The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-16, Page 9community news
Laeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 16, 19&3—PaSe 9
Timbrell announces farm tax reduction program
Ontario a ticultute minister announced
last week that the province's farm tax
reduction ptogtam will inctease the rebate to
fatmets from 50 pet rent to 60 pet cent of the
total faun tax bill.
This proposal barks away from the
changes in the proposal Timbrell was ttying
to introduce which would have seen farmets
receive a 100 pet rent rebate on taxes paid
on his ptoduetive farm land. t1hdet this
proposal fatmets would have paid tax on the
market value assessment of the faun home.
Timbtell said occasionally it is "teftesh-
ing`' for a government to change its mind.
tjpon Moser study of the 100 pet cent rebate
ptoposat, ministry officials disceveted that
mote fatmets than expeeted would pay
highet tax bills than under the old program
*trete a fatmet was rebated 50 pet rent of
his total farm tat bill.
Merle Gunby of Ashfield Township, a
former director on the Ontario federation of
Agtirult ite board of &reMots said friday,
the proposal announced last week is a polit-
ica derision because the figures wettn't
ronrlusive. Gunby said the original proposal
was a step towards property tart teftetm.
The new proposal fast week leaves the
Ontario federation with two choices: con-
tinue fighting fot ptopetty tax tef'otm of take
the best ptogtamr for the rneatttime. The
OPA board of directors met last Thursday
and approved the proposal Timbrell announ-
ced last week but with some teservations.
The O1A has called on the ptovincial
govetnment to set up a mechanism to.
explore true property tax reform.
Area federation membets have voiced
their opposition to any tai reform ptogram
which would tebate fatmets 100 per cent for
theft tax bill. fatmets feared if they paid no
taxes on their property, this would entitle
thegovetnment to an interest in of Nen on
the fatm ptopetty.
Local fedetations of agriculture and
county councils sent resolutions to the
minister of agtiraltute stating theit opposi-
tion to a 100 pet rent rebate on farm tax
Granby explained than a rebate on farm tax
is necessity because while, eommetcial
taxes ate paid by business, they are
assessed on their property not their
itiventoty fot the p�uutpose of tax assessment
which is a Significantly lower assessment
than if tax bills were assessed on inventory.
Pot fatmets, their ptopetty assessment is
ronsidetably higher than theft inventory
assessment would be. The provincial gov-
ernment offets a farm tax tedurtion ptogtam
to fatmets to offset this inequity.
Plements of the 104 Ontario fatm tax
AUend Madill commencement
tty Rae Wei
(Wended car hart weal
flitabeth Wilkins of Toronto was home on
the weekend with het patents, Chatles and
Mayme Wiiltims. Ott friday everting Eliza-
beth and fret family attended the comrtrrenre-
mrent art ttte P. P. Madill Secondary School im
W inghamr. flitabeth teteived fret diploma
for the completion of grade 13.
George and Amdtea Marboteald have been
• on holidays oris past week, otr a trip to the
limited States where they visited teleattiives.
Visiting teret111y with Rhefta MatLenrran
was fret brother and sister im law. Harold
and Peggy Jardine of Hartist m and her son
and daughter-in-law. Jack and Annette
Matten,ran of 5ftatford.
Martine Luther spent a few days in Ridge -
town visiting relatives.
Carol f iniayson. her husband. John Balth
and son. Alexander. visited on the weekend
with dorothy Pinlayson.
O'orothy Pinlayson visited this past week
with het family in Toronto.
Ray and Edna Marl(entie and Marion
Hattett of Toronto were weekend visitors
with Ross and Jean Marfetrtie and on
Satutday werre in attendance at Jim and
Ruth Mar(entie's farm, sate.
The couples ftom the atea who were in
Lucknow Ptiday evening to attend the
annual Legion gangue/ and fiance held at
the Legion Hall wete George and Retty
Mont -tied. Art and Lil Matfhewmran, Elmer
and Pdma Culbert, Warren and June Wylds,
lob and Jean Simpson and gob and Maty
Wellington and Kae Webster had the
pleasure of having Wellington's sister:
Wynn Gammie of Lueknow calf on them the
other day.
Lucknow institute donations
support day centre, and band
The Lucien* Women's Institute held
their November meeting in the 1rrst,tute
Rooms ort Tuesday. November 8. A delicious
dessett and tea was served by the commiffee
i, _hatge.
Gtare Gibson, the president, read a poem
ore ' ' Remembrance' .. The roll tali. Recent
news on Agriculture and Canadian
industries. was answered by 23 members
and one visitor.
