et0 Hue
Dat peat was »rt the Dungannon
(r:e teary.
class and second, Mrs, Worsell's class
Mr. Liddle's class is doing a series on Tom
Gratton's War and they're studying about
how films are made, They are looking
forward to hearing from their penpals in
Calgary. They are also doing a research
project on World War 1,
Mrs, Blanchette's class made paper
puppets this week,
Donald, Tricia and Penny Holmes are
moving away and Mrs. Cameron's class had
cake and ice cream as a farewell party for
Mrs. Young's class' is reading their first
reader to Mr. Jewitt, and are also studying
about animals and people getting ready for
Mrs. Alien's class went to the bush and
put bird feeders in the trees. Mrs. Ross went
along with them,
Mrs. Blake, librarian, chose the library
assistants and they are helping her slip
books and do other various jobs,
Mrs. Graham arranged for Dr, Mowbray
to speak to the students in the 7 - h classes
during Career Week,
The staff and students at Brookside were
disappointed to hear their most respected
and well liked principal, Mr. Gary Jewitt, is
leaving Brookside to take tip ditties as
principal of Seaforth Public School in
January. After seven and a halt years t4 his
competent leadership we ate very reluctant
to see him go but we wish hire well in his
new placement.
Luwknow Lancers 13w2 by New Hamburg
By Drove Ifinek
In OHA Intermediate C action the
Lucknow Lancers were blasted 13 - 2 on
Sunday by New Hamburg,
The home team scored three goals in the
first period, five in the second and five in the
Lancer goals came in a 40 Second span,
midway through the third period, Grant
Gilchrist scored at 12,5'5 of the third with
assists going to Jim Van Osch and Fait
Murray, Forty seconds later Pat Murray
scored the second goal assisted by Gilchrist.
Lancet goalie Ray Guay played a good
game and kept the score from going higher.
The Lancets were missing several players
from the defensive £4 nil offensive corps,
The Lancers next game is against
Palmerston on Thursday, The team travels
to Palmerston and anyone wishing to travel
to away games by bus may accompany the
team, First come, first serve and cost is
pet person,
Next home game is Sunday, November 20
at 7,30p,m, when the Lancers will hast Elora
who were last year's divisional c'haentrpions,
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