During the business it was derided to
participate at the kite* bai.aar on decem-
ber 3. A donation was given to the bay
Centre for the Homebound in Wingham and
also to the Lucknow School Concerti and for
Reports of tiro Rally. which was held in
Kincardine were given by the delegates.
Grace Gibson and Mary MacGillivray. Stella
Tillbrook reported on the rug branding
coyest which she and Jean Whitby attended
in Walkerton. A number of ladies *ere
interested in this course and the first work
meeting will be November 21.
Mrs. Norman Taylor chaired the meeting
for the program. Mrs. Cyril grown gave a
reading, Why Wear a Poppy?` Mrs. William
Henderson led in a sing song_ Songs which
were popular during the Two World Wars
were sung by all.
It was decided to have a Christmas dinner
at tate december meeting.
Trhihy feiowhip group meets
it), Rely AftI1 'e
The Trinity United Church Fellowship
meeting was held at Charlie and Mayne
Will`kins Sunday evening_
Former Zion neighbours called on Eldon
and Madeline Ritchie ir, Goderich Friday
night and presented them with TV trays and
place mats.
Chester and Kell Hackett and Scott visited
Sundayafternoon with June Clark and
Congratulations to those graduating rec-
ently at Continence -meat Exercises at F F.
vtadill Secondary School. Local students
included Brenda Hackett. Michael McCann.
George Alton. Gail Kemp. Robin Markham.
Cindy Nixon. Suzanne Kirkland. Dane
Gibson. Patty ltarger and Elizabeth Wilkins.
Achievement Nigh was held at ffrookside
School Tuesday evening. November 8 for the
club. Looking Great. Feeling Great. Suzanne
Alton received her Provincial Honours. Local
leaders were Mary Lou I'aynar'd and i1ayel
Jean Henry of Cmderich visited with Eula
and Alex Hackett and other former
neighbours for a few dyes last week
Ann (nee Arnold), and Wayne Tribe of
Edgerton, Alberta also visited with their
atrnT and uncle. .ilex and Elia Hackett.
reduction program include:
1. Rebate will increase from 50% to 60% of
total farm property tax bill
2. Assessment rolls will be returned as in the
3. farm residence will be assessed with farm
land and out buildings as in past
4. Gross ptoduetion level in central and
southwestern Ontario remains at $8,000
level; drops to $,000 in northern and
eastern Ontario.
Grose ptoduction levels will be reviewed
annually but not automatically adjusted.
5. farmers not meeting gross production
level due to abnormally low rtop yields,
abnormally depressed pricesor products
with lengthy maturation will still be eligible.
fatmets not meeting gross production
level due to old age, illness, death of a
Luchnow Arena Schedule
Ind. Hockey - Pine Rivet vs Lueknow
Pott Albert vs 1intail
7 p. m. Pee Wee - Mildmay vs Lueknow
8:30 Hantatn - Teeswatet vs Lueknow
2 - 4 p.m. Pubtir Skating
1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Public Skating
3:45 Juvenile Hockey
7:30 OHA Int. - Elora vs Lurknow
8:30 Midgets - Ripley vs Lueknow
7:00 p. m. Atom - Howiek vs Lueknow
8:30 Md. Hockey-Pitre Rivet vs Port Albert
Lonrho* vs Holyrood
7 p.m. Pee Wee A - Howie* vs Ludt**
8:30 p. tn. Hantam - Ayton vs Latino*
2 - 4 p.m. public Skating
spouse will still be eligible providing
* still living on farm
* eligible fot rebate in preceding 10 years
* farm income exceeds Alarm income
(excluding pension/investment).
6. Fatm Tax Rebate Appeal Hoard to be
established will heat appeals from farm
owners who do not meet Program criteria
and who feel unfairly denied rebate.
* Hoard will consist of seven members ham
agticultutal community
* Hoard wi11 not have jurisdiction to considet
appeals regatding assesstnent matters.
7. paten owners claiming rebate must be
Canadian Mite/is/permanent residents.
S. Property tax credits and pensioner grants
will continue for farmets, calculated on total
Tutu to page 12*
tV1 SbA1, Nomura 22
Rev, Ni11 Atsolem, 100 Huntley Stmt
Weal fitittOft Jfffilor ftp
rlday, Moven**, Mb
Saturday, November 10100
Friday, tnieembtit 2, 10, 33
Saturday, Iyettarabor 3
9100 MM. *nd 640 p►,ax. ONLY
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